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Search results

  1. W

    Catapults and Science in Ancient World

    This article from the New York Times is somewhat interesting:
  2. W

    Corruption point systems instead of alignment

    In a thread on alignment in general discussion, Eris404 was interested in various corruption rules as a replacement for alignment. I'd be interested in seeing others, but here are my current house rules: 8. Corruption: Although many natives are not aware of it, good and evil are active, real...
  3. W

    Feats 'n' Skills Magic System

    Here is the latest incarnation of my feat and skill based magic systen, It has undergone extensive tweaks based on what little playtesting I've managed to give it. I know it's a long file, but I would appreciate any feedback I could get to try to improve it further; I would be especially...
  4. W

    Trading age for skill ranks?

    I've been toying around with the following idea: I'm not sure if its a good one. The gist: allow players to add years to starting age in exchange for skill ranks to flesh out background. For example, Bob the fighter spent years working it his father's forge before he mastered the martial arts...
  5. W

    How close to the game should a story hour be?

    I was wondering. . . How faithful to the game experience do you, the reader of a story hour, prefer the story hour to be? Do you want simply a plain transcript of a given adventure, enjoying the session vicariously? Do you like a well written story, but still want the game mechanics to be...
  6. W

    Are shields underpowered?

    After reading through some of the threads about relating d20 mechanics to historical infantry tactics, it seems that there is a creeing suspicion that a shield (in the rules) just doesn't do as much for you as it would in real life. So: does anyone have any rules that make shields more...
  7. W

    Clarification: point blank shot and thrown weapons

    I have a character concept built around the idea of a dagger bandolier and lots of quick bits of flying metal. I selected quickdraw (natch) and point blank shot, and then began wondering. The description of point blank shot says that you become "skilled at making well placed shots with ranged...
  8. W

    How infrequently is too infrequently?

    About a year and a half ago, my brother bought several copies of the 3rd edition rules in an attempt to get our old group from the 1980s back into roleplaying. It worked, to a certain extent: we have revived our old campaign world, and are currently taking a band of adventurers through my...
  9. W

    Changing first level BAB

    I recently had a thought (or several smaller notions that mght add up to a thought in a pinch): It strikes me as curious that your typical "I've been training with the sword for the past four years and now that I'm sixteen I will go out and rid the world of evil" fighter type hits only 5%...