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  1. Olorin

    Attachments appear as links when logged in

    Hi there, I've recently come back to the site after a long absence and noticed that after logging in, attachments appear as links for me instead of loading inline. It happens on the home page and the individual news posts. Example below from this post...
  2. Olorin

    Spontaneous casters using higher level slots to cast lower level spells

    Simple q: Can spontaneous casters cast a lower level known spell using a higher level slot? Can't find a definitive answer in the books, everything I found talks about casters that prepare their spells.
  3. Olorin

    Annihilator - Underdark

    Looking at the Annihilator in the new Underdark book (p79-80). For its Disintegration ability, it acts as the disintegrate spell. What caster level would this ability do damage at? i.e. what caster level does this ability act at and is there some general rule I'm not aware of to determine this...
  4. Olorin

    Ray of Enfeeblement penalties aren't cumulative?

    Is it correct that the Strength penalties from Rays of Enfeeblement don't stack? If so where in the rules is this covered?
  5. Olorin

    Number of grapple checks for animal

    I think this is pretty straightforward but I just wanted to confirm. Dire Bear with 3 attacks (claw, claw, bite) and Improved Grab. Bear does full attack. Hits with claw, does claw damage, gets free grab attempt, wins grapple check. Target is drawn into bear's space, no extra damage done. Can...
  6. Olorin

    location for 17+ level cleric of Tempus

    A follower of Tempus in my group's party was killed and they decided to spring for a True Resurrection for him. Does anyone know where in the Realms a major temple of Tempus could be found? The party is in the Cormyr area and the description of Suzail mentions a shrine for Tempus, but I'd really...
  7. Olorin

    Druid animal companion type

    I seem to recall reading here that the druid's animal companion should be remain an animal type, not magical beast. Is this true or am I living in my alternate reality again? If it is true, what was the source of the correction? Thanks!
  8. Olorin

    number of attacks when wildshaped

    I apologize if this has been answered before (and I'm sure it has). The search function seems a bit wonky and I didn't find anything helpful. If a 12th level druid (+9 BAB) wildshapes say, into a polar bear: How many attacks does he get? Full attack with 2 claws and bite or his normal 2...
  9. Olorin

    D&D 3E/3.5 3.0 to 3.5 Barbarian change

    I was just playing with some numbers to get a sense of how 3.5 is going to change the Barbarian in my game when we switch over. Just thought I'd share and see what people thought... This uses the actual Barb from the party, assuming his party-mate the Bard 8/Arc 4 will use Inspire Courage to...
  10. Olorin

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Craft Construct a monster feat?

    When you are improving a druid/ranger animal companion and it gains feats from increasing its HD, which feats can it select from? All feats that it qualifies for (and make sense) or only the ones listed in the MM as monster feats?
  11. Olorin

    Smoke Paraelemental - Smoke Claws

    No duration is given for this ability (MoP p. 184)... also no limit on how often the paraelemental can perform it. Was just curious, would you let it do this every round? If it succeeds, does it last until the target is dead or makes its saving throw (or the paraelemental dies)? That's how I...
  12. Olorin

    adding mount to character sheet

    Is there any way to purchase a mount and have it show up on the character sheet? I see that Druids/Rangers/Paladins/etc. have a Companion section that lets them pick their animals, but my plain old Fighter bought a mount and there's no way I can see to have it appear on the character sheet. Olorin