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Search results

  1. JohnnyQuest

    DDM Guild Repaint: July 2009 (Grimlock Minion)

    Smithmeg brings us the fifth in her series of monthly DDM Guild Repaints. Up this month: the Grimlock Minion from Monster Manual: Dangerous Delves. Awesome!
  2. JohnnyQuest

    DW1: The Frost Giant's Picket

    In May, the DDM Guild launched scenario-based play using D&D Miniatures skirmish rules with D1: Drow Incursion. Each of the scenarios includes variant rules, new stat cards for creatures, new items, and/or new maps or terrain features. The second scenario of the Drow Wars series, DW1: The Frost...
  3. JohnnyQuest

    DDM Guild Repaint: June 2009

    Megan Smith, a valued community artist and Chapter Master in Brisbane, Australia, brings us the fourth in her series of monthly DDM Guild Repaints. Up this month: the Goblin Sharpshooter from Monster Manual: Dangerous Delves.
  4. JohnnyQuest

    D&D Miniatures Skirmish Events at Gen Con

    The DDM Guild is hosting a full slate of events at Gen Con Indy 2009. We'll be right beside Wizards of the Coast in the Sagamore. Do battle with other miniatures enthusiasts! Learn and practice 4th Edition D&D combat and tactics! Have fun! Kick butt! Register today! D&D Miniatures Convention...
  5. JohnnyQuest

    DDM Guild Repaint: May 2009

    Megan Smith brings us the fourth in her series of monthly DDM Guild Repaints. Up this month: the Sharn Redcloak from Demonweb.
  6. JohnnyQuest

    DDM Guild: Dangerous Delves (Skirmish) Preview 2

    We've been fortunate to be granted permission for advanced previews of some Dangerous Delves minis. See the Bloodseeker Drake before anyone else! And tell us what you think about the skirmish stats! DDM Guild: Dangerous Delves, Preview 2
  7. JohnnyQuest

    Unbroken, the DDM Guild Newsletter: Issue 2

    The second issue of Unbroken, the DDM Guild Newsletter, is now available. Download the newsletter for the latest information on design, organized play, and Chapter activities! Chapter Masters and other Chapter members also may be interested in printing out the first page of the newsletter, as it...
  8. JohnnyQuest

    D&D Miniatures: New Battlemaps and Printed Stat Cards

    The DDM Guild is pleased to offer our supporters new, professionally-printed battlemaps and skirmish stat cards for the upcoming D&D Miniatures releases in 2009. Visit our website to read about the new maps and cards !
  9. JohnnyQuest

    Introducing Battle Rules (2009)

    DDM Guild is pleased to announce the publication of the 2009 D&D Miniatures Game Battle Rules. The Battle Rules (2009) rulebook is a complete rewrite of the D&D Miniatures Game rule set, incorporating the past year of changes, clarifications, and errata and a smaller number of new changes in a...
  10. JohnnyQuest

    DDM Guild Update

    body {margin:8px} .tr-field {font:normal x-small arial}Hello to my fellow D&D Miniatures enthusiasts! There has been a flurry of activity over at www.ddmguild.com recently. If you haven't dropped by recently, I encourage you to visit the website and enjoy several new articles and resources...
  11. JohnnyQuest

    DDM Pictures

    I'm working on a sooper-secret project, and I'd love it if any of you would be willing to post or PM me a few of your favorite D&D Miniatures-related pictures. Pictures can be of people, events, posters/flyers, repaints, mods, whatever. They can be funny or serious. You should be fairly sure...
  12. JohnnyQuest

    DDM Guild: Call for Chapter Masters

    We've had a great response to our call for Chapter Masters. We've started to develop a map that will be included on our full website, and I love to see all those little virutal pushpins. We have several Chapters established in the US and abroad, including Costa Rica, the Netherlands, and the...
  13. JohnnyQuest

    The Tome Show: DDM Update

    If you'd like to learn a bit more about the DDM Guild -- or just want to hear me blather, check out Episode 92 of the Tome Show.
  14. JohnnyQuest

    Unbroken: The DDM Guild Newsletter

    We're happy to announce the publication of the first issue of Unbroken: The DDM Guild Newsletter. The inaugural issue presents updates from our Design, Organized Play, and Chapter Leads. We're working hard, getting ready for the official hand-off of the D&D Miniatures Game in February 2008...
  15. JohnnyQuest

    DDM Guild: Our New Logo!

    Recently, the DDM Guild put out a call for submissions of a logo design. We received several fine submissions, but one logo in particular stood out to us. This design by Joel Broveleit (Demetri0us) is simple, powerful, and recognizable. It evokes the early days of D&D Miniatures and is itself a...
  16. JohnnyQuest

    Design the DDM Guild Logo

    The DDM Guild is a global alliance of D&D Miniatures skirmish enthusiasts dedicated to keeping the skirmish game alive and continuing the fun of casual and competitive play in a variety of formats. Wizards of the Coast recently announced that the Guild will be granted a license to continue...