• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. K

    Any RPGs that focus on roleplaying instead of combat?

    You wan tto check out Robin Laws Hillfolk I'd been following this game for awhile but when Robin Laws explained to my high school sons that the game was designed to mimic Sopranos, Game of Thrones and Breaking Bad they where sold. http://www.pelgranepress.com/?cat=222 I'm not sure there is...
  2. K

    D&D 4E Any ideas on a 4E conversion of the A1-4 Slavers series

    I realize one of the things I love about 4E is adventure creation is greatly simplified and fun, and that a conversion of the A1-4 Slavers series form the old days would not be to hard to do even on the fly. But.... I'd like to know if any one has done so already or anyones thoughts on how they...
  3. K

    Where are the Dinosaurs?

    Sweet - thanks thats what I needed
  4. K

    Where are the Dinosaurs?

    I need 4E dinosaurs. I'm out of town without my books trying to prep for a new campaign starting this weekend, and my DDI-Fu is failing - or they don't exist. Can someone point me to them or tell me I'm out of luck? Looking to do a King Kong/ Skull island vibe to kick things off, I suppose I...
  5. K

    Games you want to play but haven't

    Jaws of the Six Serpents. I was a huge fan of the HeroQuest RPG, and this seems to be a slimmed down more accesible game along the same lines. If only I can talk my current group into it. Being that they are mostly 12 year olds I may have a tough time - their pretty set in their ways. Darn kids...
  6. K

    D&D 4E 4e conversion of White Plume's hot mud room

    Wow a weird gaming a-ha moment just happened. It never occurred to me that failure actually meant failure! Maybe it’s the last 6 or 7 years of gaming Herowars/ Heroquest where failure never meant failure. I just figured at the end of the skill challenge no matter how the dice fell the characters...
  7. K


    I've never read the current version of the rules, last version i played was 2nd edition circa 1983 ish. So my input should considered with that in mind. I do love what the current version has done to revitalize Glorantha and have several of the world books which are very light (if not none)...
  8. K

    D&D 4E 4e conversion of White Plume's hot mud room

    So the adventure is for 11 and 12 year olds, so it’s ok if a lot of the adventure doesn’t make sense. It makes more sense then any adventure I put together at their age, and I’m only slightly more mature when we play. An Ogre Mage (sorry Oni Mage) and his minions attacked a village and stole...
  9. K

    D&D 4E 4e conversion of White Plume's hot mud room

    I'm selectivly pulling pieces of White Plume out for an adventure and am curious how others would run area 7 the hot mud room? Thanks, Andy
  10. K

    Calculating XP for defeated NPCs

    Silly question I'm sure, feel free to just point me to the correct page and book to look it up myself - I just can't find it on my own at the moment. I have a handfull of NPCs, 4th lvl Hobbit Psion, 6th lvl Minotaur Monk and 2 2nd lvl human fighters and I need to know how much XP they are worth...
  11. K

    Anyone else not feel "the grind"

    I'm with you. I currently run a game for my 11 year old and his sons very Friday as my adult friends are no longer able to play silly games with me. Back the 3e days the adults knew all the rules and how to best max them- those combats where a grind. The kids grew up on anamie, all they care...
  12. K

    [Miniatures]Giant Snakes?

    I have 2 or 3 of the Grenadier snakes and another 2 or 3 of the Heritage Real lead! the way minis where ment to be- makes me woozy!
  13. K

    Green Ronin's Book of the Righteous: any fans?

    Aftr reading this thread- I may have to go find my copy a try and read it again to see what I missed. When I bought it I couldn't get past the first few pages on several attempts, and skimming round looking for the good parts didn't help. I really disliked this book. Love the idea, it's whats...
  14. K

    D&D General What (in)famous D&D adventure sites exist in your homebrew?

    My current game is a sanbox campaign run for mostly 11 year olds. It centers around and abandoned Wizards vale, 4 destroyed wizard towers in a valley - 0one game map. The valley is riddled with caves below the wizard towers - Caves of Chaos. Under which runs a unified underDark - Vault a Larin...
  15. K

    Wargames for casual newcomers?

    I'll second Wings of War as being a great game, with minis its even better. excelent of the casual gamer - yet a real wargame WWII minis I have ot go with Disposable Hero's for the same reasons. Both have low buy in. If you already have a lot of minis for D&D laying around you can't go wrong...
  16. K

    PbP friendly systems.

    My usual answer to a PbP question is Fudge or HeroQuest. I've used both succesfully for PbP in the past. Both are simple single roll resolution systems. But I just re- read In a Wicked Age, and really want to try this on a PbP.
  17. K

    Giant Praying Mantis

    It is indeed a re-skined 3rd lvl White Dragon. Actually I just ended up replacing the Mantis with the Dragon. Hong's Mantis is impresive and will see use in another section of the adventure. Thanks for all the help
  18. K

    What formed your idea of what D&D is to you?

    My first experience with D&D was the summer of 1977. My best friends brother had the little white box. We where 10 years old and playing with the big kids - you know real big kids like 13 or 14. It was crazy awsome, I didn't know the rules and didn't care we where having a blast exploring caves...
  19. K

    DDI Encounter Builder question

    Am I missing something? I can access the Encounter Builder and create my encounter, but when I hit Display & Print and then Formated Encounter a blank Pop-Up window appears. Thanks, Andy
  20. K

    Giant Praying Mantis

    As a monster it may need fly by attacks, but in the given local its actually rather confined. A straight up in you face fight is the setup. opps cut and paste form the dragons fear