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    Skill challenge help - restoring an old temple

    I'm about to run the Kingmaker campaign myself and was trying to think of ways to get more Skill Challenges into the 4e conversion. I am a big fan of the concept and it's much better way of giving the characters XP rather than handwaving it or subjecting them to random encounters. I hadn't...
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    [SAGA] Star Wars - Resurgence of Darkness

    Salvation on Silver-Tipped Wings In the late afternoon, they emerge from the forest onto the northern outskirts of a small town which, according to an old sign, is called Southview. Southview is located on the top of a small cliff which drops off sharply towards the south end of town. The...
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    [SAGA] Star Wars - Resurgence of Darkness

    Forest Chase The dull blue landspeeder has been redesigned for planetary patrol. It is well-armoured, and three repulsorlift engines are tucked within the protective chassis. A heavy repeating blaster rests upon a mount on the forward hood, and there are rudimentary targeting controls in the...
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    [SAGA] Star Wars - Resurgence of Darkness

    GM’s Commentary I wasn’t too thrilled at having to railroad the plot a bit by wrecking the Bellerophon. Khail is in hoc 25,000 credits to a Twi’lek crime lord and his player had put a fair bit of work into detailing the ship, which he perhaps feels he wasted. Unfortunately he didn’t take...
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    [SAGA] Star Wars - Resurgence of Darkness

    A Base in the Wilderness Fenri holds up his arm with fist clenched, and the group crouches down as they hear the familiar sound of a repulsorlift engine. From the sound of the device, it appears to be from some form of transport. The engine noise dims, as though it has stopped moving and is...
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    [SAGA] Star Wars - Resurgence of Darkness

    A series of massive explosions jolt the group from their activities. Immediately, alarm klaxons begin to blare throughout the base and Commander Drayson’s voice crackles over the intercom speakers: “Attention all personnel, this is a condition red alert. We are under attack from Imperial...
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    Welcome to the Halmae (updated 2/27/07)

    Ehkt's Balls! I can't believe I missed this gem all this time. Now, having reached the end, I can't believe that's it! So many questions unanswered, so many threads yet to unravel... Who becomes Chancellor? Is the Justicy McJust-Off Caucus the first splash in a wave of Universal Law that...
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    A Gaming Table My Wife Will Let Me Have

    Looks great! Unfortunately I can't imagine me ever having a spare $10K lying around that I wouldn't miss. But if I did...
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    [SAGA] Star Wars - Resurgence of Darkness

    ATTACK ON ORD CANFRE “Nice droid, Thalo.” Fenri smirks at the dusty R2 unit that trundles faithfully behind the young Jedi. They are on their way to the Nova’s briefing room to meet Captain Bluuis for their next assignment. “Yeah, they have a few different models powered down in storage.”...
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    [SAGA] Star Wars - Resurgence of Darkness

    GM’s Commentary Well, I didn’t feel that the second session was as successful as the first. I got a bit overwhelmed during the space combat at the end of Damsel in Distress, occasionally forgetting the +5 cover modifier in the asteroid field and making Vehicular Combat rolls for the TIE...
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    [SAGA] Star Wars - Resurgence of Darkness

    Fight or Flight… The remaining crew have just finished donning the suits and are preparing to make the trip over to the Bellerophon when a dull boom rocks the corvette. “Another tremor?” asks a worried crewman. Guro, who has just finished securing his helmet, shakes his head. “That is no...
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    [SAGA] Star Wars - Resurgence of Darkness

    Tracking the Damsel The starlines flare as the short hyperspace journey begins. Fifteen minutes pass before the hyperspace transponder begins to beep – they are coming up on target… The Bellerophon emerges from hyperspace on the edge of a vast asteroid field. In the distance, a small section...
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    [SAGA] Star Wars - Resurgence of Darkness

    DAMSEL IN DISTRESS Captain Naaren Bluuis, commanding officer of the Corva Sector Fleet, makes his way to the briefing room of the Nova. He is proud of his ship - a Defender Assault Carrier, flagship of the New Republic forces assigned to this region of space. Escorted by a Nebulon-B frigate and...
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    [SAGA] Star Wars - Resurgence of Darkness

    GM's Commentary We discovered what it is like with no healing in SAGA after everyone took damage from the landslide. 10hp didn’t seem like much, but with medpacs and rest only healing 1hp, we all realised how careful the group needed to be. I think everyone but Cyan used their Second Wind...
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    [SAGA] Star Wars - Resurgence of Darkness

    The Sunken Mesa Another uneventful night is spent resting up from the rigours of the previous day. Upon resuming their journey, it is not long before they come across two banthas grazing on scrub brush growing around the base of a 20-meter-tall plateau. A makeshift crane with cables leading up...
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    [SAGA] Star Wars - Resurgence of Darkness

    On the Trail Outside the town, Renei indicates a patch of rough ground. “This is where they captured me. I should be able to backtrack along my trail to the ship from here.” Looking in the direction Renei indicates, the group can see a mountainous, rock-strewn wilderness stretching towards the...
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    [SAGA] Star Wars - Resurgence of Darkness

    GM's Commentary Overall, it was a fun start with the first session. I was initially disturbed at the strength of the Mind Trick Force Power after it was used on the cantina thug. NPC Will Defense scores are always on the low side, making them particularly susceptible to this ability. Thinking...
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    [SAGA] Star Wars - Resurgence of Darkness

    STAR WARS – RESURGENCE OF DARKNESS INTRODUCTION Well, this is my first attempt at writing up a campaign in a story format. I have wanted to do this before, inspired as I was many years ago by having read several extremely enjoyable campaign write-ups in the Story Hour forums, but my party...
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    What do we actually know about WotC's market research?

    People keep on about a sample size of 1000 being enough. To me that is an incomplete picture. What is important is the response rate. So are we accepting the standard (which is I think 20-30% response rate)? ie 200-300 responses. Or do we mean 100o responses. Because clearly a sample size of...
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    Rate Spielberg's War of the Worlds

    Ditto. Wasted 2 hours and I went in with zero expectations (well, only the expectation to be entertained which I was not). Tom Cruise was good as were the special effetcs but the girl who played his daughter was not. I expected better having seen her in Man on Fire.