• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Glacialis

    Wild Spellcraft updated to 3.5?

    The only glaring thing that may need to be fixed is the [teleport] descriptor, but other than that... Has anyone updated this to 3.5? Or found a reason not to change the semantics (teleport) and call it good?
  2. Glacialis

    Awesome ItOpen, now what about Canada? =)

    Had that and Wildwood on my list for a while, picked 'em both up. :D A few questions though. Firstly, are you familiar with the Midnight campaign setting by FFG? If yes, then I'm wondering where the Dornish lands north of the Sea of Pelluria fit in. If not, let me describe these grasslands a...
  3. Glacialis

    Weather stats thingy

    All of the weather and environmental effects are spiffy in how they can be mixed and matched. Any idea if where a tool, online or downloadable, might be that can give all of the end results for a given condition? My Google-fu has failed me. :( Edit: Found this one, but NOT through Google...
  4. Glacialis

    Pregnancy rate

    I'm trying to figure out pregnancy rate for fantasy worlds. Specifically a post-apocalyptic evil-god-has-come rare-magic world ;) but I'll take standard D&D/FR, too. 1% of women at any given time? 0.5%? 0.5% only if the community is going well? etc Googling for this brings up so much politics...
  5. Glacialis

    More or less than 4 PCs

    I have found several EL calculators that take into account a party that has more or less than 4 PCs, but I'd like to be able to do this myself. The DMG isn't much help, since the only blurb about != 4 PCs is in the rewards/XP section. So, what have you done to balance against say, 5 characters...
  6. Glacialis

    Specialist Wizards: Where's da Oomph?

    I don't want a debate as to whether or not specialist wizards are too weak or too strong. This thread starter assumes they are underpowered probably once they hit mid levels and most certainly at high levels. Unearthed Arcana describes alternate class features for specialist wizards, and I have...
  7. Glacialis

    Arsenal suggestion: Improvised

    I would love to see a book, however small ;) dedicated to improvised weapons. Frying pan as a primary weapon? Heck yeah. I don't have many ideas myself, but a collection of off-the-wall weapons and common objects used as such would be priceless to my games. Why? 1) It's nifty. 2) I will be...
  8. Glacialis

    Steve Mulhern's Spellsheet

    Anyone updated this with new spells? It's pretty easy to type in new spells, and the output is just plain dreamy :D. I plan to keep it as updated as I can, since Excel can handle far larger sheets than this. But! I can't buy THAT many books ;). I've already received credit for entering in Wild...
  9. Glacialis

    Where do you buy gaming books online?

    I am specifically looking for WOTC gaming books, but I'd love to hear where you guys buy any sort of physical gaming product online :). eBay, RPGNow and Amazon seem to be the most popular that I can see.
  10. Glacialis

    Goblins as PCs

    This is from the SRD: GOBLINS AS CHARACTERS Goblin characters possess the following racial traits. — –2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, –2 Charisma. —Small size: +1 bonus to Armor Class, +1 bonus on attack rolls, +4 bonus on Hide checks, –4 penalty on grapple checks, lifting and carrying limits 3/4...
  11. Glacialis

    Epic D&D-compatible product recommendations

    Looking for recommended epic-level products 'sides the WOTC Epic book :). What say ye?
  12. Glacialis

    D&D 3E/3.5 D&D 3.0/3.5 Character Sheets: What do you use?

    On behalf of my gaming group I'm looking for e-character sheets in Word, Excel, PDF, etc. Whether these can be edited with a computer and then printed, or simply printed and filled in by hand, we're just looking for good sheets :). I've dabbled with a dozen or so, but nothing that's all that...
  13. Glacialis

    Adding Arcane Strife, others, to Steve Mulhern's spellsheet

    I (Chris Brinkley) had already entered in Wild Spellcraft into the spellsheet, and while I don't think it would be a problem, I asked then so I'm going to ask now: Do you mind if I put some of your products into the spellsheet? The one I'm looking at right now is Arcane Strife. Just the spells...
  14. Glacialis

    Appropriate item

    My DM has, when seeing if we found anything interesting after a very long time in what was meant to be a "side" adventure (heheh), rolled what he called "insanely high" for my character. Now, given the slightly off-beat nature of our game, it could come into my character's possession through any...
  15. Glacialis

    Auran (language of air elementals) names

    It's only fitting that an air or lightning elemental familiar have a name ;). I'm thinking lots of vowels for the former, and lots of vowels with a few hard consonants for the latter. I've been spending some quality time with Google today trying to find sample names in Auran, but no luck yet. So...
  16. Glacialis

    Lightning/Electricity Elementals

    Greetings all! The only references to 3.X lightning elementals I've been able to find, are... http://creaturedb.thathobbyplace.com/view.html?id=983 ...and... http://www.enworld.org/cc/converted/elemental/lightning_quasi-elemental.htm I'm wondering if there is mention of quasi-elementals such...
  17. Glacialis

    Elements of...Wild Spellcraft?

    I'm looking to import the material from Wild Spellcraft into EoM. I haven't gotten very far, but I'm posting here to see if anyone else has considered the same thing. Though I do have one pretty important question to answer. For "pure wild magic", what sort of element would that be? Force...
  18. Glacialis

    Wild Spellcraft: Minor Mishap, what about others?

    Where would spells meant to trigger Major and Wild mishaps be placed? On the lowest level that triggers that type of surge?
  19. Glacialis

    Getting into the retail gaming business

    A friend of mine has been planning to open up a gaming retail store for quite some time. He's hampered by the fact that he's got a big wad of cash saved up but zero credit (funny, that), and when you say gaming store and explain what it is you mean they look at you oddly. Oh, that and finding a...
  20. Glacialis

    [wild] Greater/Lesser Chaos Blast

    Woohoo! For those familiar with the 4th level spell Chaos Blast from Wild Spellcraft, this should induce fear :cool:. What level would you place such a spell? 6th? 7th? I'm also contemplating a Lesser Chaos Blast, 1st or even 2nd level. I plan to go off of the tables in WS. RangerWickett, when I...