• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Recent content by Milo Taproot

  1. M

    [4e] Combat Tracker Utility

    This tool is fantastic! I recently started a new game and I have used this to track combats. After two sessions I don't think I would want to go back to running without it. After session number three, in a couple of weeks, I will post some specific feedback and suggestions; that is if you...
  2. M

    [4e] The Balestar Rises OOC [Full]

    *wave* I am here, just constantly thrown off course with other things. Working on converting Laurn this week. Test character block below, will be back to edit it later. Laurn Elf Male Level 1 Monk (path of the river)) Lawful Neutral Age: 105 Height: 5'5" Weight: 130 Eyes: Blue Hair: Shaved...
  3. M

    D&D 4E Halivar's 4E auto-calculating character sheet v.2.03 (OpenOffice, Excel & blank PDF)

    I don't currently do not do any calculations with any feats, including those granted by classes. This does expose a bigger issue, I do not have any place in the the HP section to allow for a player to manually entered bonuses that can then be can be calculated in to the totals. Adding in a...
  4. M

    D&D 4E Halivar's 4E auto-calculating character sheet v.2.03 (OpenOffice, Excel & blank PDF)

    My Version of the Charsheet First, I must thank Halivar,without his sheet this heavily modified version would not exist! Also I need to thank Darkthorne ,his racemod example gave me an idea for how I wanted to handle things as well as provided me with a bit of raw data. I knew to help my...
  5. M

    hiding behind allies

    I read the definition as allies to not provide cover to an enemy target, but do provide cover for you against an enemy target. So if the "you" in in your statement is not a PC but an NPC baddie, then the a PCs allies would be the "other enemies". That sounds as though allies of a PC target...
  6. M

    Making your own power cards

    I need to jump in the thread and thank all the template creators; especially tintagel who's template I have used all weekend. I made cards for all the level 1-2 powers in preparation for the start our upcoming game and am very happy with how the cards turned out; even without the use of...
  7. M

    [OOC] Solo Campaign Mad-Lib - The Decision Is In

    This is a great brainstorming exercise. I started by having a bit of fun choosing random words and putting them together and each time I did I started to think how I could flesh out a whole campaign around what I had. Here is one example: Welcome to Airadon! A world of Irradiated natives...
  8. M

    [Dallas Gameday] Aftermath and Commentary starts on Page 10!

    Excellent, I have cleared that Sunday and have put in on my calender. Count on me as a traveler player. I have not played traveler in 20 years(if you call what we did as playing) and I am looking foward to trying out this new version. Also if Sam gets a slot, and it does not conflict with...
  9. M

    [Dallas Gameday] Aftermath and Commentary starts on Page 10!

    Wow! Just the other day I was longing for the days of DalCon and Fantasy Fair. Fondly remembering my trepidation of gaming with strangers, and wondering why I have not read about any gaming gatherings around N. Texas. Then Blam! A game day forming right in my own backyard. Sunday the 28th...
  10. M

    Xenosaga vs. EQ Adventures

    Well I did not play Xenogears, and when a co-worker recommended Xenosaga to me I was a bit skeptical, but I picked it up. Boy am I glad I did, it is fantasic! The story is great, and the gameplay has enough hooks to keep me interested. Now mind you its pretty linear and there are a lot of...
  11. M

    scarred lands

    Wow, thanks a bunch for the quick reply Nightfall. I am always impressed with how fast questions get answered on these boards. I did not know that the Gazetteer had a map in it, that alone will get in my shopping cart. Plus you just gave me a great idea! Since my players no nothing about the...
  12. M

    scarred lands

    A quick question. *stands up* "Hello I am a enworld lurker." As you can see from my post count, I dont post much. I do visit the site as often as I can, when real life allows, and I find much to read (so many story hours) but I usually dont have much to say; that is until now. A little over...