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  1. D

    New Microlite20 thread

    continued from this thread Thanks, Greywulf, for the advice and for creating a way cool game! I guess I came late to the party, but I do have a couple of questions that I didn't see addressed in the Macropedia. (And I have a couple of suggestions, too, but later for those...) I can...
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    Attacking a grappled target

    Hi. I have lookead at the rules for grappling, but I didn't see anything about this: Is there a penalty for attacking a target that is in a grapple? Is there a chance of hitting the other person? For example, if a monster is grappling a character, and a second character (not in the grapple)...
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    Disintegrate question

    Hi- I have a question about the Disintegrate spell. The saving throw lists: Fortitude partial (object). The text below states that after a ranged touch attack "Any creature struck by the ray takes 2d6 points/caster level". However, lower down it says that "A creature or object that makes a...
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    Underwater spellcasting

    Can you cast spells underwater using water breathing? I haven't been able to find anything about it in 3rd ed. According to "Of Ships & the Sea" (2nd ed), you could not, but I was wondering if it would be the same for 3rd. If so, is there any spell that will allow underwater spellcasting? (I...
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    Charming the charmed

    Hi- If you try to cast "Charm Monster" on a creature that is currently "charmed" by someone else (an opponent), does it receive any bonus to its Will save? This happened today in my game: The BBEG had charmed a fire lizard to act as a guard for his fortress. The party's Bard tried to charm...
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    Is there a complete NPC generator?

    Hi- I have been lurking for a while, and now at last I have a question. Is there a program that will generate a _complete_ NPC? I know about Jamis Buck’s NPC generator (very nice), but it doesn’t generate and equip items, and it doesn’t generate a list of memorized spells for casters (although...