• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Florian

  1. F

    City Survivor - round 10! (Final Three)

    I've had the misfortune of meeting Gary Gygax--the man is a putz. And I'll gleefully support anything that Skip Williams hates, because...well...Skip's a bit of a putz too. Greyhawk must die. Sigil forever!
  2. F

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour (Updated 29 Jan 2014)

    I still say yer a right bastard for that. *grumbles and lumbers off*
  3. F

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour (Updated 29 Jan 2014)

    Fear the Nishruu Grenade!
  4. F

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour (Updated 29 Jan 2014)

    Like: "Yeah? Well Shut Up You Crazy Bitch In A Razorvine Headdress Magazine says otherwise." My personal favorite. ;) F
  5. F

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour (Updated 29 Jan 2014)

    Flamestrike for the win! *blows sulfur residue off her fingers*
  6. F

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour (Updated 29 Jan 2014)

    Now see, you say that like it's a bad thing. Of course, I'm the one with the Elastic Vocal Cords of 1000 Voices, so....
  7. F

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour (Updated 29 Jan 2014)

    And now is part where we dance.
  8. F

    Holiday Customer Service Hell.

    You would be VERY surprised at what employers in right-to-work states (or, in Stormrunner's case, non-unionized workplaces in union states) can and do get away with. And calling OSHA in does no good--OSHA always announces their "surprise" inspections in enough time for the employer to correct...
  9. F

    Holiday Customer Service Hell.

    Be sure to turn yourself upside-down before doing it. ;)
  10. F

    Holiday Customer Service Hell.

    More from "Tales of a Stop-n-Rob": This guy pulls up at Pump 5 and wants to pre-pay gas--he wants to fill his tank, and he has a $100. Now, I didn't have NEARLY enough cash in the register to make change for that, even if he got more than $20. So I asked him if he had any smaller bills and...
  11. F

    Holiday Customer Service Hell.

    I would kill a man if I could get Timbits out of it. Well OK, maybe not for Timbits. But they're that good (to me). :D Timbits + hockey = VERY happy Florian (of course, I have neither--so you can imagine how I feel right now).
  12. F

    Holiday Customer Service Hell.

    And then there are those of us that work at convenience stores. Shemmy and the rest of my Sunday group know what I'm talking about. My store has a lot of Hispanic customers--some documented, some not, all very interesting people. One rather interesting guy in particular is somebody that we at...
  13. F

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour (Updated 29 Jan 2014)

    "Who cares about arms, I have ALL the body parts!" :p
  14. F

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour (Updated 29 Jan 2014)

    Now see, I preferred the way it went down at the table: Florian: How much did they pay you? Scribe: 5 gold per (week? Month? I don't remember--I think it was per week). Florian hands each scribe twice that amount Florian: You work for me now. Lather, rinse, repeat. God I love being...