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Recent content by xidoraven

  1. X

    Appeal to Support EN World!

    This has not been intrusive or intolerable at all. I hope that it makes an impact. I am about to get some money coming my way, and I am in the process of writing material compatible with the Pathfinder RPG, so I will look into some of your 3.5 products - and best of luck to you all! There are...
  2. X

    Reviewing, Revising, and Finalizing Prehistoric Animals and Dinosaur Ecology

    Sorry I have been gone and doing other things I apologize for going dark for so long - been putting a lot of things together and trying to make sure that I actually have a place to live and a project scope to put this work into. I think we have a way that we can measure the progress here so...
  3. X

    D&D 3E/3.5 Primus (Modron) 3.5 conversion & questions

    Yes - definitely invite them if they would like to be involved. I am still working on Primus in his physical aspects, and the work on the component parts breakdown on Modrons is continuing - currently up to Pentadrone, working in order. There is a 3.5e update somewhere out there, and I have it...
  4. X

    D&D 3E/3.5 Primus (Modron) 3.5 conversion & questions

    That's fine - and I am sorry to hear it... But if you are a fan of Primus and/or the Modrons and know anything about them, then I really need your input and at least a quick review... please??? ;) -will
  5. X

    D&D 3E/3.5 Primus (Modron) 3.5 conversion & questions

    So no one even has something to say about the favored weapon I chose for him either...? I was originally thinking quarterstaff for favored weapon, but I was considering the infinity web strands (filaments) and the fact that he might view the unarmed attack as the one most orderly - the one you...
  6. X

    D&D 3E/3.5 Primus (Modron) 3.5 conversion & questions

    Primus is being converted to 3.5e The current draft for Primus as a deity (short block) and as his aspects (extended deity information) as well as Inath Variant Rule stats are being compiled and are published to the following drafted point: http://elftown.com/stuff/Primus_deitystats01.pdf...
  7. X

    D&D 3E/3.5 Primus (Modron) 3.5 conversion & questions

    Aaaawwwwwww, how come he gets to be the sexy demon lord?!? :P ;) I just sent a PM his way... We'll see what happens. So far no responses, but I am glad that you both have shared.
  8. X

    D&D 3E/3.5 Primus (Modron) 3.5 conversion & questions

    I have already PMed Shemeska, and I do not know Scott Greene's username on here... Would it technically be a conversion from the first stat block created for Primus (AD&D)? I can't even imagine that being a very good inspiration, but it would be better than nothing, I guess. I love those...
  9. X

    D&D 3E/3.5 Primus (Modron) 3.5 conversion & questions

    That works for now, even as unsure as it is. ;) I have PMed Shemeska - anyone else that might be able to help on this one? I am not sure of who all is involved in the original CC discussions... I have made sure to let the members on Planewalker.com know that they can join this discussion if...
  10. X

    D&D 3E/3.5 Primus (Modron) 3.5 conversion & questions

    Ok, that's a great start. I appreciate the quick response too. ;) So would it be safe to assume that Primus could have in fact had class levels instead of simply Outsider racial HD, or is there some kind of basis here that I might be overlooking? I personally find Primus much more endearing...
  11. X

    D&D 3E/3.5 Primus (Modron) 3.5 conversion & questions

    On the Creature Catalog conversions page, Primus (Modron, Primus) is listed as being converted to 3.0e on this page, which is nice, but I am wondering where those Hit Dice came from - Outsider Monster HD levels, or some form of character class levels, as most other deities are based from. I ask...
  12. X

    Dinopriminals and Phantasy Prehistorium (Nym/Omarka)

    soooooo..... hmmmmm..... :/ So, I think I may have run into a small problem with regard to any form of publishing by any form of established company that may have to do with posting information like this openly and freely on the web. I think we may have screwed ourselves (or well, maybe not...
  13. X

    Reviewing, Revising, and Finalizing Prehistoric Animals and Dinosaur Ecology

    I'm back! Ok guys (and gals), I am back and not homeless. However, I still can't keep up with you both - you just create and revise faster than I can. ;) :D Everything looks great, and I think you are both making some very amazing progress on these critters. I just want to make sure that...
  14. X

    Reviewing, Revising, and Finalizing Prehistoric Animals and Dinosaur Ecology

    In Draconomicon, it covers only shortly the idea of 'Colossal+' which I have only ever seen in that book. I will have to post what I know about it later when my things aren't being packed and moved around (*sniffles* I hate not being able to look at my books). Some of the armored sauropoda...
  15. X

    Reviewing, Revising, and Finalizing Prehistoric Animals and Dinosaur Ecology

    considerations for statting creatures I apologize for not commenting on all of this so far, but there is a lot here and more every time I show up. Which means two things: you guys rock, and my ability to soak information is dwindling (probably because I am overworking myself and stressing over...