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Recent content by NMcCoy

  1. N

    Prayer vs. Bless: What the...?

    Suppose you're up against an evil cleric who has used the Prayer spell to toughen up the AC of his cultist minions. Does it strike anyone else as problematic that you improve your party's chances of hitting more by casting Bless on your enemies than by casting it on your allies? Someone in WotC...
  2. N

    D&D 5E [D&D Next] Second Packet - initial impressions

    Loving the "two attacks at half damage" thing. Only thing I'm wondering is if it cuts sneak attack in half; hoping two-weapon rogues are viable rather than terrible. I'm also hoping that multiclassing will be enough to get at least the +2 "proficiency bonus" on magic attacks. It's not awesome...
  3. N

    [Playtest 2] Spell damage out of whack?

    Note that this playtest does not contain flanking, and that hiding usually takes an action. If you expect Sneak Attack only every other round, the damage seems rather more reasonable.
  4. N

    Tip: Massed Advantage Rolls

    So, you've got a swarm of kobolds and/or rats, and are aggrieved at having to roll large quantities of pairs of dice when they all have advantage? Fortunately, there's an easier way to deal with it. Say you've got 10 advantagey kobolds rolling against a single target. Roll 10 d20s. Set aside...
  5. N

    D&D 5E I Don't Like Damage On A Miss

    Hey, 4e player here (who previously burnt out badly on 3.5, and loved reading the 1e AD&D books as a kid). I like the at-will spells and the reaper feat. They seem D&Dish to me, and cause no harm to my suspension of disbelief. I will be less eager to pick up 5e if it excludes the things that I...
  6. N

    First Impressions?

    There's some funkiness with how certain rules interact, possibly as an artifact of merged systems. Ranged attacks against prone creatures have disadvantage, unless the attacker is adjacent - but you also have disadvantage when making a ranged attack in melee reach of an enemy...
  7. N

    I think you peeps are not thinking about+n swords properly!

    Well, since these involve a video game, they can actually be codified. In The Legend of Zelda: a Link to The Past, each sword upgrade generally doubles the damage dealt - the basic sword does 2 damage with a swing, while the final sword upgrade does 16. The Master Sword (and each upgrade...
  8. N

    L&L Turning & Churning

    With the discussion of morale earlier, I see an opportunity here for something like this: Turn Undead: As a standard action, a Cleric wielding a holy symbol can make a single Charisma check against the Morale rating of each undead creature in Close range, with success affecting the creature as...
  9. N

    D&D 5E Crazy Ideas 5E Should Not Adopt

    Each player gets a controller. Saving throws are resolved by Quick Time Events. Ability scores are superfluous (they're just a thing you do math to in order to get modifiers), so they get removed - your character's primary stats are simply now Fortitude, Reflex, and Will, determined by your...
  10. N

    D&D 5E Things from other games that are unlikely to be put into NEXT that you will port over

    The best D&D campaign I've ever played in had Aspects and Fate Points added into it, and it worked beautifully. (And helped a great deal at cushioning the Epic-threats-at-level-3 tone of the campaign...)
  11. N

    Getting rid of "Taking 10"

    Think of "take 20" as actually "take 1 and 20" - if the 1 results in an irretrievable failure, it's not a take 20 situation. If it's something that can be endlessly retried, take 20 is the shortcut to skip all that rolling. If you're searching a room for a secret door, the door won't typically...
  12. N

    The scale of ranges and area of effect

    For spells, 4e did basically have short, medium, and long ranges. They were just 5, 10, and 20. I expect to see 5e's Fireball say something like "long range - large spread", and then the tactical module will define "long range" as "20 squares on a battle grid" and "large spread" as "3 square...
  13. N

    [Very Long] Combat as Sport vs. Combat as War: a Key Difference in D&D Play Styles...

    Interestingly, it appears that the 4e Executioner Assassin's poisons were designed for both modes - there's a CaW and CaS effect for each of them, depending on if you slip it in someone's drink or just stab them with a knife covered in it. This suggests that "support both" is possible in at...
  14. N

    Lair Assault 2 Live

    So basically, it's still one long encounter, but with encounter-long effects nerfed. Bleh, time to rework my builds and go back to daily item powers. :/