• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. C

    Defeating bad guy twice = double XP???

    After a two-session-long battle taking up about 7 hours total, my players caused the Big Bad Evil Guy to flee and bumped off a good deal of his minions. Now comes the XP awards. Obviously they get full XP for those minions who fell based on CR, and I know that you can get XP for "defeating"...
  2. C

    What's giving up a familiar worth?

    I am starting a new campaign soon and one of my prospective players is wanting to play an arcane caster (sorc or wizard) but does not care for a familiar. He is wanting an extra feat as "compensation" for this lost ability. Is that a decent trade-off? The logic is that obtaining a familiar...
  3. C

    How closely do you track daily expenses for your players?

    Do you require your PC's to account for every last meal and mug of ale? Do you simply charge them a weekly or monthly "upkeep" fee? Or do you just let it ride? I have always simply let the players hold on to their coins and I never bothered subtracting for anything short of "I buy a round...
  4. C

    Turning Undead: PC-powered or deity-powered?

    When a cleric or paladin turns undead, is he/she channeling divine power and acting merely as a conduit or is it an inherent ability of that character? Specifically, I am thinking about starting a campaign with a party of drow PC's to run thru the City of the Spider Queen adventure. Given the...
  5. C

    Anyone have WotC 2.0-to-3.0 PC conversion chart?

    Waaaaay back when 3.0 had its debut, WotC published a small phamplet or sheet (given for free at game stores) on how to convert 2.0 characters into 3.0. It told you what to do with your multiclass characters and how to convert the 2.0 xp into 3.0 xp, etc. I recently came across a trove of old...
  6. C

    Is a coup de grace an evil act?

    Here's the situation: My party (all good-aligned) sees a wounded traveler on the roadside. He tells us that he was beset by bandits. A short time later, we encounter the same said bandits. The bandits get the drop on us and basically tell us to "stand and deliver" i.e. surrender and give up...
  7. C

    New Spells for Lvl1 Wiz

    New campaign starting up soon. I've played D&D since back in the day, but this is my first time to run an arcane caster under the 3.5 (or 3.0 for that matter) rules. Previously I've stuck with sword swingers, divine casters, or trap-springers (or some combo of the 3). For the new campaign I...
  8. C

    What's the coolest item in your game collection?

    I'm sure like many of you, I have a large collection of game stuff from modules, to rulebooks, to whole game systems. Via years of perusing used bookstores and, more recently, ebay, the collection has grown to truly sprawling proprotions. It contains alot of the good (1st edition Paranoia box...
  9. C

    Warhammer Redux

    From the Green Ronin release: "Warhammer Fantasy Role-Play, 2nd edition, is scheduled for Spring, 2005. Games based on other Games Workshop properties, as well as major licensed products, are also in development" I can only say WOOOHOOO! Welcome back Warhammer! This RPG gem has been on the...
  10. C

    Toughness - how is this feat not totally worthless?

    So let me get this straight, I give up one of my character's precious feat slots for a lousy three hitpoints? Not an extra 3 per level, or even one per level, just a one time infusion of a measly three? For such a bad-ass sounding feat (that's unfortunately a prerequisite for a number of...