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Search results

  1. P

    shifter shifting into regeneration

    In our current campaign, a question came up about the shifter in the group. His plan of attack is to take the form of a tendriculos, taking real damage from bludgening and acid damage. After battling as a tendriculos, he'd morph into a troll to heal the bludgening damage. This means that he...
  2. P

    Hamstring feat and its uses

    Can the hamstring feat be used more than once on a single opponent. example: rogue uses hamstring on human with 30ft movement. It cuts movement to 15. rogue's second attack hits. can he cut the human's speed to 7.5? if the above is possible, is it possible to render an opponent nearly...
  3. P

    Making lv 1 Paladin for the first time & need help

    I never played a Paladin before, and I need a few pointers. These are the stats that I rolled... 17 12 14 8 13 10 these are in the order I rolled them; I haven't placed them in ability positions yet simply because I am not sure where to place them. Any opinions would be helpful. Also, I...
  4. P

    Garrote wire...better than locking?

    When using a locking garrotte, if you have multiple attacks, and you use a locking garrotte, does your opponent try and beat your grapple check for the garrotte for each attack you have (similar to the wire garrotte, using multiple attacks to do additional damage), or do they have a chance of...
  5. P

    Expertise and/or fighting defensively?

    Is it possible to use both expertise and fighting defensively? The feat sorta implies you can't (listed under normal after the description of the feat), but dodge bonuses DO stack...
  6. P

    Barbarian in making...need some info

    I just had a few questions about a barbarian I plan on making, and I needed help for those who tried either way. I know Str is probably the most important score for one, but what would be second between Dex, Con, or Wisdom? Also, my past barbarian seemed to die quite easily. Is there any info...
  7. P

    Free Actions question...When?

    Can free actions be done only on your turn? I found many conflicting examples for this. Changing the direction the shield spell faces is a free action, but so is feather fall. Obviously, if free actions can be done on your turn, this reduces feather fall's usefulness. If they can be done on...
  8. P

    Temporary Hit Points...en masse?!

    This came up last session, and is still unresolved... Our Sorcerer casted false life on himself, gaining 14 temporary hit points. He tried again to cast it, but the DM said that the spell says you can only get a maximum of 1d10 + 10; you can't cast it and gain another. Is this correct? Could...
  9. P

    A druid and it's large friends..overbalanced?

    Is a druid's animal companion HD allowance too much? A 6th level druid can get a dire bear. Can someone tell me why this amount shouldn't be halved?
  10. P

    Killing a Nishruu is easy...right?

    I have a question about a nishruu's damage reduction and its negating magic ability (in monsters of faerun).. When you strike it with a magical +1 weapon, does the nishruu 1. Ignore damage reduction and receive damage, then the weapon's enchantment gets negated, or 2. Negate the weapon...
  11. P

    Question involving magical items...

    I was looking through the DMG and found on page 176 this ruling: "For a saving throw against a spell or spell-like effect from a magic item, the DC is ALWAYS 10 + the level of spell or effect + the ability bonus of the minimum ability score needed to cast that level of spell" My questions is...
  12. P

    Can you Ready against a psion manifesting a power?

    I read through the psionic's handbook, and I didn't find any place mentioning counter-manifesting or readying to try and break the concentration of a psion, but it's possible to take AoOs on them. At first I figured you can't ready against them, but someone told me that since they can provoke...
  13. P

    Another good ol' Poll: Favorite Psion

    Well, my curiosity grows, and now I wonder what the most popular psions are!
  14. P

    Psionic Q... Metaconcert

    I was reading this power, and had a few questions come up. 1. Does the entity work by itself, being controlled by the conductor? i.e. can the psionic participants use powers or attack while in a metaconcert? 2. How many psionic beings have to use this power? Just one, or all that wish to...
  15. P

    Favorite Battling strategy

    Well, since it seems like a poll month, I decided to make another one. Which way do you fight?
  16. P

    I hear Rangers suck. Is this true?

    I'm not sure if anyone has read any of my other posts, but I am going to be in a 10th level campaign soon, and I keep changing my mind on what I should be. I thought a Ranger would be a cool idea, but everyone in my gaming group says that they suck. I did a favorite class post a bit ago, and...
  17. P

    Strange ruling on cleave

    In a recent campaign I was in, I had a character that had cleave. I used an attack that dropped an opponent to -1 hp, and my DM ruled that I could cleave because my opponent fell. I brought up a good question afterward. Does cleave allow an attack after anything that'll "drop" an opponent...
  18. P

    Favorite Race...

    From the PhB, what's your favorite race for your PC? Post your reasons, as well, and let's see the majority race on this board!
  19. P

    Anyone test Dragon Disciple in their campaign?

    I was just wondering how people out there are fairing with the dragon disciple in their campaigns. We are about to run a 10th level campaing, and I see very few reasons not to take this PrC. Taking 5 levels of the PrC class, and starting with an 18 str (using point buy), My str gets to be...
  20. P

    Making an Assassin...need help

    I am trying to come up with an assassin, and I am having trouble picking skills... Our DM is starting a 10th level campaign (which I think may be a bad idea, but that's a new thread...) This brings up 2 questions... First question is which class do I choose between Ranger, Monk, and Rogue...