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  1. Child of Hypnos

    D&D 3E/3.5 help needed to create a Legacy Weapon for Age of Worms (D&D 3.5)

    Hello all, I haven't posted on here for quite a time, so apologies if this is in the wrong forum. I'm intending to run an Age of Worms campaign for my group starting in september. As in the past I've had difficulty getting them to become attached to their characters, we have started character...
  2. Child of Hypnos

    Living Lich?

    the talk of desecrate and corpsecrafter on the 'lichfiend CR' thread made me wonder, when turning oneself into a lich, does the individual make his Phylactery and then kill himself, instantly becoming an undead creature, or does he make his phylactery and then wait to die of natural causes/be...
  3. Child of Hypnos

    druid/rogue PrCs?

    Hi all. not been on here in an eon, so if i've posted in the wrong forum please bear with me! I'm looking for suggestions for PrCs that are Druid/Rogue hybrids. essentially what im looking for is a sneaky druid. Kinda hardline Ecowarrior, not the heavy hitting of a normal druid, a bit more hit...
  4. Child of Hypnos

    Eberron: Voyage of the Golden Dragon?

    does any body know anything about this? What it is? what its about?
  5. Child of Hypnos

    fiendish spells, your suggestions please

    Im designing an adventure for my Eberron campaign and at various points during it im gonna have Rakshasa tempt each of my PCs with a juicy spell/infusion if only they'll betray the party. what im lookin for are spells/infusions for 12th level characters or below, which sound almost too good to...
  6. Child of Hypnos

    why cant you sunder armour?

    this is another confused question from the Son of sleep, the title says it all really. I want to know why its not possible to sunder armour worn by another character, after all why sunder unworn armour? is it balance? is it just to make life easier? incidently i know this goes against all the...
  7. Child of Hypnos

    Clogged Combats

    In my campaign it seems to take forever to get through a combat, no matter how many combatants there are. what is supposed to be a short, vicious battle is drawn out into an eternity, and it slows the whole story down to a crawl, or sometime grinds to a halt. Im sure others have had this...
  8. Child of Hypnos

    murder in mind...

    I'm kinda new to this DMing stuff, so this question will probably sound a tad weird. I want to give my PCs in the Eberron Campaign i'm running a change of pace, so i figured a good involved murder mystery (preferably one grizzly enough to make use of the Dread & taint rules from Heroes of...