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Recent content by Kid Socrates

  1. K

    Game session abruptly canceled

    I am amazed at how many people are acting like the parents are the ones completely to blame. My sister has four children, ranging from ages 9 to 2. For her to go ANYWHERE, for ANYTHING, requires a Herculean effort. You've got to get the kids up and dressed and put together. You've got to make...
  2. K

    What's the game balance reason for needing a +1 weapon before enchanting further?

    I understand that in the rules that a weapon must first be a +1 before you can put special enchantments on it like flaming, shock, keen, so forth and so on on it. I'm assuming this is for low-level balance, that a lower-level character dealing an extra 1d6 elemental damage per round might tip...
  3. K

    Whould you buy a system-free setting?

    I don't think I personally would because it would feel like I'd be doing all the dirty work and none of the fun work. I designed a world for the game I run now, and I'm working on a different one for the next game I'll start sometime later this year. I have a lot of fun coming up with ideas like...
  4. K

    What's Wrong with Virtual Tabletop Play?

    I run both an in-person game and an online game. Both had two players (until an online player decided that he no longer had need of creative pursuits in his life). The online game is played on the Psionics IRC server using mIRC. We would all open two instances of mIRC, with one as...
  5. K

    Worst Puns you ever did.

    I had an NPC that the party knew go undercover to help them as Steve Incognito. The best part is, Incognito is a real last name. The St. Louis Rams have a center named Richie Incognito. One of my players is the punmaster, though -- I'll check the logs for some of his best.
  6. K

    amazon: Confessions of a Part-time Sorceress: A Hip Girl's Guide to the D&D Game

    While I'm not exactly the target demographic for this book (being a 24-year-old male), I look forward to snagging it off the shelf of Barnes & Noble and reading it for a few minutes to see what it's like. Heaven forbid an author crack a joke in her bio, too.
  7. K

    Erfworld - getting good?

    I tried, but still -- enh. Nothing there for me.
  8. K

    Stepping over "The Line" in a campaign

    I tend to joke around a bit when The Line is approaching for my players -- we make a lot of video game jokes, so when I say, "Would you like to save your game?" they get a good idea that something bad is just on the other side of their actions. I've never thought of doing an actual Save Point...
  9. K

    DMG2 & PHB2 - are they worth it!

    I picked up DMG2 over the summer, and PHB2 last week. I adore PHB2. It is one of the best books I've bought all year, has a lot of great ideas, and fills in a lot of gaps in the first PHB. DMG2 I've gotten less use out of, but I still think I'll be a better GM after reading through it, and I...
  10. K

    Derogatory term for cohort

    Cannon food.
  11. K

    Rules in 3.5 that need fixing and what you'd do to fix it.

    Something I'd like is already in place in the Rogue class: selectable class abilties. I kinda like the idea of having every odd level be a feat and every even level be a class ability. Class abilities would scale with level (if applicable), and would cover the standard class features. For...
  12. K

    Anime culture and D&D

    I'd pin some of that on translation and localization. Final Fantasy Tactics is the best example of a deep plot being undone by a poor translation that I can think of ("Life is short! Bury!"), and fine details can be missed by a translator. Translations lately, actually, are getting far better as...
  13. K

    Anime culture and D&D

    And thank heavens for that. I remember when Final Fantasy: Advent Children was coming out in the U.S. finally, and on that day there was a line twenty people long at the Suncoast in the mall. I'd wager that the Spider-Man and Lord of the Rings movies had more to do with that than probably...
  14. K

    Anime culture and D&D

    I love how this thread gets stranger and stranger the further you get in. It starts talking about tea and rice, and the last post I read dropped "bukkake." I have influence from anime in my gaming, first and foremost in the fact that I'm running a Final Fantasy d20 game. Other than that...
  15. K

    How to avoid Furry Fandom?

    I think you'll be fine, really. There are plenty of games out there that don't have this problem, be they conventional tabletop RPG (World of Warcraft's Tauren) or video game (Fire Emblem's laguz). Just talk to your players. Communication solves most every problem.