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    D&D 5E Dwarf Deity dealing with Agriculture

    Well folks, I have an odd question. I have been looking through the dwarven deities for Forgotten Realms and I can't seem to find any deity related to agriculture. I know that Chauntea for the Human Pantheon is the Goddess of Agriculture, but is there a deity for the dwarves that would relate in...
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    SCAG Backgrounds Lifestyle Cost

    Greetings folks, Is there a list anywhere or has anyone put out anything on the lifestyles associated with the different backgrounds in the SCAG? I am planning on making a Cloistered Scholar, but not finding anything (unless my Google Fu is just failing me). Thank you for any help.
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    D&D 5E Class for Pacifist

    Greetings again friends, I had another question now. I am looking at a class that would work well for a pacifist character. I figured out a way to do so within the bounds of the game (and with a code of conduct befitting to a pacifist). However, I was wondering which class you thought would be...
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    D&D 5E Little Worshipped Deities (Forgotten Realms)

    Good morning to all (since it is where I am at when posting this), I was looking at doing some different stuff, but through playing a class I know and love, the Cleric. I mainly play Adventurers League and, as such, play mainly in the Forgotten Realms. As such, I ask that the answers be...
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    Custom Background question

    I have a slight question on making a custom background. I know you start with one of the background and alter from there. My question is, does this customization include background in places such as the State of Mulmaster or State of Hillsfar documents, where there are more bonds and backgrounds...
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    EEPC Races and SCAG Deities Lists

    I have a question for everyone. I know that you can't use both the EEPC and the SCAG together. However, I was wondering if you were able to take a race, like say Earth Genasi, from the EEPC and use the deities lists from the SCAG for making a cleric? I am looking mainly at say making the...
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    Background Suggestions

    Greetings all, I am creating a character for my upcoming Thursday game, and I am stuck on figuring out a good background for him. The basis for the character is a Duergar Paladin that has been exiled from his home due to worshipping a deity that the council in charge of his city deems to be...
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    D&D 5E Eldath Dogma Question

    Greetings again all, I have a question in relation to the Dogma for Eldath. I am not able to link, so I am quoting the dogma here for people. "The philosophy of Eldath is highly advanced. It teaches that peace can only come from within and cannot he taught or imposed; it must he readied...
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    D&D 5E Paladin Orders of Ilmater

    Greetings folks, I was looking at the paladin orders for Ilmater and noticed that there is a group that is mainly cleric and monk called the Order of the Golden Maple. I was wondering if anyone had any information on this order. If you do, do you think that a paladin would join this Order in...
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    Using one Deity to represent another

    Greetings all, I have a small question. Since Sharindlar is not available for a Dwarf to worship, Cleric or Acolyte wise, would it be possible to use someone like Sune but state that you worship Sharindlar through her or as her? I am trying to make a dwarf that worships Beauty and Love.