• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by joganrosh

  1. J

    Forgotten Realms Player's Guide in the UK?

    for anyone in the york area, i've been told the travelling man got theirs in yesterday. i'm going to go get mine this lunchtime and probably spend my lunch hour reading through with a coffee and sandwich :D
  2. J

    Thunderspire: Ex[eriences?

    Currently running thunderspire now. We ran through the first encounters on saturday and managed to finish the chamber of eyes. Things i found were: The Seven Pillared Hall: An awesome little polder, my players really liked it the npcs and locations; the half-orc tap room brought much interest...
  3. J

    Forgotten Realms Player's Guide in the UK?

    yeah, fingers crossed for the 4th.
  4. J

    Forgotten Realms Player's Guide in the UK?

    i'm really hoping to pick it up tomorrow at travelling man in york. Am dying to finally see the swordmage class as a whole, as well as add other stuff to my game. does anyone else get the really "aw shucks" feeling when they go to look for it and its not there? :)
  5. J

    KotS -- built for 5 PCs?

    hey man, how did you scale it back for 3 pcs? i'm running KotS on saturday and one of my players dropped out. am a bit nervous as its the gangs first 4e session and i want it to go well (i.e. not too easy, not too hard). I intend them to do all the kobold stuff, finishing with Irontooth in the...
  6. J

    Amazon UK shipped and delivered already

    i got the red and white royal mail ticket yesterday, picked the books up at 7.30 this morning from the local post depot before work... i'm now stuck in work until 8pm, with the books in my bag.... i might have to disappear for an extra long lunch break :)....
  7. J

    Amazon UK shipped and delivered already

    Oo, bodes well, apparently my order of the core books were dispactched yesterday, expected to arrive saturday. i will be mega chuffed if they get here today! oh amazon uk, the KotS debacle will be forgiven if i get the books today! come on!
  8. J

    4th ed in the UK?

    annoyingly, my own impatience got the better of me; i preordered KoTS from amazon, and saw on the 20th that it wouldnt get to me until the first week in june a few days later, i passed my local gaming shop and saw it on the shelf and thought, "I cant wait!" and bought it there and then. when...
  9. J

    Beefing up KotS's Story: 1st encounter (SPOILERS)

    nice intro, i'll take it! zoink!
  10. J

    KotS impressions

    well, i've read through KotS a few times now before running, and so my first impressions are 1. the double page encounter spread is awesome. finally, no more flicking around a book to find creature stats, maps, treasure, tactics etc. 2. monster entries are easy to read; no more massive stat...
  11. J

    Amazon Distribution "Issues" in the UK

    i've been disappointed with amazon.co.uk today too, just got online and checked my email. fingers crossed my local travelling man in york will have it. ho hum...
  12. J

    KoTS Dragonborn Paladin: Errata already?

    thanks for the link Mort_Q, i hadnt even got round to looking at the other pregen characters yet!
  13. J

    KoTS Dragonborn Paladin: Errata already?

    yeah, i get that its in warehouses ready to go out next week, i guess what i mean is, is there an official "this is wrong" anywhere that i've missed, or have i missed a rule. i havent seen the link in the first reply post yet, so i'll check that now. man, quick replies though, thanks guys!
  14. J

    KoTS Dragonborn Paladin: Errata already?

    From what i have read, Fort Defence is based on: 10+1/2 character lev+class bonus+[higher str or con] Based on the stats given on the sheet, the Fort Defence should work out as 10 + 0 + 1 (paladin class bonus) + 4 [the dragonborns strength, the higher stat] = 15 On the sheet the Dragonborn...