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  1. Darth Malakh


    Hello there fellow boardians, I'm lost in the books once more. Just where the heck have poisons gone? I'd swear i've seen that neat table that lists a lot of available poisons along with DCs for resistance and manufacture, damage etc. Thanks Malakh
  2. Darth Malakh

    Can't seem to find pistols

    The Player's Guide to Faerun mentions pistols as starting equipment for certain gnome regions. Just where the heck can i find them? Malakh
  3. Darth Malakh

    Touch Attacks and DR

    some wise-crack player of mine tried to tell me that touch attacks ignore DR. He said it's RAW and i don't think he's dishonest so i ruled in his favor for the evening. but to me it feels like he's plain wrong... and i'm just too lazy to look it up myself. ;) so, whaddaya say? Malakh
  4. Darth Malakh

    Favoured Soul vs. Cleric

    I've recently run across those Initiate feats. Most of them list "xth Cleric lvl." as a prerequisite. What about Favored Souls? Do they count as clerics for this purpose? I mean they are already barred from taking any divine feats due to their inability to turn/rebuke, neither are they granted...
  5. Darth Malakh

    De-capping petty spell-casters

    there are certain spell-casting prestige classes that tend to get stuck with a limit to their spell-casting abilities (sometimes as low as lvl. 13). what happens when you stack one of these classes with another spell-casting prestige class that grants a spellcasting progression? no further...
  6. Darth Malakh

    Being stunned

    Ok, how's it if someone is stunned and you try to trip him. does he still get to counter-trip you if you botch your attempt? Furthermore, there's no AoOing if you're stunned, right? Malakh
  7. Darth Malakh

    Fuzzy wizards

    Greetings, my fellow addicts. "The Fire Seeds spell description appears a bit fuzzy to me. It says (among other things): You turn as many as eight holly berries into special bombs.If you are within 200 feet and speak a word of command, each berry instantly bursts into flame, causing 1d8 points...
  8. Darth Malakh

    Imroved Trip and AoOs

    I bet this has been asked before but I admit I'm just too lazy to look for it. So how's it if I (having the Improved Trip feat) trip someone who's just provoked an AoO due to silly movement or something similar. Do I get to whack him for free as stated in the feat description or does it work...
  9. Darth Malakh

    Craftin' Corpses

    Hi there, What do you think? Could the effects of the Corpse Crafter (from LM) feat be applied to creatures you spawn or create via special abilities (like in the case of a blightlord's juju-zombies which once were creatures infected with his blight touch special ability. when the blight kills...