Search results

  1. vulcan_idic

    D&D 5E Proud Lycanthrope PC With a Deep Dark Secret

    Fun new RPG character idea. A lawful good character (I'm thinking maybe a paladin) who is super proud of being a full-on lycanthrope - not a shifter, a real honest to goodness lycanthrope. She loves to flaunt it and use it to intimidate opponents, especially ones who don't know much about...
  2. vulcan_idic

    Looking for online D&D 5E Group

    Hello, I'm looking for an online D&D 5E group to join. I'm in central Illinois physically, but I'm a lot more comfortable gaming remotely (Zoom, Roll20, Foundry, Astral, Fantasy Grounds, etc.). I'm an AMAB bigender person who prefers playing female characters as a way of exploring that side...
  3. vulcan_idic

    D&D 5E Shadow Warlock

    I really like the feel/flavor of the Shadow Sorcerer, Way of Shadow Monk, and Gloom Stalker Ranger... but what I'd really like is a similarly flavored Warlock patron. Maybe something borrowing some conceptual ground from the late 3.5 Tome of Magic class, the Shadowcaster. I think there's...
  4. vulcan_idic

    D&D 5E Private Sanctum Question

    Hello, I'm preparing for later levels as an Artificer in an Eberron game thinking about spells I will later have access to. I'm looking at Private Sanctum at the moment. My question is kind of a relativistic one in the classic example of a ball bouncing on a train. There is a line in the...
  5. vulcan_idic

    Astral Tabletop

    Hello, I'm currently in two Roll20 campaigns and a Zoom Star Wars campaign, but I'd really like to try at least a one-shot on the Astral Tabletop to see how it works. Anyone got something I could join in on to try it? Josh
  6. vulcan_idic

    UA Soulknife Rogue character

    So I love the Soulknife Rogue! I enjoyed the Mystic Soulknife, but I feel like the Rogue version is a lot more exciting to me. I'm thinking of a new character that I'm making at level 1 with the idea of using in a game if/when I find a game in my new area with a DM who will hopefully approve...
  7. vulcan_idic

    D&D 5E Monk/Rogue MultiClass Help

    Hello, I’m building a character for a summer swashbuckling campaign and I think I want to do a Monk X/Rogue (Scout) 3 - Starting the campaign as 5th level characters. We’re a pirate/smuggler morally questionable crew. I’m envisioning a Triton character with effectively a Navy SEAL background...
  8. vulcan_idic

    Eberron + Ravnica Fun

    I don't like the "the whole world is a city" concept, so I'm blending Ravnica into Eberron. Here's what I've come up with for how to work the guilds into Eberron. Still workshoping things a bit. Azorius Senate “The Once and Future Senate” a group that is dedicated to the reunification of...
  9. vulcan_idic

    D&D 5E Triton Monk: Making the Best of the Non-Optimal Choice

    So I realize that a Triton Monk is a non-optimal choice mechanically, but I find it a fun flavorful concept - an aquatic/semi-aquatic monk/sailor, unencumbered by armor, playing a bit of a Navy Seal/Stealth/Recon role for her ship. So given the non-optimal choice of creating a Triton Monk as a...
  10. vulcan_idic

    Avatar:TLA Game

    Hello all, It's been a bit since I've been around - got a new job and moved - but I had a random fun thought today and could think of no better place for its discussion. Has anyone ever done a game set in the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender? I have just discovered/rediscovered it on...
  11. vulcan_idic

    Advanced Magic the Gathering Player, Wanting to Improve

    I watched MtG being played in high school (1993-1996) and I started playing in 1996 or 1997 in college. I've collected and/or played with varying frequency throughout the intervening years at a casual level. I think I've gotten fairly good and have quite a collection of decks that I've built...
  12. vulcan_idic

    [NC, Knightdale/Zebulon/Wilson] New to Area: Seeking Game

    Hello Everyone! I'm a 36 year old Air Force veteran who has lived most of his life in central Illinois. I relocated here at the beginning of September after getting a job at Barton College in Wilson, NC as the Circulation/Technology Librarian. My wife works at the Michael's in Cary and we live...
  13. vulcan_idic

    Career Guidance Help Please!

    Hi Guys and Gals - I need some help. My educational professional career to date has been somewhat aimless and meandering. Good news - I think I know where I want to go now. Bad news - my background does nothing for me. I have had a hard time figuring out where I want to go or what I want to...
  14. vulcan_idic

    ENWorld Facebook Group

    Hello, I just created a group on Facebook called "ENWorlders" on the theory it might be nice to get to know the wonderful folks here in a different context. Drop by if you'd like! Josh
  15. vulcan_idic

    RoD: Sharakim... again

    I know variations on this topic have been broached before, so I apologize if I'm beating a dead horse. I've been thinking about playing a Sharakim character. The Sharakim are a Human/Orc-ish subrace from Races of Destiny. I plan on proposing the following modifications to the race as written...
  16. vulcan_idic

    Gestalt Elven Swordsage/Incarnate - Balance??

    I was going over the Tome of Battle again last night to evaluate it as a friend had suggested it to be an elven martial arts style (makes some sense given elves inherently magical nature and fascination with swordplay, among other things) and I noticed that the alignment of a swordsage can be...
  17. vulcan_idic

    Valenar Elf Druid + Double Scimitar

    Granted they would still need the TWF feat to really use it to it's full potential, but RAW can a Valenar Elf Druid use a Double Scimitar? Druids are proficient with scimitars, so I would think by logical extension a valenar elf using a double scimitar would be in keeping with the spirit of the...
  18. vulcan_idic

    Looking for Feat Advice for Mysterious Elven Hermit Character Concept

    Edit: Forgot to mention, Alignment planned to be NG The idea for this concept is, well, a mysterious elven hermit wise in the ways of the natural morld and magic for in a magical world magic is not only natural but a part of nature, and this individual desires to be part of them both. In terms...
  19. vulcan_idic

    Bard Alteration: Good or Bad?

    I'm considering a house rule in my home campaign that would replace all bardic music mechanics with aura mechanics from the the Marshall (MHB). The flavor would remain the same, but I like the other mechnics better. Opinions?
  20. vulcan_idic

    [Eberron] "Opening Sequence" Adventure modification

    Hello In a few months I'm returning to my home campaign where I was formerly a player and ask for the opportunity to DM. THey are familiar with Eberron having read the campaign setting and kicked it around talking about it before, but haven't played it. I've been playing it a lot lately...