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Search results

  1. T

    The Old Strength System (Question)

    Can someone help me out here? Did the old 2E system use a decimal to split up the strangth score or a forward slash? In other words, which was correct... STR 18.25 or STR 18/25 Thanks.
  2. T

    Am I Being Impatient?

    Last week I purchased some banner ad space and sent En World my URL and banner pic as the instructions requested. However, they haven't gotten back to me at all. I've already emailed them a 2nd time a couple days ago. Does anyone know how long this sort of thing takes? Thanks.
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    Elevation Bonus. Does it Exist?

    We've been using this rule for so long, that I can't remember if it's from a text or if it's simply a house rule we made up years ago. Attacking from above your opponent gives a +1 to hit. Anyone else ever heard of this rule, or is it just us? I can't seem to find it anywhere. Thanks.
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    Figures Have Spoiled Me

    I've recently moved and my figures and terrain are still packed up. As a result I had to DM my game without them for the first in years. I was shocked at how much I've come to rely on them! I've gotten used to explaining the detail of a battle with the figures as a reference and the difficult...
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    Re-released, Re-printed 1E Books?

    Just for the hell of it, I'd love it if they'd released replicas of the original AD&D texts. Gygax and the others could maybe throw in comments about where ideas came from or cool 'behind the scenes' type stories. "I designed the rust monster after watching my cat eat tinsil off of my...
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    Does Anyone Else Find Con Games To Suck?

    I love conventions a hell of a lot. But I've always found that D&D or other RPGs played in a con gaming room often stick like orcish cheese gone bad. I just find that a nice, private game in my basement plays out so much better than a table of people who may or may not play well surrounded by...
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    What Movies Inspire Your Game?

    For us DMs, what movies have inspired great homemade adventures? And for you players, what movies have inspired great characters? And finally, do you consider these to be legitimate inspirations or direct rip offs? This is something my group and I have discussed off and on for years.
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    Goblins Colour A Bad Move?

    Since Goblins has gone colour, I've gotten a few emails telling me that they prefer the quaintness of B&W. And last night I received an email suggesting that I go to a forum and take a poll on the subject. So here I am. Thanks, this'll be a big help for me.
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    Impatient Players Who Search

    One pet peeve I have is when players declare that they're searching a room. An exercise that takes the character some time. Then, 10 seconds later, while the other players are doing things, the searching player asks "Do I find anything?". "No. You just started searching." "So anyways...
  10. T

    Would/Do You Wear A D&D T-shirt In Public?

    I was riding to work wearing my black D&D T-shirt and wondering if anyone else ever wears this stuff out in the general public like I do. Now I'm not talking about some general 'dragon on a T-shirt' thing. I'm talking about a T-shirt that actually says Dungeons and Dragons on it. If you have...
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    Stopping A Game Session During Combat

    Have you ever been playing a game into the wee hours of the night and had to continue playing just because you were in the middle of combat? To me, stopping during an epic battle just seems... off, so we've continued even though we're all tired and desperately need sleep. Are we the only group...
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    D&D Books That Don't Really Get Used

    How many times have you purchased a D&D text book only to look at all the cool pics, read some of it and then end up using... say... one or two tables from the $40 - $60 monstrousity? I've done this so many times it's crazy. Now this is not at all a bash against the books. Oh no, this is a...
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    I Need Advice From D&D Folks...

    I hope I'm not bugging anyone by posting this in the General Area, but I genuinely need to ask advice from everyday D&Ders... I started this D&D webcomic a few weeks ago and everything was going well. I'd get emails and forum threads telling me to keep up the good work. But my latest update...
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    Alchohol During A D&D Game?

    A couple of my players have been asking if they could have a beer or two (or three, probably) while we play. I've always had a ban on alchohol durin game, but I'm starting to wonder if I'm being too strict. What do you think?
  15. T

    Stats Have Suffered From Inflation

    I remember playing D&D in the 80's and the players freaking out cause the brick of the party had a 17 Str. Now it seems that players are used to 20, 21 or even 22 Str and a fighter type with a 17 Str is merely laughed at for being weak. Is this just my group or is it in other places too...
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    Goblins (A D&D Satire Webcomic)

    I thought people over here might get a kick out of 'Goblins'.
  17. T

    More Mainstream D&D References Now!

    I wish I could turn on the TV and see plots about the main characters actually playing D&D. Instead we have to settle for quick references like Homer Simpson saying "We played Dungeons and Dragons for three hours. Then I was slain by an elf." Or that hilarious scene during the end credits of...