Recent content by GoldDragon

  1. GoldDragon

    [Trailer] The Avengers

    I thought the Tony Stark lines were awesome, too. Robert is so well-cast in that movie role! We are very much looking forward to this and have been for some time. It soooo better not suck, lol.
  2. GoldDragon

    Self-Preservation vs. Acts of Evil

    I have to agree with pretty much all that has already been said. It's a case-by-case thing, based on the action and the situation and whether or not it's becoming a habit. I would also, as DM, ask for validation for an action that would seem out of character for a character. Great question, though!
  3. GoldDragon

    What is your "perfect" sized gaming group?

    I think four players and the DM is optimal. I have DM'd larger groups and find it tedious. I've also played in larger groups and find that sometimes players just get bored waiting for their turn. Too man players can also interrupt game flow by the arguments about differing opinions. Four players...
  4. GoldDragon

    On Facebook? Please help us win a night at the hotel where we got married!

    Done and also posted the story/link on our Gold Dragon Horde Facebook page. GOOD LUCK!!!
  5. GoldDragon

    Throwing Weapons - Stupid Question

    While in the end, your DM may be wrong or right, I guess that, to me, it shouldn't really matter if you choose to sit at his table. In our gaming, there are two rules...First is "What the DM says, goes" and the second is "If you don't like it, there's the door". Now, that said, we arent a...
  6. GoldDragon

    Would you rather... (Game Style)

    Off-the-cuff I'd say my preference is #1 but, as was mentioned earlier, a good DM can make either option viable.
  7. GoldDragon

    What Did Alignments Ever Do For D&D?

    I guess they really didn't don't matter but we use and love them. It's especially interesting when you can use god-goading with an alignment breech. Just puts a new spin on the gaming sessions, from time to time.
  8. GoldDragon

    Just trying to have a bit of fun

    I was trying to create a fun way to showcase some of the female D&D miniatures (WotC). Learning as I go. YouTube - Female D&D Miniatures by Gold Dragon Horde
  9. GoldDragon

    Dexter Season 5 (Spoilers for latest episodes)

    Too bad about the orphan thing but man was she (that character) annoying. I was not sorry to see her go, lol.
  10. GoldDragon

    Any recommendations for creepy /weird alien / bizarre sounding music?

    I think Britney Spears' music is creepy. Does that count? ;)
  11. GoldDragon

    Keeping fit

    Most of my days and nights are spent sitting around, usually at the computer. However, the older I get, the more I know the import of being physical. I roller blade, play tennis, walk, kayak, bicycle, box and go to the gym an awful lot. I may be an old woman (well, almost 42, anyway) but I can...
  12. GoldDragon

    New Free Web-Based Random City Generator

    I like it and just gave it a try. Since I make up my world, this will come in handy!