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Search results

  1. S

    The Journal of Natalya I'Roidan do'Shaen

    So, our group has returned like wayward children to the world of Earthdawn. We are coming up to our fourth session this weekend, and I have decided to share with you the Journal that I am keeping for my character, in the hope that it will provide you with some entertainment. This is the...
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    Calling Sydney Gamers

    Greetings and Salutations! Due to the vagaries of life, our long running group of gaming friends is seeking some fresh mea... um... new blo... darn it... um...faces... Yes! Fresh faces to join us in our friendly, and excellent escapist escapades. Alliteration not withstanding, we are a bunch...
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    The Elven Thinblade, Halflings, and you...

    Aside from how a Halfling Rogue would get his/her greedy little hands on an Elven Thinblade, spend the Exotic Weapon Proficiency for it, and what not, I have the following questions (and my DM and I are scratching our heads): The Elven Thinblade is listed as a Light weapon. To clarify - this...
  4. S

    SW GMs - Beat this...

    I've been gone for a while, after an embarassing situation with my donation to ENWorld *cough*. However, my thoughts have not strayed far. (Heck - not that I was a frequent poster, or anything.) So - to the topic at hand. Beat this for the quickest fall to the Darkside ever: Set-up...
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    Attention Piratecat

    Dude, still unable to email you! Drop me a line at sugarmousethebrave@yahoo.com.au or asmodean2@hotmail.com So that I can let you know what's going on.
  6. S

    Spiked Chain

    Can someone clarify for me: Is a Spiked Chain a double weapon or not?
  7. S

    On the nature of Experience, Levels and Age...

    OK. So middle of the year, our group concluded a SW campaign. Within 6 months game time, my character went from a Level 1 Jedi Padawan to a Jedi Knight. More recently, our DM/GM is running us through the Shackled City. My character is 19 years old, and the party is now fourth level average...
  8. S

    Opinions requested: Revised Magical Tattoo Item Creation feat and use thereof...

    OK, reviewed the existing plethora of rules and have adapted and chopped and added, and in general hope that its not currently purposefully ambling down to the nearby village after an applied jolt of electricity. My DM likes, and hopefully, so will you. :D Inscribe Magic Tattoo [Item...
  9. S

    Magical Tattoos

    Well, bought Complete Arcane, under the hope that they would cover off Tattoo magic, and tattooed magic items. What do they do? Talk about tattooed spellbooks in a small section, and then reference Forgotten Realms. And neither one covers off the magical tattoos (like potions or permanent...
  10. S

    Assuming XP cost of creating Magic Items

    Hey folks - want to get your take on things. As everyone knows - to permanently enchant/create a migc item, the creator has to spend part of his/hers life force (ie XP) in order to properly imbue the item. Now I am sure that this may have been bandied about, but what if the non-caster who...
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    A Campaign World - Reebo stay out.

    This is more in the nature of composing my thoughts about a Campaign world that I have created, Ever since WOTC put out their search for a new campaign setting (didn't apply) I've been bandying around the idea of a Campaign world combining aspects of the WoT series, Holofaust and my own idea of...
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    [Fun] VISA ad synopsis

    This gave my GM and a couple of players a bit of a laugh. Thought I might share it. *shrug* "Seeing your martial artist Jedi companion utterly wasted in honourable hand-to-hand combat with a Trandoshan?" -50 Credits "Attacking the Trandoshan with a lightsaber, advising him of the difference...
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    Help requested - SWD20 Custom Droid

    Hi all, I tried getting some input over at the Wizards boards, but unless you are discussing something relatively controversial (like if Jedi are too overpowered) barely anyone responds. Sorry, exaggerating to make a point. Please note I am trying to get help in order to determine a base price...