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  1. Wyrmshadows

    To RP Game Players/Gamemasters -- What is Fun? What is Unfun?

    Hello, Throughout the discussion between 3.5e and 4e fans there has been this issue of fun, unfun and wrongbadfun. According to the design philosophy of 4e the designers wanted to remove elements that were unfun as one of the design goals. Allow me to ask what exactly is fun in the context...
  2. Wyrmshadows

    Worst/Most Ridiculous Gaming Experience Within a Homebrew Campaign

    I am a dedicated Homebrewer though I do enjoy high quality published settings. I am pretty picky in regards to what I would consider good but I think that most of us know terrible when we see it. I'd like you to write down some of the worst/most ridiculous homebrew campaign ideas you've ever...
  3. Wyrmshadows

    Forked Thread: Compare FRCS4e to other Settings

    Forked from: What do you think about the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting Book I admit that my opinion of the FRCS4e setting (on the previous thread) isn't exactly a ringing endorsement and I know that many feel the same way. However, I wanted to start a conversation comparing FRCS4e to the...
  4. Wyrmshadows

    What benefit is there for a smart/careful 3pp to use the GSL?

    Looking at what Kenzer is doing with their kalamar setting, I really can't see the downside, if one is careful, with skirting the GSL altogether. Using Kenzer as an example, 3pps could support 4e while at the same time keeping ultimate control of their IP if and when WoTC decides to change the...
  5. Wyrmshadows

    New Name: Morrus' D&D/D20 News and Reviews Site

    Why not call the site: Morrus' D&D/D20 News and Reviews Site I think that 3.5e/OGL fans, of which there are a large number would appreciate a non edition specific name for the site. Sure the site was the 3e site of note when it began, but 2e was far more a dead property at that time than...
  6. Wyrmshadows

    I'm a huge fan of immersive RPing. How about you?

    Personally, as a DM/GM I am a great fan of immersive RPing experience for my players. I really enjoy it when they get into character and interact with one another or NPCs in my campaign and both act and react in character as if the events of the story are real. I enjoy it when I try to...
  7. Wyrmshadows

    Worldbuilding - One of the joys of GM/DMing?

    I am an unashamed worldbuilder. I take pride in creating a setting with depth and versimilitude as well as from the immersion factor that such a setting gives my players who always enjoy interacting with a setting that seems real. Plus, there is a creative aspect of the process that is similar...
  8. Wyrmshadows

    Once per day non-magical effects destroy suspension of disbelief

    Allow me to vent this and then share your opinion if you wish. I detest, I hate with the fiery fury of 1000 suns, 1/day non-magical powers because there is NO rationale whatsoever than can explain how a warrior, ranger or rogue wouldn't be able to use a certain ability more than one per day. I...
  9. Wyrmshadows

    Honestly, if WoTC didn't create it would 4e be D&D?

    Hello, Let me say upfront that I know WoTC owns the IP called D&D and can create a game similar to chutes and ladders and call it D&D as such is their legal right. My point isn't the legalese of what D&D is or even a discussion of whether or not 4e is really D&D or not in the sense of its...
  10. Wyrmshadows

    Is D&D Really Mythic Roleplaying? Is this what Epic Tier (20th-30th lvl) represents?

    Is D&D really supposed to simulate mythic roleplaying? I mean, has D&D gone from approximating the Sword and Sorcery daring do of REH's Conan and Tolkien's LoTR saga to the Epic of Gilgamesh, Beowulf, Achilles, Hercules, Perseus, etc? I am asking this because some of the assumptions I have read...
  11. Wyrmshadows

    D&D 4E What Kinds of Settings do You Want to See for 4E?

    What type of settings, from vanilla fantasy like Forgotten Realms and Greyhawk (pseudo-european with knights, maidens, Tolkien tropes and standard D&Disms), quite distinctive fantasy like Midnight, Conan D20 (referring to the Hyborian setting and not the variant rule set) and Dawnforge or...
  12. Wyrmshadows

    Great Gamer Comedy Video [Fear of Grils]

    Check this video out...it is hilarious. :lol: Gamer Video Again confirming that the game is best when viewed from deep in the imagination. Wyrmshadows
  13. Wyrmshadows

    D&D 4E 4e Wizards - No More Necromancers, Enchanters, Summoners???

    Bad, bad bad on all counts. From what I read from WoTC is appears that necromancy, enchantment and summoning are going to be removed from mages making them essentially walking siege engines designed to control a battlefield with powerful spell effects. That's fine, but ALL 4e wizards are...
  14. Wyrmshadows

    D&D 4E 4e Races and Classes: "Why we changed the gods"

    This is quoted from "Why we Changed the Gods" by Matt Sernett and appears in a free PDF preview on WOTC's 4e preview page. I am quoting directly so I get it right: The gods presented in the 3rd Edition Player’s Handbook originated in the GREYHAWK Campaign Setting. It might seem odd to tell you...