Recent content by halfpintgamer1976

  1. H

    Paid – [Zeitgeist Games] Open Call for Writers!

    Hey jay have you ever reached them by phone. Two more emails and two more phone calls later my husband still hasn't reached anyone. He gets a voice message and left two.
  2. H

    Abundance of NPCs

    Thank you.
  3. H

    Abundance of NPCs

    It seems that by the time the party gets to Seaquen, they have crystlin, torrent and katrina with them. Then they pick up balam in the next adventure. In some cases they seem unneccessary or as obvious walking plot devices that my party will easily pick up on if used in that function. For...
  4. H

    Heroes Season [Volume] 2 (#25)---10/01/07-'Lizards'

    Slight addition. mr muggles was looking up when she was barking. Kinda of irked me that Clair wouldn't look up too.
  5. H

    Paid – [Zeitgeist Games] Open Call for Writers!

    The only contact my husband has is an email address for a Dustin (which he got from Christopher Reed whom no longer works there). Does anyone have a phone number they email me or direct me me to halfpintgamer (att) yahoo dottt com . Would really appreciate it. Not trying to trash the company...
  6. H

    Abundance of NPCs

    There are a lot of NPCs in this campaign. A book containing all of them would be really helpful when preparing. Reading through, it seems lucky and convenient that certain npcs arrive at certain times. I'd like to throw certain npcs in early so not to make it seem so convenient . Also would...
  7. H

    Trilliths Questions

    What are all the Trillith's in the game. I've been thinking about running this, but want to do some side adventures where the party finds other Trilliths. However, I have read through the books and only have counted four so far (maddness, indomitable, deception, (unknown Trillith in Crystlin)...
  8. H

    Paid – [Zeitgeist Games] Open Call for Writers!

    Thanks, He was getting worried and I was trying to calm him down a bit. The product came out in August of last year, he sends an email to a guy every few months and someone says they are checking on it and then nothing. Recently he sent a letter and got the president I think, this was early in...
  9. H

    Untrained/trained Skills....Noooo!

    I like it. For someone who hasn't played d andd before meeting my husband, true 20 was a far easier system. I pick the skills i want my character to have and voila, he has those skills. Adding i nthe numbers and how many points you got seemed to be needless math.
  10. H

    Smallville-Season 7-Kara. 10/2007

    It's not as much about the body count, but making it believable. They should learn from the soaps. Let a character stay dead for a few episodes. Draw out the drama.
  11. H

    Pushing Daisies - anybody watch?

    It was a very different hour of television. There was no forced backstory. I especially liked the intro. "he just has these powers". It wasn't trying to pull on my recollection of previous events (not saying i dont like it, i just hate that every show is trying to be heroes or lost). The...
  12. H

    Paid – [Zeitgeist Games] Open Call for Writers!

    Has anyone ever worked for them before? Was wondering because my husband is having a hard time getting paid for work he did on a project for them and was wondering if it was the norm? He's been freelancing for some time and a company owned by Dave Arneson seemed pretty reputable.
  13. H

    Smallville-Season 7-Kara. 10/2007

    I would at least like them to pretend the person will disappear for a period of time. It's becoming more absurd how they explain someone didn't die.
  14. H

    Pushing Daisies - anybody watch?

    Not too cutesy for me and I have a kitten for my icon ;). It was very morbid, but in a cool way. Every time he brings someone back there's a possibility that two will go. How creepy is that. Best show with a voiceover since wonder years.
  15. H

    Smallville-Season 7-Kara. 10/2007

    Wow this girl can't act. I was hoping lana didn't show back up but apparently she's still a regular. Tell me again what changed from last year.