• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. T

    Gulags and Mammuths

    Recently my girlfriend gave me the new Fields of the Nephilim album and it quickly inspired me to create a alternate reality setting based on the early fifties Sovjet Union and the gulags (prison/workcamp), where mammuths roams the Siberian forest. What I need from the almighty En-World...
  2. T

    The U series

    In another thread, someone recommended the U series (for AD&D 1st. Ed.) to another poster and so I became interested in them. I was thinking that I could write a small campaign based on these modules, but I want a bit more information before buying them. Can someone give me a resume on the plot...
  3. T

    Istivin and Beyond all Reason

    I am planning to run the Istivin campaign arc from Dungeon, followed by Beyond all Reason. I would like to hear experiences from people who have played the four modules. I would like to know if there are troublespots, that I should be particularly aware of and so forth. I also have a specific...
  4. T

    Medieval Player's Manual

    I have a few questions regarding this book. Is it 3.0 or 3.5? How am Alchemy described? As medieval chemistry or a spriritual path?
  5. T

    Buying Steam

    I am considering buying a new book next month, but I do not know wich one to choose. Do any of you have comments to the following titles? DragonMech Iron Kingdoms Character Guide Steampunk OGL I already have Sorcery and steam, but I am a little disapointed by the book and some of the errors...