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D&D 5E Tall's PotA Campaign - IC


Dessarin/Stone Monastery
Day 7/Night
Round 2

OOC: You only provoke an AO if you leave a creature’s threat range.

With the gargoyle on top of him, Errol whipped out his rapier.

“Weapons don’t seem to have full effect!” he warned the others as he stabbed at the gargoyle in front of him. He stabbed at the beast’s leg, trying to trip it up.

Arcana to know about gargoyles: 1D20 = [2] = 2

Action: Attack G1, trip maneuver DC 14 Strength save
Rapier attack and damage plus trip: 1D20+6 = [10]+6 = 16
2D8+4 = [2, 1]+4 = 7

Bonus Action:
Action Surge:
Free Object Interaction: Draw rapier
Bolts used: 2

[sblock=Errol’s Mini Stats]
Inspiration: 3
AC: 16
HP: 36/36+6 thp HD: 4/4d10
Superiority Dice: (3/4/R @ d8 DC 14) (Commander’s Strike, Rally, Trip)
Arrows: 35
Bolts: 16
Bolts Used: 3
Action Surge (1/R)*
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+4)
Inspiring Leader (1/R 6)*

[sblock=Party Loot]
21 gp (???)
200 cp (Errol)
Set of Keys (Illvelious) - one key opens the doors to the guard room, +3 more keys
Small figurine of a one-eyed orc (Gruumsh)(Illvelious)

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JV casts another Eldritch blast at the gargoyle as he says, "So what's the plan if most of our weapons are woefully ineffective.

OOC: [roll0] [roll1]


Round 2

There is a shout from inside the monastery, where Hellenrae's room would be. One of the gargoyles replies in a language you can't understand. Just then Nariah's fey powers illuminate the two the gargoyles, contrasting them against the darkness of the night. Illvillious manages to land two solid blows that seem to have minimal effect. Duran steps between the two gargoyles. Errol's rapier manages to chip some stone off of one of the gargoyle, causing it to wobbles but it keeps its feet. JV lets off a blast of eldritch energy that goes wide.

The two gargoyles continue their attack on their chosen targets, one scraping a claw across Illvillious, while the other rakes across Errol.

The door swings open and a figure in an eyeless, golden masks looks out over the garden, she barks a single word and one of the gargoyles replies.

[SBLOCK=Actions and Rolls]
Nariah casts Faerie Fire; illuminating both gargoyles (actual initiative roll comes into play allowing Illvilious to have advantage)
Illvillious advantage : 1D20 = [18] = 18
1D20 = [13] = 13

Illvilious: staff - (1d20+6)[19] hit for (1d8+4)[7] halved to 4; fist - (1d20+6)[14] with advantage = 19 damage - (1d4+4)[6] halved to 3
Duran move 5ft weat then dodge
Errol Errol advantage : 1D20 = [1] = 1
Rolls 16 hit for 7 halved to 4
Gargoyle STR save: 1D20+2 = [12]+2 = 14
Remains standing
JV JV attack with advantage: 1D20 = [7] = 7
rolls 14 miss

G1 attacks and damage vs Errol: 1D20+4 = [1]+4 = 5
1D6+2 = [2]+2 = 4
G1 attacks and damage vs Errol: 1D20+4 = [16]+4 = 20
1D6+2 = [4]+2 = 6
Hit for 6

G1 attacks and damage vs Errol: 1D20+4 = [12]+4 = 16
1D6+2 = [1]+2 = 3
1D20+4 = [15]+4 = 19
1D6+2 = [5]+2 = 7
This should say G2 attacks Illvillious, bite misses, claw hits for 7


G1 48
G2 28

Ilvillious 31/39
Nariah 23+6/23
Duran 23/23
Erol 36/36
J.V. 27+6/27

Sir Jondal 52/52 1 level of exhaustion
all the townsfolk have escaped off map, Sir Jondal remains in the garden


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If I switch to using my ranged attacks, that counts as magical. I don't want to waste an action using disengage though - could Errol maybe use another maneuvre to either knock it away, or even prone so it has disadvantage on the opportunity attack?


Dessarin/Stone Monastery
Day 7/Night
Round 2

“We need your magic, monk,” Errol said, moving next to Illvelious to attack the gargoyle facing the elf, trying to trip it up. “Sir Jondal, you need to go, protect the others! Get them back to town!” he called out to the paladin. He glanced to the others. “Fighting retreat?” he wasn’t sure it would be possible, but they could try.

Unfortunately, his blade skittered off the creature’s stony skin.

Move: Slide one square north next to Illvelious
Action: Attack G2, trip maneuver DC 14 Strength save
Rapier attack and damage plus trip: 1D20+6 = [3]+6 = 9
1D8+4 = [3]+4 = 7

Bonus Action:
Action Surge:
Free Object Interaction:
Bolts used: 2

[sblock=Errol’s Mini Stats]
Inspiration: 3
AC: 16
HP: 36/36 HD: 4/4d10
Superiority Dice: (2/4/R @ d8 DC 14) (Commander’s Strike, Rally, Trip)
Arrows: 35
Bolts: 16
Bolts Used: 3
Action Surge (1/R)*
Second Wind (1/R 1d10+4)
Inspiring Leader (1/R 6)*

[sblock=Party Loot]
21 gp (???)
200 cp (Errol)
Set of Keys (Illvelious) - one key opens the doors to the guard room, +3 more keys
Small figurine of a one-eyed orc (Gruumsh)(Illvelious)

Voidrunner's Codex

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