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Search results

  1. Dr Awkward

    Read an RPG Book in Public Week: Feb 28-March 6

    If I may offer my terribly biased advice: Forget about #1 (I'm not in this for the respect, I just want to further the hobby), and let #2 drive you to do #3. :)
  2. Dr Awkward

    Read an RPG Book in Public Week: Feb 28-March 6

    I'm banking on no - that's why I posted it here, to try to spread the word to people who would be willing to participate. I've had a pretty positive response so far, and a lot of gamers have told me that they do this regularly already. I'm just trying to encourage others to do the same, to...
  3. Dr Awkward

    Read an RPG Book in Public Week: Feb 28-March 6

    Read An RPG Book in Public Week is an event that happens three times a year, during the weeks surrounding March 4th, July 27th, and October 1st (starting on the Sunday on or before, and ending on the Saturday on or after). During these weeks, roleplaying enthusiasts are encouraged to take their...
  4. Dr Awkward

    A kids' RPG with horses?

    eco is an RPG based around the animal kingdom, and it might suit your purposes - http://www.morriganrpg.com/gm-omni.htm It requires a core book, the Omni system, however - or you could always convert it. (I have the eco book, but not the core system, so I haven't run it for kids yet, which is...
  5. Dr Awkward

    Historical Perspective: 1980s "60 Minutes" segment on D&D

    I've got both videos backed up, in the event that someone needs to see them. (For research purposes, of course!) Just drop me a note - contact info is on the site. Now, I've got to find the Geraldo Rivera "Games That Kill" hatchet piece...
  6. Dr Awkward

    Wanted: Role-players outside of the U.S. (and a few inside, too)

    Update: I've added a page to the site that explains the column a little bit better, and details what you would find in a typical installment: http://www.theescapist.com/20sw
  7. Dr Awkward

    Wanted: Role-players outside of the U.S. (and a few inside, too)

    I've got an idea for a new feature for my site that I've been banging around for a while now. It would be a series of columns detailing the "roleplaying scene" in different parts of the world - how the gamers look and dress, what games are popular, what games are only available in that country...
  8. Dr Awkward

    Kids' adventure recommendation(s) requested

    If you're going to make gaming with your girls a regular thing, you might be interested in Sam Chupp's discussion group, Kids & RPGs: http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/kids-rpg/ - and his podcast, Dragonkin: http://dragonkin.wordpress.com/ I've also got my own lil' project going here, if...
  9. Dr Awkward

    Are you interested in kid friendly products?

    Very, VERY interested. I maintain a section of my webpage devoted to playing RPGs with kids - TheYoung Person's Adventure League - and run special RPGs-for-kids events at Origins (hopefully) every year.
  10. Dr Awkward

    RPG library programs

    I have an idea for a new project for my site, The Escapist. I'm looking to talk to gamers who have run role-playing games at libraries as a YA program, or anything similar. If you've ever been involved in such a program, I'd really like to talk to you. Please email me at RPGadvocate@gmail.com...
  11. Dr Awkward

    Tell me about YOUR character...

    Just givin' this a little nudge in the hopes that more people will see it.
  12. Dr Awkward

    Tell me about YOUR character...

    I've got this lil' ol' website that is mere days away from turning 10 years old, and to celebrate, one of the new features that I plan on adding is a regular piece called "Tell Me About Your Character." Simply put, it's a series of interviews with gamers who answer questions about themselves...
  13. Dr Awkward

    Hurricane Katrina fundraiser: 100% of all profits going to victims

    Oops! Slip of the keys there, I'm afraid. I've been typing the word "September" so much that it comes out without trying now... :) I'll see if I can get it patched while I'm at work today - if not, it'll be when I get home tonight. (And for the record, donating 50% of your August & September...
  14. Dr Awkward

    Hurricane Katrina fundraiser: 100% of all profits going to victims

    Awesome. I'll get those up on the site, too! If anyone knows of some that I haven't added to the site (BeQuest) yet, please let me know so I can help spread the word! - DocAwk
  15. Dr Awkward

    Hurricane Katrina fundraiser: 100% of all profits going to victims

    Excellent! I'll put a mention up on the BeQuest site (www.theescapist.com/bequest) this evening, to help get the word around! - DocAwk
  16. Dr Awkward

    Does anyone have contact info for Roger E Moore?

    Thanks so much! She actually used to talk with him about writing fiction, and not gaming. He's still doing that, isn't he? - DocAwk
  17. Dr Awkward

    Does anyone have contact info for Roger E Moore?

    Palindrome. A spoonerism is when you swap the first sound of two words around, usually with humorous results. Like "a bowlful of salad" instead of "a soulful ballad" (to borrow a line from Benny Hill). Thanks for the tip!
  18. Dr Awkward

    Does anyone have contact info for Roger E Moore?

    That's not necessary, really. I'm not looking for anyone to change their name. I'm just looking for Roger E Moore, s'all. Anyone? - DocAwk
  19. Dr Awkward

    Does anyone have contact info for Roger E Moore?

    *checks registration dates* Err... wouldn't YOU be the doppleganger? Tell you what, I'll compromise. I'll spell mine backwards! :) - DA
  20. Dr Awkward

    Does anyone have contact info for Roger E Moore?

    I've got a friend who used to correspond with him years ago, and she's hoping to catch up with him again. Much obliged. - DocAwk