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  1. F

    Price Please: Cloak of Cold Elemental Wildshape

    Cloak of Cold Elemental Wildshape This cloak grants a wearer with the Wildshape ability to Wildshape into Ice or Air Elementals once per day. This ability is the same as that granted to level 16 Druids, but is limited to Air elementals and Ice [para]elementals. How much should such an item...
  2. F

    Silencing Strike (RoS)

    "... The effect of this field of silence is identical to that of the spell [silence] of the same name, except that there is no saving throw to resist this effect. ..." This feat came under scrutiny this weekend at a session. Because the above wording excerpt does not also explicitly say that...
  3. F

    Keen Luck Blade of Subtlety

    How would you price such a weapon, in terms of overall bonus and cost? Each on their own: Keen is a +1 bonus cost Luck blade is +2 shortsword that gives a +1 luck bonus on saves and 1/day save re-roll Shortsword of Subtlety is a +1 shortsword that gives a +4 bonus to attack and damage on sneak...
  4. F


    Does anyone know of a source that provides weapon stats for a cleaver?
  5. F

    17th level Gestalt Barbarian/????

    The character is for a short adventure, and there will only be three PCs, so my barbarian would essentially be the front line. I believe one of the players is planning a Druid, and I don't know about the third guy. I'm strongly considering making it a Minotaur (ECL 8 from LA +2 and 6HD)./ The...
  6. F

    Please help with Gestalt Cleric/Paladin

    Next weekend I'm flying back to Vancouver for a company Xmas party, and while there I'll be hooking up with my old gaming group for a one-shot adventure. The DM has instructed us to make 8th level Gestalt characters. I volunteered to be the party healer again*, and the DM has said "There will...
  7. F

    Dire Tiger claw damage during Wildshape

    Wildshaping goes not give regular feats (only bonus ones), so I have to reduce the Dire Tiger's damage as per the Improved Natural Attack (claw). The question is - what is the next step down from 2d4? 2d4 is not listed as part of the progression in the feat description. I would hazard to...