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Search results

  1. mrtauntaun

    Sense Motive: PC vs PC

    Greetings fellow enworlders. Its been awhile since I've played d20. I am fairly certain I read somewhere that you can't use sense motive on another player, specifically to detect lies or a bluff. Or at least, the skill wasn't intended to be used that way. Can anyone clarify that for me? And...
  2. mrtauntaun

    Major Lag with MMORPGS - COH

    Hey Guys. Im new to MMORPGs, COH is the first one I've paid for (other than free trials, I mean). They just put a new patch through, and now I get intollerable lag (disconnected from map server) and often get booted from the server. I think im getting packet loss to the server, but im unsure...
  3. mrtauntaun

    DDO Free 7-day Trial

    Don't know if anyone has seen this: http://trial.ddo.com/ It's a seve day free trial for DnD online. You have to download a 1.7 GB file, but you can use it free for a week. I've played it, and I have to say it did exceed my expectations, though not enough to actually pay money for it. Anyone...
  4. mrtauntaun

    Ranged Feint?

    The RAW and SRD read as such, emphasis mine: Is there anything in a supplimental book that allows for a feint to work with a ranged attack?
  5. mrtauntaun

    Can you cast spells at 1st level in Grim Tales?

    I borrowed this book from a friend, but don't remember it exactly. Do you have to have the Magical Adept talent to actually cast spells? Since it is an advanced talent, that means you can't cast them until 3rd level. OR Can you cast at first level, you just take more burn because you don't...
  6. mrtauntaun

    What's the best trap you've ever unleashed upon your players?

    I love traps and puzzles as a DM. I love throwing them at my players and watching them try to figure them out. Doesn't go over well with the hack and slashers, but I believe it makes for a better, richer, overall gaming experience. So I want to hear about your traps and puzzles! This thread...
  7. mrtauntaun

    Connecticut Gamers - Manchester CT STILL needs a player!

    We are loosing one of our players to the great midwest, and we are looking for another to join up. No dates attached, anyone welcome to join even while our soon-to-be-moving friend is still playing with us. We currently play Wednesdays, from 7-11ish, but are flexible to a degree; weekends...
  8. mrtauntaun

    Sorry, duplicate post.

    EDIT: Sorry, this somehow got posted twice, see my other post, sorry!
  9. mrtauntaun

    Blatant abuse of the five foot step?

    Ok, a character in our group has 3 attacks when making a full attack. Here's the situation, the character is on a second story, standing at the edge. There are enemies on the ground floor. He wants to attack them with a ranged weapon and get to the bottom floor. So, he declares that he takes...
  10. mrtauntaun

    Horses, dragging, and it's affect on speed/round.

    Hi all. The SRD states a Heavy Warhorse can drag 4500 pounds. If the horse is dragging something, how does that reflect the heavy warhorse's speed per round (normally 50 ft). Also, if three heavy warhorses were all dragging something like a wagon or cart, would they be able to drag 13500...
  11. mrtauntaun

    Desperately need 1 player in Central CT, and more are welcome!

    Hi all. I am looking to get a campaign started up running on a biweekly basis moving towards a weekly basis later this year. It is a homebrew setting I've been working on for most of my 27 years, and I am very eager to get started playing. We already have 2 vetran gamers, but need at least...
  12. mrtauntaun

    Looking for players in the Hartford, CT Area

    Hi there! Our group is looking for one or possibly two players to join our weekly game . We play 3.5 in the new Morningstar Campaign setting. Please post or send me an email at mrtauntaun42@hotmail.com if you are interested, thanx!