Search results

  1. msd

    Reaper starter kits - worth it?

    Basically, the title says it all. Are the Reaper mini starter kits worth it? I know a lot of people have posted links to some great online resources, but what I am really looking for is a good how-to guide from start to finish (using basic techniques obviously) that I'll have in one place...
  2. msd

    Required Pre-3.5 FR Gaming Materials

    Hi folks. I picked up D&D again w/ 3.5 which means that I missed a lot of the pre-3.5 FR stuff. I am now trying to assemble as much material as I can that will give me "flavor"...crunch is pretty irrelevant. If you were putting together a mandatory list of things to get from E-bay, WoTC...
  3. msd

    Artist Needed for Web Logo

    I am looking for an artist who could do (for lack of a better term) a web logo for the home page of a campaign website. This would be the banner image that you see across the top of the home page. The campaign is set in the FR. Honestly, as I have never paid for art, I am not sure what...
  4. msd

    Best pre-3.0/3.5 FR Products

    I essentially missed out on all of 2E FR stuff. I play 3.5, but am looking to compile all the good 2E stuff that I missed and that is still available (either as a free download from WoTC or as a PDF from RPGNow or some other vendor). I am especially interested in things that are flavor heavy...
  5. msd

    Green Ronin: Delay in Freeport Trilogy?

    If Mr. Pramas or someone else in the know on this can respond, that would be awesome. I called my FLGS yesterday looking to see when they would get in the 5th anniversary edition of the trilogy. The individual with whom I spoke claimed that there was some manner of printing/distribution...
  6. msd

    Boston Gamers: Who is looking for a game?

    OK...inspired by the "Lonesome Gamer" thread and the fact that there appears to be a number of recent posts by people in the Boston/Cambridge/MetroWest area that are looking for gaming groups (myself included! :p ), I thought I would start this thread. My hope is that this thread is a little...
  7. msd

    A good leather dicebag?

    Anyone know where to get a dicebag made out of leather? Personally, I am looking for something that doesn't really stand out. Just a simple bag, made out of brown or black leather. No skulls, dragons, etc. thank you... :D
  8. msd

    Which story hours do you read?

    Story hours are never something I have really paid attention to here at ENWorld. In an effort to change that, I would like to start reading a few. Given that many of them are really quite long, I was looking for some recommendations as to which are some of the more colorful and inspirational...
  9. msd

    .pdf Character Sheets That Can Save Data?

    I've seen a lot of great character sheets out there in .pdf format that auto-fill, etc. None of the ones I have come across actually let you save the information from session to session. In other words, it seems (and maybe I am totally batty here) that if you wanted to keep your character data...
  10. msd

    Best Midnight books to get?

    I am reading the 2nd ed. of the campaign setting, which I really like. Can someone tell me which other books for this setting they would recommend? Are they compatible with the 2nd. edition of the setting? Thanks in advance, Matt
  11. msd

    Gaming Props - What do you use and how do you make them?

    OK...I haven't been in a lot of games that use props, but would be interested in knowing what others commonly use. Specifically, I am interested in trying to make a piece of paper look old, as if it is a piece of parchment from a dusty old tome... :D . I had heard something about dipping the...
  12. msd

    Boston, MA Gamers Lunch

    Anyone work in or around the downtown area that is interested in a get together for lunch? EDIT: If you are interested, here are the details we have worked out! LOCATION Whiskey's Smokehouse 885 Boylston Street, Boston, MA 02116 (617) 262-5551 DATE September 8th, 2005 (next Thursday) TIME...
  13. msd

    How to get rid of lots & lots of unneeded books?

    OK, folks, here's the deal... In a previous life, I was a programmer and acquired a simply massive number of books (lots of Microsoft Press/Wrox/others). I started law school a couple years ago (yay! - last year for me) and would love to get rid of them as they are taking up a considerable...
  14. msd

    Pre-painted fantasy minis - do they exist?

    Other than the WoTC minis, are there other mini companies out there making pre-painted fantasy minis? Thanks in advance, Matt
  15. msd

    Boston, MA - Rookie DM Looking for Subjects (err...players) for weekend one-shot

    Hey all. I am a rookie DM, as in really green, as in complete newbie. :D I am looking for victims (did I say victims? I meant players ;) ) that would be willing to play a one-shot adventure some Saturday or Sunday morning or afternoon. I don't specifically have a time set up as I am waiting...
  16. msd

    Looking for 3.5 D&D in Boston, Mass (or immediate suburbs)

    Hi! With my recent schedule, I have mostly taken to playing online, but my schedule this coming year (last year of professional school) should be considerably lighter, allowing me to resume a regular face-to-face game. I am 33, non-smoking, mature gamer who loves both roll-playing and...
  17. msd

    Are there avid gamers out there who hate cons?

    A disclaimer: I have never been to a con (although I would desperately like to see what GenCon is all about). I am just wondering - are there people out there who are avid gamers who just don't like going to cons? Does that animal exist or would we all be at GenCon right now if...
  18. msd

    Cost of running a vanity press?

    I know this is a difficult question to answer without engaging in generalities, so let's engage in generalities... :D Hypothetical: I am writing my own adventure, doing all the editing, doing all the "art" and cartography. I own a licensed copy of Adobe capable of producing a .pdf file. What...
  19. msd

    Anyone reading the Dragonlance Chronicles miniseries (Devil's Due Publishing)

    Not the greatest comic in the world I have ever read, but interesting. I have to say that I do like the art quite a bit actually. Anyone else reading this at the moment?
  20. msd

    GenCon Pics

    Has someone (pre-emptively) started a thread for pics from GenCon? If not, please post 'em here so sad sacks like myself who weren't able to go can live vicariously through you! :p