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Recent content by moxcamel

  1. moxcamel

    Nat 20 rule. Is it immersion breaking?

    I know you're giving an extreme example to make a point, but if I were DM'ing a lone fighter facing a massive horde of creatures like this, I wouldn't be playing out the combat blow by blow. The reality of the situation is that the lone fighter would be overwhelmed and swarmed. Maybe the DM...
  2. moxcamel

    Pathfinder 2E Pathfinder 2e: is the binding of the special edition better than the standard edition?

    I haven't compared the two Core editions, but comparing my special edition Core to my standard edition Bestiary, the binding on the special edition Core does feel like it's of better construction. It also lays flat, has two ribbon bookmarks, and just looks very nice. I know it's only a faux...
  3. moxcamel

    Pathfinder 1E I have been asked to try this again

    1) I personally don't like this because it infringes on my personal belief that players should play what they want to play. Under this system, yes, players are still allowed to play a caster, but at an unfair (imho) penalty. I think a better solution to overpowered casters is that the DM write...
  4. moxcamel

    D&D 5E Why I Think D&DN is In Trouble

    I seem to recall reading that 200k players participated in the play test. That doesn't sound like a dying brand to me. D&D is down, but not out. I agree that they completely misread both the market and their customers (something D&D seems to be cursed with, TSR had the same problem post-EGG)...
  5. moxcamel

    Pathfinder 1E Looking for the outsiders' view

    Seems to me like every player in the room except the wizard was on board with the adventure, so I just wonder if this conflict is more of a symptom of larger issues. Do the DM and player not like each other? Does the wizard player somehow feel jilted either personally or because of something...
  6. moxcamel

    Pathfinder 1E still serching a good Character gen

    I'll throw my lot in for Hero Lab too if you're willing to spend money. Obviously it doesn't beat free if that's your budget, but if you can spend some money, there's nothing better out there for Pathfinder imho. I really don't think it's that expensive when you consider that all the Pathfinder...
  7. moxcamel

    Pathfinder 1E Can you write a higher level spell to scroll than you can cast?

    The Scribe Scroll feat says you can scribe a spell "that you know." If you don't know it, you can't scribe it. HTH. :)
  8. moxcamel

    Pathfinder 1E Sell me on an Adventure Path (to adapt to/mine for 5E)

    I'm just about to run the Reign of Winter Adventure Path, and it looks really good. Can't profess to having run it yet, but we did run through D&D Next from start to finish, and it seems to me that RoW wouldn't be that difficult to convert. The whole thing is very well written, perhaps a tad bit...
  9. moxcamel

    Does Anyone Else LOVE the new Detect Magic?

    The playtest version is pretty much how my group has always used Detect Magic. There are some elements of regression that I don't much care for in the playtest, but I agree with you that this is how Detect Magic should work. It's just one of those spells that should rely mostly on DM...
  10. moxcamel

    Lists of what I am not allowing will be passed around the room.

    If you're talking about the playtest, it might be a bit early to make sweeping house rules. Things are going to change a lot, and the idea is to playtest the material as presented so as to standardize the feedback. If you're talking about the actual game as shipped...well, ok. :)
  11. moxcamel

    I Did a Little Experiment and I'm Impressed.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but there really isn't any macroing to set up in the VTT, right? Wondering if you subtract the macroing time, how do they stack up against each other then? Everything you said here is pretty much why I'm not going to even experiment with the VTT with my players yet. I...
  12. moxcamel

    You down with OCB?

    As some others have said, I no longer want to strangle small puppies or kick a nun after having used it. It still hasn't arrived, in the sense of feature-completeness, but unlike the previous tools I finally have faith that it *will* get there. Overall I'm really happy with the direction.
  13. moxcamel

    D&D 4E [4E Players, mainly] Ever thought of defecting to Pathfinder?

    Absolutely agreed 150%. With 4e, the tools were an add-on. Going forward with the next major edition (and for FSM's sake PLEASE don't let it be any time soon!), online tools are going to be part of the core product. It's even possible that we hold in our sweaty little hands the last physical...
  14. moxcamel

    D&D 4E [4E Players, mainly] Ever thought of defecting to Pathfinder?

    I promise, I've no interest in edition wars :), and I prefer 4e over Pathfinder also. Unfortunately, everything that made DM'ing difficult in 3 and 3.5 remains the same in Pathfinder, which is really the only reason I only play Pathfinder, and won't DM. But having said that, I think...