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Recent content by mandarific

  1. mandarific

    Who's going to Gen Con?

    This will be my first year, but the bf and one of our roomies are returning veterans. We'll be in the Fairfield. :)
  2. mandarific

    Pathfinder 1E South Wisconsin - Pathfinder (+ Other Games!)

    Hi there! My boyfriend and I are located in Janesville, WI and looking to start up a Pathfinder group, preferably on Sundays or Saturdays, to run the "Kingmaker" storyline. (Or, if you've done that but still want to play Pathfinder - we could probably come up with a homebrew campaign if need...
  3. mandarific

    When to Start the Story

    I've honestly never heard of starting with "Roll initiative!" but oh my gosh, do I want to try that now. That has got to be the best idea for a campaign start ever. I personally hate the Tavern trope and usually go right to the players at least already knowing eachother. I hate the idea that...
  4. mandarific

    Worst fantasy names in our Real World

    Zebulon & Lizard Lick, both towns in North Carolina. We have a couple awkward ones, actually. The entire Outer Banks is pretty poorly named. (Bodie Island... because it used to be Bodies Island back in the day. Er.)
  5. mandarific

    Inception - Thumbs Up or Down?

    Thumbs up for me, I really enjoyed it. It also didn't feel as long as it actually was, which was a plus. I haven't seen it a second time though yet, so I'm not really sure about the ending, but I could see where it could go either way.
  6. mandarific

    Longest Board Game You Ever Played

    Risk for me, I think we went for six hours? I get really antsy if I have to sit in one place for too long, though I've had some monster D&D sessions that went way longer than that.
  7. mandarific

    Looking For Games in Grand Rapids, MI

    Hey Folks! I am moving to Grand Rapids, Michigan in just a few short weeks (well, next week, but I'll be in Wisconsin for 2 weeks prior to actually settle in) and I know absolutely no one up there who games! I'm sure there are folks out there, I just don't know any yet. I currently have only...
  8. mandarific

    What does your ultimate gaming table look like?

    Rather than a 'sunken' area for the map or whatever, I think I'd much rather have a table with a raised center, possibly so that people could slide things underneath or what have you. Also along the lines of the sultan, definitely some way of being able to hold your drink/pizza/etc without...