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  1. T

    Epic Fighter is Epic

    Point me to the thread that is discussing this, please.
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    Martial Power - What do you hope to see?

    Title says it. I suppose it should be clarified that if there's something confirmed that you're hoping doesn't get pulled also counts. For me, that's Tempest Fighter. Okay, so I'm hoping for a lot of new (and valid) level 1 @-will attack powers. I'm hoping for more encounter/@-will Utility...
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    I'm sure there's already a thread for this...

    Somehow I missed this thread. This thread is ready for destructioning!
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    Sure Strike.

    I want sure strike to stop being so bad. I'm thinking of having it still be [W] damage but make it Str + Wis or Dex vs. AC. Would this be too powerful? I'm thinking it would make two handed reach weapons quite a bit better. It would also make power attacking much more viable. Would it be worth...
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    Tempest Fighter makes me happy.

    I know I shouldn't publicly announce such joy and amorous feelings... but... but this makes me all giddy inside. 2WFighter. It's interesting to me. The way the Dual Strike is for single target ownage instead of the variation of the ranger. I also like that it could potentially be so very...
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    Forked Thread: Let's talk about minions...

    Forked from: Let's talk about minions... So, just sorting of throwing down the phantom damage variant... just in case anyone digs it. Anyway, I want to generate a discussion for creating minion-like enemies that 1) Are pretty easy to run. 2) Are fun in the same easy to kill ProPC ProStory...
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    4e - ATL GATECH GA game.

    Hey people on the internet. If any of you live in the Atlanta area of Georgia and are up for some 4e-style dice rolling, please respond (or if you have a game currently going and are interested in getting a player (or players)). If this interests you, please check out the spoiler for more...
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    FR Player's Guide

    I'm not interested in running a FR game, but this book is growing more and more interesting. Anyone else thinking similar thoughts? (If there's a similar thread with ramblings of an aligned nature, please do link me)
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    I know these boards tend to be more D20 oriented (or my perception isn't high enough?), but I was wondering if someone knew some good digs about the new white wolf Hunter? I've found a few bits of information on the internets, but I was wondering if anyone had a jackpot of info I could sink my...
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    New Article up, The Ashen Covenant

    The mouse strikes with a rather nice article. I scanned through the forum pages and didn't see any mention of this. It's got some lore that I really like and will probably see some use in my games. It also has some crunch that made me a very happy dm, but stuff that I knew my PCs'd like. What...
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    Somebody's monkness is drowning my rogueness...

    A song's stuck in my head. Anyway, I figured I'd take a crack at converting the rogue to a ki-based striker. Unless ki works totally weirdly, like a ninja in 3.x, here we go... The Rogue to Monk conversion. Step 1, assume that all references to Martial are in fact references to Ki. Improvised...
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    Power Swapping for great justice.

    Could a pseudo-multiclassing occur where powers of the same source are swapped? Such as switching a rogue's @will for a ranger's or fighter's? Or give a Warlock a Wizard's Scorching Blast @will instead of a... whatever @will power. Essentially, declass the system and roles to something more...
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    To Craft and Profess...

    Soo... I was reading that Craft/Profession thread over in rules when I read A completely valid scenario. My answer is the dwarf. If one must place a mechanical sense upon one's background allow them to choose various background nongamey skills and rate them in the following ranks... Layman...
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    Help me out with some weapon power ideas...

    For fun, of course, but I think that powers built into mundane weapons are pretty much a nope (If anyone knows otherwise, I'd love to hear tell). That said, what @will, Encounter, and/or Daily(?) powers would you have liked to seen in mundane weapons? Will you houserule any in? Perhaps a Spear...
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    Female Dragonborn/Half-dragon/etc. Fig...

    I am looking for a fig for a 4e game so a player of mine (my girlfriend) can have an appropriately gendered miniature. Can anyone help me out? Do any female draconic-looking figs even exist? Edit: This is about the only one we've been able to find...
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    D&D 4E Flow and 4e.

    I'm not an expert at the concept of Flow. I know as much as the next person who's like, "Yeah man, I know what you mean." A really rough description is 'being in the zone', a sense of time dilation... is the mental state of operation in which the person is fully immersed in what he or she is by...
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    D&D 4E Short pre-4e review with a question...

    We continued on from the game we started last week Wednesday night. It was quite fun. The Rogue/Ranger and Paladin/Wizard bonded in character, while the cleric is winning friends with his sweet uses of Healing Words, well-placed attacks, and nuking zombie minions with Turn Undead. There was a...
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    D&D 4E 4e last night... (A few pre-4e experiences)

    This is multiple reviews in one! So, about two weeks ago I went and played a 4e demo. It was fun, but the dm didn't really know the rules and only two other people showed up to play. It's somewhere back-logged in the threads. So, last night I convinced two friends to go and check out D&D 4e (I...
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    So... there's the Cold->FRICKIN' COLD combo. Anyone else think of sweet combos? Thus... a thread. Not exactly a combo... but I was thinking Tide of Iron + Shield Spikes = The Win. Would any other potential dms okay this?
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    Too much?

    So, I was thinking that since traps, skill challenges, and combat all require initiative, could you do all three at once to a party? Or would that quickly become too much? Traps + Combat go hand-in-hand I think. But would all three be too much? What says the forums? Also, could skill...