• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. E

    Anyone tried Kingsport Horror?

    As the title says, I'm wondering if any Arkham Horror enthusiasts have gotten the latest expansion and what they think of it. I'm sure I'm going to get it, just like to hear the opinions.
  2. E

    Class and Power Creation Rules

    Hello all. I'm sure I'm just missing it in the books, but I was wondering where there was guidance on how to create new classes and powers. I'd like to try some things out, but I need to know what templates or guides I should use.
  3. E

    Questions from KoTS

    Ok, I've read through the quick rules and have some questions that I can't find the answers to. If they are in the module just point me there or if easier please just answer here. I know that there is melee and ranged, but what is the difference between :melee: and :bmelee: ? I couldn't...
  4. E

    Power Source / Role Query

    As it appears now, each Power Source has one of each Role attached to it. I was wondering if there was a possibility of multiple roles tied to one power source, i.e. Two separate Martial Striker classes. If this is already answered, could someone guide me there. I did a search but didn't find it.
  5. E

    From D&D to Fiction

    A few things I've read lately have got me thinking. How many fictional worlds began as D&D worlds? I've read in different places that Feist's Midkemia and Blizzard's Azeroth began as game worlds and grew from there. Anyone know of any others?