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Search results

  1. Akillion

    Searching for a memorable scene

    I did the scree slope encounter (came to me after climbing down one in the real world) a few years ago as the DM. Probably one of my most memorable set piece encounters. For info I had ankhegs popping out in a fight against hobgoblin bandits.
  2. Akillion

    Football Highlights: online CCG

    Football Highlights: Online Collectible Card Game http://kck.st/1jap9S3 What is it? The Football Highlights card game is based on all the best bits of football, it is like you being in control of Match of the Day. It is simple to learn but has great depth and long term playability. It is a...
  3. Akillion

    Pathfinder 1E Uncanny Dodge, Climb and Acrobatics/Balance

    I don't think it would be too OP to let our rogue, lightly armoured and low HP as he is, get his dex bonus to AC in these circumstances.
  4. Akillion

    Have a character sheet.

    Looks great, keep up the good work.
  5. Akillion

    Should a GM be allowed to arbitrarily make things up as they go along?

    I would suggest asking him to just "give it a go". Tell him that you will stick as much as to the rules as possible and will discuss with the group any rulings you have to make. If after 3-4 weeks he still doesn't like it, well maybe it's not for him.
  6. Akillion

    Searching for a memorable scene

    From Greek Myth (so no copyright): Teeth that turn into skeletons. Have some low level wizard throw them to cover his escape. Or a battle on a scree slope that starts sliding down to a cliff edge, then all of a sudden creatures start popping out at attacking both parties.
  7. Akillion

    Pathfinder 1E Uncanny Dodge, Climb and Acrobatics/Balance

    You are all probably right, however, it flies in the face of good storytelling and memorable action. I love the idea of our rogue ducking and diving while on the tightrope as the city watch throw javelins at him or swinging sideways on his handhold to avoid the manticore spikes.
  8. Akillion

    Make a monk/sorcerer not suck.

    I would be inclined to work with your DM to make a prestige class and a couple of feats to help you out. The character should end up no more powerful than an Eldritch Knight as a guideline.
  9. Akillion

    The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan - your experiences?

    I DM'd this when it first came out, in the world of Greyhawk. I decided right from the off as it wasn't a tournament to get rid of the poison gas. I don't remember much but the players survived until the end. With a few tweaks a very enjoyable adventure.
  10. Akillion

    X-COM to DnD

    Great idea. Really enjoy both games. I toyed with the idea of a Deep Space 9 type of D&D game, but I think I prefer your suggestion. I would run the first session in your head and ask yourself if you were a player what kind of options would you like to face, where would the dramatic tension...
  11. Akillion

    Game design has "moved on"

    I started with the old white box, my friend's older brother had a copy, and while we owned minis we never really used them in our games.
  12. Akillion

    {Settings Tournament} Round 5 - Finals! Greyhawk vs. Planescape

    Somehow, for me anyway, Greyhawk just has the D&D vibe I'm looking for