Recent content by Montkiva

  1. M

    Marking by Monsters

    Hi all, How does marking by monsters work? I can't find it in the Monster Manual. When a monster marks a PC, does the PC simply have a -2 to attack other targets? Or is a monster's mark the same as a fighter's mark (i.e. the monster can attack if the marked PC shifts or attacks a different...
  2. M

    How to gain Combat Advantage

    Look at the "First Strike" ability of the KotS rogue: "at the start of an encounter, [the rogue has] combat advantage against any creature that has not yet acted in the encounter." With an initiative of +4, there should be a few circumstances in which the rogue can get combat advantage at the...
  3. M

    Skills in Combat

    I don't think skill challenges, or even complex skill challenges, are strictly out-of-combat. Look at the extra skill challenge for KotS. Each skill requires a different type of action. For example, Arcana can be used once per turn as a free action, while Heal can be used as a minor action. The...
  4. M

    Skills in Combat

    Hi all, When a PC uses a skill in combat to, for example, disable a trap, what kind of action is it? A minor action? Free? Standard? Thanks!
  5. M

    The "H" Series

    Oh, ok. Thanks!
  6. M

    The "H" Series

    I was looking through my preorders on Amazon today and noticed something strange. H1 - Keep on the Shadowfell and H3 - Pyramid of Shadows are both hardcover books. H2 - Thunderspire Labyrinth is a paperback, softcover book. What gives? It would be nice to have all three be hardcover and it...
  7. M

    Excerpt: powers (merged)

    Does it bother anyone else how much space those power cards take up? My group has a DM plus 5 players, and we simply don't have the table space for everyone to spread out their cards like that. There is surely a business opportunity out there for someone who can come up with a solution needing...
  8. M

    Character and Monster Tokens

    You might want to check out the token packs at Fiery Dragon Productions. They have a bunch of different token packs, which cost a bit of money. Here's a link:
  9. M

    3rd Party Classes - Wish List

    Maybe I'm missing something, but I thought the new GSL didn't permit third-party publishers to create new classes. If you look at that thread compilation, it says: "Mandatory Restrictions: No Covered Product may contain rules or instructions of any kind that: • Describe a process for Creating a...
  10. M

    tracking conditions - your approach?

    Does Alea Tools' system work for miniatures that are not Medium size? For example, could I use their product with small (Kobolds, Halflings, etc), large, and huge miniatures? I think the Playdoh idea sounds pretty good. Maybe a bit messy?
  11. M

    GSL news.

    Maybe I haven't been following closely enough, but how is this a change from previously? Hadn't WoTC said that after a few months the 5k fee would be dropped anyways?