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  1. J

    Shemmy's Planescape Storyhour #2 (Updated x3 10-17-07)

    Whow. I was getting worried about how long it had been between updates, but man, that was worth the wait! And it is very nice to seen Inva's Player streach his role-playing legs. We don't see Tristol doing too much in the realm of "politics." Besides, he has a stable gf. Well, constant. No...
  2. J

    Dragon #359

    It was a fun read too! It was the last line that got me, though. Especially right after Wizards Three(Four?).
  3. J

    Dragon #359

    No problem, I just didn't want to see a good thread ruined by bickering.
  4. J

    Dragon #359

    Just in case anyone forgot, the ignore option is avalible by clicking on the poster in question's name. Just do that, and don't throw the crap back. Leave it where it lies, and cover it up with dirt.
  5. J

    (Quick Request) Name of a Magic Maul

    Judgement Day - Harsh sounding, works good with a Lawful Deity Truth - Simple and direct Counsel - "I would advise you to choose a different course of action" followed by a good shake of the maul. Guilt-crusher Justice's Forge Jail-Breaker's Bane Civilization (or Civilization's Reply) Law's...
  6. J

    Expedition to the Ruins of Greyhawk - got it!

    Oh, sounds nice. *Reads excerpts* If anyone has both this and Dungeon #150, could you compare the two traps?
  7. J

    Dragon #359

    Like I said, good job! :cool: (and I knew which one you had written the moment the loth's showed up) In the Demonomicon article, under Shaktari's Goals: "Just as mysterious are the events surrounding her release, which are believed to have been engineered by a certian baernoloth eager to see...
  8. J

    Dragon #359

    Oh, a issue this awsome just makes the fact that it is going away that much more difficult to accept. Hey, Shemmy, you got in both the last Dungeon and Dragon! And what is the tally on baern mentions? There was at least one in this one. Where was Anubis in the issue?
  9. J

    Stardust (Spoilers)

    Yeah, Stardust is one of the few Neil Gaiman books I won't (or haven't yet) read, because it is targeted to teenage girls. I've been told it is a great book, and it would make a good movie, but it just isn't what I want. Still thinking about going and seeing it, just to boost ticket sales so...
  10. J

    D&D Brand Manager of Fluff

    Jumping on the bandwagon: Cities of the Planes: While I love Sigil to death, there are a lot of big planar cities out there that could use some loving. There is a big list put together by Boz somewhere around here, but I would insist on the City of Glass, Sigil, and a chapter on each of the...
  11. J

    EUREKA:Season 2-8/2007-Show 5

    Yeah, sometimes having more "book smarts" can be a disadvantage. For instance, I've seen a very smart person (aces every dang test) run around for half a hour looking for a pair of sissors before I pointed out he had a pocketknife in his pocket. He later explained as "in my mind, everything has...
  12. J

    ENnie Ceremony Dream Date Auctions

    What is with the low bidding on Evil Hat Productions? They are making The Dresden Files RPG people! It shall be the provobal bomb, because they want it to be so good, they trashed what they had been working on because they decided it wasn't good enough! If WotC did that once in a while, we...
  13. J

    The Trouble With Union

    One of my biggest problems with Union (besides issues already mentioned in detail) is that the gods or big EPIC monsters haven't came by and knocked the place over. PS: I'm one of those who doesn't stat the gods, they do what they need to, no limits. How could Union stay standing? Possible...
  14. J

    Dungeon #150

    Ah, this will be nice. Goodbye James, until Pathfinder that is. Ah, good. I'm a (relativly) new player, and I haven't had a chance to build up a hat for him. Just plain out cool. Love the series. Ohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygodohmygod*breath* BOOYA! No more needs to be said. Screamed...
  15. J

    Need ideas for an interesting Necromacncer type

    Ha, found it! Issue #298: It's pretty good, and the issue has some good stuff on drow, if you don't hate them. For a five dollar pdf, it's pretty good.
  16. J

    Need ideas for an interesting Necromacncer type

    I'm sorry Nightfall, but you are now the target for all of my magic missles. [on topic] There was a really good article in Dragon Magazine that gave possible out outlooks, motivations, and themes for necromancers across the alignment spectrum. I'll see if I can find the issue, but if I remeber...
  17. J

    Ritual Magic (A new book of magic)

    Okay, that is a lot of text. I don't have a chance to read it yet, but I just want to praise you for your work. This must have been a challenge. Subscribed and in que for reading.
  18. J

    Real Sea Monsters

    Whoh, those are cool! Some of those would be really nasty to meet in real life (you know, besides being underwater at +3x atmoshperic pressure). However, this is chock full of pictures I may use to show the effects of bull strenght on a animal or mage-bred livestock.
  19. J

    Shemeska's Planescape Storyhour (Updated 29 Jan 2014)

    The mortal in the Vale of Frozen Ashes, from the update before this one. But I was wrong, it didn't say that is was the Ebon, that was just a guess on my part. Merc. was short for mercenary, which I assumed he was. Thanks for the answers, both of you!
  20. J

    Would it be cannibalism to eat a polymorphed chicken?

    Yeah, it'll be cannibalism, but thats not the point. If you're going to resort to canniblism, why bother with the chicken? The human is medium sized, and it tastes just the same. :p