• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E ForgedAnvil D&D 5E Character Generator


First Post
- NEW FEATURE Added the Adventurers Log sheet. Enter initial XP, Gold, Downtime, Renown, Magic Items and each game enter Earned only and the sheet does the rest!

Thank you so much for making this awesome tool!

How does the Magic Items field function? It looks like a blank text field. How does on express downtime - units in days?

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Thank you so much for making this awesome tool!

How does the Magic Items field function? It looks like a blank text field. How does on express downtime - units in days?

Magic Items are +/- so your number of magic items (excluding potions, scrolls, and some wonderous items). Downtime is expressed in daily increments. (see note at the top right of the sheet)


Statistics Hit 1000+ Replies and 100+ Up Votes - Awesome!

Some interesting stats - thread hit 1000+ Replies and character generator hit 100+ Up Votes which is fantastic. Thanks to everyone who has given feedback to make this tool what it is today! And thank you to everyone who has supported the tool through PayPal! I hope everyone has enjoyed the development of the tool over the last 6 months or so as much as I have!



First Post
Hey Mergon, thanks for the feedback - love children are certainly not a convincing argument to implement features!

Just to clarify, what combinations of classes (including levels) are causing issues with space limitations on CSII? I'd like to have a look into more detail. I understand the info is needed, but the suggestion offered doesn't reduce the information but moves that detail to another sheet created by the user. The feats example achieves moving that detail from CSII (only focusing on Race, Background and Class(es). Feats detail would be detailed on a new sheet designed by the player (by adding a new sheet and typing in a cell =CharacterFeatDetail - merge the cells as required and design it as you like

His current character is a triple classed Rogue 2, Bard 1, Wizard 5. Not much room left and he's only 8th level . . . :)


His current character is a triple classed Rogue 2, Bard 1, Wizard 5. Not much room left and he's only 8th level . . . :)

Just checked with Rogue 2, Bard 1, and Wizard 7 - still quite a bit of room. I have unchecked the Details option in Start sheet, this removes excessive information that is shown elsewhere. This combination should work okay up to 20th level.



First Post
Paladin Spellcasting

Each version of the sheet continues to amaze!!! This is a great character sheet!!!! Notice an issue with the Paladin spellcasting. As per the Player's Handbook page 84, Preparing and Casting spells, 2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence....... When you do so, choose a number of paladin spells equal to your Charisma modifier + half of your paladin level, rounded down (minimum of one spell). The current setup is that it adds your full level and your Charisma modifier.

Just thought I would let you know.



Each version of the sheet continues to amaze!!! This is a great character sheet!!!! Notice an issue with the Paladin spellcasting. As per the Player's Handbook page 84, Preparing and Casting spells, 2nd paragraph, 2nd sentence....... When you do so, choose a number of paladin spells equal to your Charisma modifier + half of your paladin level, rounded down (minimum of one spell). The current setup is that it adds your full level and your Charisma modifier.

Just thought I would let you know.


Thanks for the feedback!

For the Paladin, I believe it calculates correctly as the number of prepared spells includes the Paladins Oath spells (which are always prepared)
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First Post

I've been playing around with trying to enter custom classes on your spread sheet. At the moment I am using the Additional Details box on the Start tab, combined with the hide class option on the same tab. It's been working out better than I had hoped.

However, it has brought to my attention a couple of features I'd like to ask for. <evil grin>

1) Would it be possible to get class rename boxes? I think you could fit 3 of them side by side just below the section where you display the Class/Level information on the Start tab.

2) In the Skills section of the Start tab, would it be possible to get a Training box just like the ones for Languages and Tools? My main reason for asking is that I use these to reduce the number of skills, languages, and tools associated with the base class I am use as a template for my custom class. Example: I am using the bard as the base class for my Artificer class. Unfortunately, the Artificer gets only 2 skills compared to the Bard's 3. A Training box would enable me to put a -1 in it like I've done for languages and tools.

3) The third request a bit more involved and may be too much work for you to want to bother with, but I am going to ask anyways. :)
I was wondering if there is any way to be able to hide classes, much like the Hide Class option you already have, but on a class to class basis. This way if I multi-class I can hide the base class I am using for my custom class, but still retain the other classes' information.

4) Came up with another request related to the other three; would it be possible, on the either the spellcasting tab (possibly in the Spellcasting block) to add a dropdown for each class spellcasting class that allows the selection of a different spellcasting ability score. Like charisma for a wizard instead of intelligence . . .

Anything you would be willing to do on any or all of these would be much appreciated. I am sure other would also appreciate these features once they realize just how easy it is to add a custom class manually within the limits of the spreadsheet.

Edit: I just had a thought, maybe add my suggestions to a Custom Class tab. Make the tab like the Wildshape and Adventurer's Log tab in that you can hide it if it is not needed. This would put all of this stuff out of sight and doesn't clutter up the normal sheet tabs.

1) For some reason I can't get get Custom background #3 to show up in the Background drop down box. I tend to create different versions of your spreadsheet with associated custom races, backgrounds, and deities (and sometimes spells). I usually try to fill a custom sheet with 3 races and 3 background then save it for future re-use. So this little bug is annoying more than critical since I doubt few people use all 3 backgrounds.

2) I am not sure if this is a bug or not, and it is easily fixed manually anyways. However I thought I'd mention it. On the Custom tab, under each of the Custom Races, you have a spot to enter Resistances. Are these supposed to auto-populate the Resistances spot on the Start tab? If they are, then that part is not working.

I am still in love with this sheet. The only thing that comes close is Fantasy Grounds Character Builder and that costs $60 and the GUI is stupidly designed. :)

One other thing I want to mention to you is that I have been working on a set of Custom Classes tabs. I have been trying to keep them completely compartmentalized; that is, everything I need to do with what I am doing is kept to these tabs. Also, considering that you may not want to incorporate my work on this into your sheet, it will be much easier for me to transfer my work to you latest versions of the sheet.

Dropdown lists and Tables I need are named in a format different from your own to be easily identified (a dd prefix for dropdowns, a t prefix for tables, etc.

What I want to do is set things up so that if you like it, it is hopefully easily integrated into the rest of you sheet with minimal issues. It is taking me longer than I had hoped due to the nature of your locked cells making it hard to find cell reference, but I am getting there. If worst comes to worst, at least I'll be able to create a display that I can either link to your Additional Details box on the Start tab, or at least copy/paste from to the same box.

Let me know if you have any comments please.
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Adventurers Log Sheet

As many have said before me, thank you for all your dedicated work on this wonderful file! It is great!

I just uploaded version 1.60 and I like the Adventurers Log Sheet tab. Two questions about that tab. 1.) What do you do if you run over 14 entries with your character? 2.) Is there any way to shrink the font size for the entries? I have had already had issues with DM name and DCI# fitting on one line. I also suspect some trouble with the Adventure name line and even the Session line. (I use that for the Expedition number and for the most part it fits, it is only when I want to list which mini missions does it get crowded. ie: DDEX3-1 (1&2) ).

Thank you greatly!

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