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  1. N

    Nadaka's DiceBox is back

    I am not sure if this is the best place for this after the forum reorganization... let me know if it belongs elsewhere. Nadaka's DiceBox (an online dice rolling tool) is back online after a ridiculously prolonged absence. There is still some work for me to do, but it is sufficiently ready for...
  2. N

    Swordmage in FRCS? Where?

    Basically it. I thumbed through 2 copies of the 4e FRCS at the book store. Neither one had the Swordmage in it, it was mentioned in one sidebar in the threats chapter, but that was it. Is it in the book? if so, what page? I am not a 4e user, but I like to stay informed.
  3. N

    add 1/2 level to ability checks? What? Why?

    Imagine this. At first level a really strong dragonborn fighter with strength of 18 has difficulty lifting a portcullis (DC20). His spindly halfling mage companion with a strength of 8 doesn't have a chance of lifting it. at level 10 the same duo pass through again. Sure the dragonborn is...
  4. N

    Old D20 VS new D20, logic, balance and constistancy: what are your opinions?

    I am trying to figure out for myself the better of the two methods for building a d20 game. I am planning heavily modifying d20 modern as a base for my own games. Old D20: The qualities of a class such as BAB, Saves are divergent. New D20: The qualities of a class such as BAB, saves are linear...
  5. N

    Alternate Race features, occupation & society: assistance requested.

    Certain elements of a race are based not on the physical qualities of a race, or even their natural mental talents, but on the social training that offspring in that race receive. The elves get sword and bow proficiencies. The dwarves get bonus against goblinoids, giants and with axes. The...
  6. N

    Broad Classes + Subclasses

    Index: Main Post Fighter Talents and bonus feats Berzerker subclass Talents and Bonus Feats Class/Sub Class This is an alternate system for defining classes in d20 based games. Class in this case is a generic abstract that determines the chassis of a character, his HP, BAB, Saves, Skill...
  7. N

    Homewbrew D&D Campaign setting problems: Help with my Creation Myth.

    I have recently decided to write down and share a high fantasy/horror/mystery/adventure campaign setting that I have been playing/writing for years. One thing that I have never touched on in any of my games in this setting is the creation myth. Weird? I know. Now that I sit down and try to...
  8. N

    Decisions for a campain setting?

    I have a long standing high fantasy/suspense/mystery/horror campaign setting that I have been playing and brainstorming for years. I am considering writing it all down and sharing it here over the next year or so. But before I do Name? In the past I have called it Shattered Worlds. However a...
  9. N

    ITS WORKING! D20 modern Automated Character Generator

    I have started a project to write a d20 modern NPC generator. In its first version it will be a web-application that can generate one or more NPCs based on user input. Later, I intend to distribute it as a stand alone application that can run on your local machine. Eventually I hope to...
  10. N

    Attenton: Nadaka's DiceBox has moved...

    For those that are using my dice roller, I have upgraded my website with a new, shorter, easier to remember name. The new dice roller is at: Enjoy... and thanks to everyone that uses the die roller.