Search results

  1. Hammerforge

    [5E, new campaign, in-person][Northern Va., Falls Church]Looking for players

    Hail, adventurers! I'm looking for players for a 5E game that I'd run at my place in Falls Church one Saturday afternoon per month (I run a 1st ed. AD&D game once a month as well, so a second game session per month would be my limit). This would be just a single adventure to start, to be...
  2. Hammerforge

    [5E D&D][In-person] Looking for one player to join our group in Falls Church, Virginia

    Looking for an additional player for my 5E campaign. Characters are currently at 5th level; setting is Greyhawk (shortly after the Greyhawk Wars). The game leans toward a gritty, old-school feel with a good mix of role-playing, investigation, and combat. All PCs must be of good alignment (plus...
  3. Hammerforge

    Quakertown, PA area - AD&D - GM - gauging interest

    I will be moving to Quakertown very soon (end of June), and I am gauging interest in a long-term, face-to-face AD&D campaign. More specifically, the system will be 1st edition with some house rules. The game doesn't have to take place in Quakertown; for example, it could be in the Lehigh Valley...
  4. Hammerforge

    How to have an announcement made in the newsletter

    I'm interested in having an announcement for a new old-school D&D magazine put into the next enworld e-newsletter. Does anyone know how I can go about that, or whom I should contact? I tried looking around on the site here, but I couldn't find any specific way to go about it. I wanted to look at...
  5. Hammerforge

    AD&D in Northern Virginia

    Looking for one or two mature players to add to our current group. I'll be using 1st Edition AD&D with some house rules, set in post-Wars Greyhawk. We're currently nailing down a schedule, but it will probably be one or two Saturday afternoons each month. Sessions will likely take place in a...
  6. Hammerforge

    [Northern Virginia] Castles & Crusades

    I'm hoping to run a single C&C adventure, hopefully some time in September or October, at my place in Arlington. I am not sure yet what adventure I will run, whether one of my own making or one of TLG's published adventures, but I anticipate that it will be low level and will span at least...
  7. Hammerforge

    AD&D 1E - Arlington, VA

    I'm always on the lookout for new players for our old-school D&D group in Arlington, Virginia. We use AD&D First Edition with some minor house rules. Right now we are taking a break from my regular Greyhawk campaign while one of the players runs us through the 1E Pharaoh modules. My campaign...
  8. Hammerforge

    AD&D 1E in Northern Virginia

    I'm currently running a 1st Ed. AD&D campaign (with house rules, of course) in Arlington and could use another player or two. I'm looking for mature players who can make a commitment to attend most of the game sessions. We haven't nailed down a regular, consistent schedule yet due to varying...
  9. Hammerforge

    GM Dilemma

    Greetings all: Here’s a question that I thought I’d throw out there to see what people’s thoughts and experiences are. Please bear with me if this seems a bit rantish—it is, but I’ll try to keep the rant factor down to a minimum.  It is also a bit long, but I really want to express my thoughts...
  10. Hammerforge

    1st Edition game looking for more players

    Hello all, I've recently begun to gather 1st ed. AD&D players into a group. Our first game is scheduled for Sat., Nov. 10, at 12:00 noon at the Chantilly Game Parlor. We could use one or two more players. If interested, click the link below for more info:
  11. Hammerforge

    Any group in Fairfax area looking for a player?

    Hi, I'm looking to join a group, or perhaps even start one if need be. I know D&D 3.5 is pretty much the system of choice on this board, but I am also open to other systems such as GURPS, Savage Worlds, or HARP. I'm even willing to run an Eberron campaign eventually, though not right away. I...
  12. Hammerforge

    Improved Grab question

    In the text for Improved Grab, it says this: The creature has the option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply use the part of its body it used in the improved grab to hold the opponent. If it chooses to do the latter, it takes a -20 penalty on grapple checks, but is not considered...
  13. Hammerforge

    Northern VA: True20 or other, GM/player looking to form group

    As the subject line says, I'm hoping to start a group that would be interested in one of the systems as described below... Play Location/Method: Northern VA, face to face, preferably at Game Parlor in Chantilly to begin with. Game/System: I'm currently in a D&D 3.5 campaign, so I'd like to try...
  14. Hammerforge

    Take 10 & Take 20 -- differences?

    Other than the obvious numerical difference between these two, I wonder what other difference there is between them. The SRD says: Taking 10 When your character is not being threatened or distracted, you may choose to take 10. Instead of rolling 1d20 for the skill check, calculate your result...
  15. Hammerforge


    The "feint" action description says that it is a standard action and that if successful its effect takes place during your next attack. My question is this: Since feint is a standard action, I would think that one's "next attack" could not take place until the next round. The only way that the...
  16. Hammerforge

    Sense Motive: Walking Polygraph Machines?

    As a DM one of the skills I truly hate is Sense Motive. IMO, it's pretty unrealistic for someone to be able to determine for sure if someone is lying just by looking at their gestures and facial expressions. Not only that, but I feel it can really throw a monkey wrench into certain plans I have...
  17. Hammerforge

    Mercantile Houses in Eberron?

    Here's a question for you Eberron experts out there: The Favored In House feat prerequisite is to be a member of appropriate dragonmarked race and house. The feat itself makes you a member of one of the dragonmarked mercantile houses. There obviously is a difference between a dragonmarked house...
  18. Hammerforge

    Size Modifier for attack rolls

    The rules seem to indicate that the size modifier to the attack roll refers to the size of the creature making the attack. If so, that means a large creature always has -1 to its attack rolls no matter what, and a small creature always has +1 to its attack rolls no matter what. Am I...
  19. Hammerforge

    Differences between DMG 3.0 and 3.5

    As the title suggests, I'm wondering what differences there are between the 3.0 DMG and its 3.5 volume. I have the 3.0 edition and am thinking of buying the 3.5 one, but I'm hesitant to plunk down $30.00 for a book if it is almost the same as the one I already have. Any insights on this?
  20. Hammerforge

    VA (northern) - Eberron game needs additional players

    Hello to all northern Virginia d20 system gamers: I'm currently looking for players to form a new group for a D&D 3.5 campaign I plan to DM in September or possibly October (depending on how long it takes to get a group together). Please bear with the lengthiness of this ad, but I feel that the...