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Search results

  1. T

    Pathfinder 1E Crafting and Customization

    So it looks like I'll be running a game towards the end of the year if all goes well. I'm prepping ahead of time and one of the activities the group I will GMing for enjoys is crafting. I'd like to add some depth for them and really allow some cool custom gear. I'll be using Making Craft Work by...
  2. T

    Help! How do I post a review

    I have a review I want to post, but when I go to the review section of the web site and click on the category tools drop down list and choose post a new review I'm taken to here and unable to create a review. The same thing happens when I click the new review button. Thanks
  3. T

    New Iron Kingdoms Pathfinder conversion

    After looking at all the IK to PF conversions I could find on the web I decided to make my own as most were incomplete in one way or another. You can get the conversion document here. Please note that this is only the first version with more changes and updates planned. After I am happy with the...
  4. T

    Books of Shadows – A Guide to Shadow Magic

    Books of Shadows – A Guide to Shadow Magic From the product page on RPGNow: “Book of Darkness: Guide to Shadow Magick is the first in a series of spell books intended for the Pathfinder and WOTC OGL. Magechantry is an official licensee. Have you ever wanted to control the very essence of...
  5. T

    Design Space

    I was looking through Trailblazer last night and thinking about the disparity of attacks/damage between the TWF fighter and other melee fighters. While I recognize that this partially a design decision and that TWF fighters pay for their increased attacks/damage with a reduction in versatility I...
  6. T

    Classless/Point Buy d20?

    I seem to remember that at least one publisher if not more puiblished a point buy/classless system for d20. Unfortunately my search-fu tehcnique is weak and I haven't been able to track down the product(s). If anyone remembers the name/publisher of said product(s) please post it here. Thanks
  7. T

    What needs to be fixed/improved in d20 Modern?

    With all the talk about the fate of d20 Modern I thought I'd toss this topic up. Assuming that d20 Modern is going to get a face lift by WotC, what rules need to fixed and/or improved to enhance game play? The intent of this post is identify what rules and subsytems in d20 Modern need to be...
  8. T

    OGL/d20 Starship Combat and new crew actions

    I'd thought I'd re-post some rules I cooked up as part of a discussion on this thread on the Sinister Adventures web site. As promised here are some new actions for engineers and sensor operators. Engineer Enhance Weapon Output. As a standard action the ship's engineer can attempt to...
  9. T

    Looking for Group: Tacoma/Seattle

    I'm looking for a gaming group in the Tacoma/Seattle area (preferably Tacoma). I'm willing to play just about anything and willing to GM d20 Modern/Future. Drop me a line at sean dot silvamiramon at gmail. Thanks
  10. T

    d20 Modern Product Index

    I've been working on a index of all crunchy bits from the d20 Modern supplements (WotC and 3rd party) I own. This is a personal project and its about midway through data entry. I'm posting it here for the use of the community. Comments are welcome.
  11. T

    D20 Modern/Future Index

    It occured to me while I was designing some items for my game that I have a fairly large D20 Modern collection with all sorts of cool stuff scattered in the various books. My biggest problem is finding the exact item I'm after without having to look through all my books/pdfs. The solution of...
  12. T

    BESM d20 Revised and D20 Mecha

    Ok I know that BESM D20 Revised contains the Mecha design system originally published on d20 Mecha. I've also heard that the design system was "updated" in BESM d20 Revised. Can anyone comment on this and if it has been updated list what the major changes are?
  13. T

    EN Game Store Accounts?

    I hope this is the right place for this, if not my apologies. How exactly do you create an ENGS account? I can't figure it out Thanks
  14. T

    Product database update

    Please the following Adamant Entertainment products under the Terminal Identity Line: Posthuman, Netspace, Black Market and Tactical Implant. I've completed my reviews and I'd like to post them