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[LPF] No Loitering


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"Ah, you clumsy bast.." (High Landellian) she started to say to herself in response to the young ranger flopping all over the place using her native tongue. She slung her backpack on, adjusted her blade and quite gracefully taking a place near the ranger near the door. She took the time to clean her spectacles on her robe while she waited for the rest of the people to be ready.

[sblock=Erin Vaneese Mini Stats]

Erin Vaneese
AC:16 (11 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 8/8
CMB: +1 CMD: 15

Fort: +2 Reflex: +4 Will: +1
Perception: -1 Sense Motive: -1
Initiative: +4

Concentration: +5
Level 0 Spells Prepared: Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
Level 1 Spells Prepared: 1/1 Mirror Strike

Class Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Linguistics +9, Profession (Cook) +3, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +11

Current Weapon in Hand: Wakazashi, +5, 1d6+1, 18-20, S or P
Current Conditions in Effect:
Temporary items in possession:
Items not currently in possession:
Items depleted: none
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Kepli Stormborn, shaman

Kepli listens quietly as each of the others add their own additions or propose a plan of their own. Scuttle is less sanguine; when Wilmorn falls the bird is startled and lets out an ear-piercing shriek and takes to the air flying madly in circles up near the ceiling. It takes a moment for Kepli, cooing at it in a soothing voice to calm it. Scuttle lands on the table, feathers ruffled and glares angrily at everyone in the room.

"Umm, sorry." Kepli seems a little embarrassed by the bird (and is perhaps why she left it outside to begin with) and hurriedly slips her overloaded pack onto her shoulders. "Okay, let's go then. Do we need any extra supplies? I have a few gold to spend if anyone can think of anything else we might need."


[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Kepli[/size] Aasimar Shaman 1
Initiative: +1 Perception: +10 (+12 w/ Alertness)

AC: 13 (11 touch; 12 flat-footed)
HP: 12 Current: 12
CMB: +1 CMD: 12 Fort: +1 Ref: +1 Will: +5

In Hand: Shortspear
Conditions: None yet
Spells Prepared:
  • 1st level (DC 14): Cure Light Wounds, Sleep
  • Orisons: Daze, Detect Magic, Guidance
Concentration +6
Spirit Magic: Charm Animal 1/1

[size=+1]Scuttle[/size] Seagull Spirit Animal
Initiative: +2 Perception: +6

AC: 15 (14 touch; 13 flat-footed)
HP: 6 Current: 6
CMB: +0 CMD: 6 Fort: +1 Ref: +4 Will: +4

In Beak: Nothing
Conditions: None yet
Speed: 10 ft; fly 40 ft
Melee: Bite +4 (1d3-4); 0 ft reach
Improved Evasion



First Post
A GM peeks into a room...

[sblock=ooc]Just checking in. Any purchasing to be done, or are you hitting the road? As I mentioned before, let me know a marching order, and what the general plan is. I seem to recall someone suggesting splitting up the party...? :devil:[/sblock]


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Wilmorn, human male

[sblock=ooc]Ahem...no splitting up the party (yet). I assume we're all geared for travel, so unless someone is thinking about getting something specific for the task, or looking to buy Wilmorn a +4 str composite longbow (darkwood masterwork type would be nice), I think we're ready to travel.[/sblock]
Wilmorn waits for the group to gather up, and heads out the door. As he heads to the Cityside Door, he pauses and calls out. "Ooh, one moment."

He runs up to the counter, and drops a couple of silver. "Sorry about that mug. If that's not enough, I'll come back to cover the rest of the cost after I get paid!" There is a certain cheeriness in his tone at those words.

He hurries to rejoin the group and head out the Landward Door.

