• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Helspar

  1. Helspar

    Tomb of Horrors, White Plume Mountain - What would you have WotC update next?

    I'd have to go with Rahasia. It would be nice to see some of the Solo play stuff too like Blade of Vengeance or Ghost of Lion Castle.
  2. Helspar

    Alethia Sadinel: Aasimar Ranger/Cleric

    No problem, once again I'll see what I can do. :)
  3. Helspar

    Helspar's pencil and inks

    Just trying something out with my tablet on that one, it was sort of a quicky pic to see what you were going for. I might be a little bit longer with the next attempt, but fear not, it will be on its way. I just gotta squeeze some Christmas shopping in is all ;).
  4. Helspar

    Alethia Sadinel: Aasimar Ranger/Cleric

    Ok, here's sort of a first shot at it, I can still make minor modifications if necessary, originally its pencil work colors added with Paiter classic. I don't do colored stuff very often. But hopefully it turned out ok.
  5. Helspar

    Helspar's pencil and inks

    Don't worry, its on its way, the latest by Monday.
  6. Helspar

    Art Request

    Will this work?
  7. Helspar

    Alethia Sadinel: Aasimar Ranger/Cleric

    I'll see what I can do.
  8. Helspar

    Alethia Sadinel: Aasimar Ranger/Cleric

    What weapons does she favour? Any particular style of hair? short? Long? curly? straight?
  9. Helspar

    Helspar's pencil and inks

    More stuff, lets just call this one a monster preview to get my players hyped up for later this month. I won't spoil it by telling what it is, lets let them stew.
  10. Helspar

    Helspar's pencil and inks

    This one needs a bit more work, but just to show I'm not completely idle.... Inspired of course by that pic after the Paladin section in the 1st Ed. PHB. I was going to add more devils, and still might but I didn't want it to be too cluttered. Anyways, I'm not sure what they call them now but...
  11. Helspar

    Warforged Warforged and More Warforged (Moreforged?)

    Really good stuff that one. Really good shading work and character design.
  12. Helspar

    Helspar's pencil and inks

    Here's something I thought some might get a kick out of, a little homage to the old Adventurers comic. Done in ballpoint. Not my best stuff but some might be amused. ;)
  13. Helspar

    Helspar's pencil and inks

    And here we are! After much work here we have Brother Clovis and his, um, hired help. Maybe Clovis is trying to do some conversion work on behalf of Saint Cuthbert, I don't think its very effective. ;)
  14. Helspar

    Artist Keith Parkinson passes away

    A sad, sad day. To repeat those above his work was my favorite of the "Fab Four". What Do You Mean We're Lost and Lord Soth's Ride are two of my most favorite pieces of fantasy work.
  15. Helspar

    Helspar's pencil and inks

    More stuff, pen and ink once again, this time Morgana and Brude take the spotlight. Don't worry Clovis, your turn is next. ;)