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Recent content by Razilin

  1. R

    give me your over-arching plots NOW!!! please :)

    Party goes adventuring. Party acquires a set of artifacts that let them travel back and forth through time. Party learns that they cannot return to their own time while they possess the artifacts. However, the rules of time travel dictate that they cannot relieve themselves of said artifacts...
  2. R

    What's better Power Attack vs. Weapon Focus

    Power Attack is variable. The penalty and bonus are meted out as needed; it is not static like Weapon Focus. However, unless I need to qualify for a PrC, I never take it until at least 6th level, because its utility is hampered by a low BAB. Cleave and Great Cleave are useful, but only early on...
  3. R

    Always wanted to fight/Never want to fight

    I've ALWAYS wanted to the fight the Tarrasque. Barring that, I've ALWAYS wanted to run the Tarrasque in a game. To that end, my current campaign world is slowly building toward a showdown with a Tarrasque. Mind you, none of the multitude of games run before or since had ANYTHING to do with a...
  4. R

    PrCs - which ones are (a bit) over the edge?

    i don't see how any of the prcs can be broken. powerful yes, but none of them are invincible, especially if they're out of their element. i regularly abuse the dervish and abjurant champion; players who try the same in my games and up getting flanked by rogues, grappled, or immobilized--all...
  5. R

    What class has changed the least through the editions?

    I'm going with wizard; not because the wizard itself is least changed, but because its close competitor, the cleric changed MORE. The biggest (and best) change in the cleric class is not even on its special abilities column: spontaneous casting. You ask your 2nd ed cleric what he prepared for...
  6. R

    Charakter Planner for Bo9S?

    i agree that making a Bot9S character is difficult. correction. it is difficult to make them QUICKLY, especially given the maneuver prereqs and the ability to swap old maneuvers out every 4 levels. WotC, the masses cry out for a web enhancement--give us a cross-listed maneuver list!
  7. R

    The shift in gaming as we get older

    When I was younger, I was all for the "let's ROLEplay as opposed to ROLLplay" and jumped on the long, overarching plot bandwagon. I'm older and I really, really don't have time to deal with faux-acting anymore. Sure, roleplay is fun and all, but when it comes down to it, I just want to have a...
  8. R

    How often do you provoke an AoO on purpose?

    Karmic Strike, Robilar's Gambit, Mobility, and similar "high risk-big reward" tactics and feats make provoking AoOs surprisingly appealing to me. Of course, its requisite to have Tumble as a backup, for those situations when you need to move through a threatened square but don't have the hp to...
  9. R

    Crazy Concept Art - MONSTERS!

  10. R

    Powergaming: Wizard vs. Sorcerer

    in combat i think the wizard DOES need it.
  11. R

    Warrior-Mage Prestige Classes: which are viable & which are not

    for warrior-mage builds, i've traditionally used ftr/wiz/spellsword/EK, but with the advent of swift/immediate spells and abjurant champion, the old builds quickly lose their potency. i agree that abjurant champion is...excessively...viable. they can make most standard action spells swift...
  12. R

    Powergaming: Wizard vs. Sorcerer

    i'd be all for the d6 increase, but i like the inherent control in metamagic feats requiring a full-round cast time. in play, i've found that to be a very minor issue, since as a caster i rarely move around unless the rest of the party isn't running a defensive line against the opponents. and...
  13. R

    An Examination of Differences between Editions

    i've only played AD&D 2nd edition and D&D 3.0 and 3.5 AD&D 2nd: It felt like what, at the time, I considered to be an RPG. Classes were not just "what you could do mechnically," but were the actual niche you filled. A Fighter fights, a wizard casts spells. You don't see fighters who sneak...
  14. R

    Newbie Character Advice: Paladin

    1) D&D paladins will never be as cool as World of Warcraft paladins and they most definitely won't be a "healadin." It's a shame really. 2) D&D paladins are greatsword wielding, Leap Attack/Power Attacking armored monstrosities--which more than makes up for not being as cool as a WoW paladin...
  15. R

    Powergaming: Wizard vs. Sorcerer

    I could say "neither" or "both are good, depending on gaming style"... but hell with that--this is a One or the Other question, and by Jove, I'm gonna pick a side and NOT sit on some lame fence! Sorcerer! Why? 1) I'm not a magic item creator type of player. 2) I like fighting. A lot. 1) is...