[sblock=MiniStats][SIZE=+1]Wilmorn[/SIZE] Human Ranger 1
Initiative: +2 Perception: +6

AC: 15 (12 touch; 13 flat-footed)
HP: 12 Current: 12
CMB: +5 CMD: 17 Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +2

In Hand: Bardiche (+5, 1d10+6, 19-20/x2, slashing,reach,brace,+2 CMD resist sunder)
Conditions: None yet
Favored Enemy:
  • Human +2
  • Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive and Survival
  • Weapon Attack and Damage
  • May ID creature untrained (look, it's a human!)
Wild Empathy: 1d20-1

Acrobatics +7, Handle Animal +2, K(Dungeoneering) +5, K(Geography) +5, K(Nature)+5, Perception +6, Stealth +6, Survival +6, Survival(Track) +7


First Post
Erin Vaneese

As to the marching order I can either take a place in the middle, right behind the strong silent type Siddartha :) , and our Ranger Friend. If needed, I could come in front to scout ahead as well. Whatever you all want. I'm flexible.

Voda Vosa

First Post
Aszar would like to buy some lamp oil or some other liquid equally flammable. Aszar is strong and flexible, although terrible slow. However he has a horse, so he would take the rear or the front, as to not disturb the others’ movement.


[sblock=Mini Stats]Siddhartha the Hunter
HP: 9/9
AC: 18 FF:14 T:14
CMB: 5 CMD: 19
Fort: 1 Reflex: +4 Will: +3
Perception: +3 Initiative: +6
Armed: Longbow (Deadly Aim) +4 d8+2 (Point-Blank +1/+1)
Unarmed: Longsword +5 d8+4[/sblock]As they exit, Siddhartha speaks up once more. "I don't mind being front as we travel. Let's make our final purchases and head out. We can discuss our plans further along the way."


First Post
Perhaps Erin and Wilmorn can take turns with the scouting role a little (30', give or take?) ahead of the group. Sid can take the lead for the group. The other of Erin/Wilmorn can guard the rear by Aszar and his horse, with Kepli in between? So, something like E...S K A/W or W...S K A/E formation? Wilmorn would be glad to start off on formation 2 for today, scoping out a good hidden campsite for a base of operation as well, while heading toward trouble.

Actually, I just saw our tiefling's perception capabilities. Perhaps we stay with formation 2 until we find people to be sneaky around, and then we can use formation 1 or even E/W...S K A (let's call this formation 3) while approaching the trouble. If only Kepli can see through Erin's eyes.

Hey, did you know our names spell WAKES, or ASKEW? Or WE ASK, too.
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First Post
GM: Since you guys are working out marching order anyway, figure this might be a good
time to try out some map stuff to see if we can all make it work before you get anywhere near a combat. I'm trying out ditzie, which is a site that lets everyone move his or her own tokens on the map, providing distinct urls for each permutation.

Let's give it a try with the marching order. Click the map link below, and you'll go to a generic foresty map. Along the left side of the map, I stuck icons for everyone's character / familiar / spirit animal / horse. Ignore the icons at the top; they're my current gallery of stuff, and will likely change as I fiddle with that to figure it out, myself. Grab the icons relevant to you, and drag them onto the path to set up a marching order. Tiny creatures can occupy the same space as Medium, so if a critter's on you, you should be able to overlap them (likewise if you're riding a horse, which I believe is only Aszar at the moment).

When you've put yourself and / or any animals you 'own' on the map, hit the Enter key. The url line should change. Copy that url and plant it in a post here. If you know how to use the url tags on the board, have at. If not, the raw url should work just fine.

Anyone who comes after, DON'T grab the link I'm posting; grab the link that's furthest down the chain. Then make YOUR moves, hit enter, and post a new link. Hopefully, we can work out the kinks in this before it impacts play.

This map is currently irrelevant to what you guys are doing in terms of shopping / RP ing your way out of town, so don't sideline any of that for this. Just, as you post, take a stab at moving / updating on ditzie, and you can post that in an ooc block.

Anything you don't have to roll for in the Dunn Wright (so oil and standard adventure items), you can go ahead and just update your sheets for. Hopefully you weren't waiting on me on that score

Any questions, hit me. Otherwise, when it looks like you guys have agreed on your SOP to proceed, I'll push you out the gates. :)


Voidrunner's Codex

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