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  1. G

    How medieval are your medieval(-ish) fantasy games?

    Extremely Medieval. One of the reasons why I like Kingdoms of Kalamar. :)
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    Virtual TableTop

    We use Maptools to do exactly the same thing. Check out the table that one of the guys in my group built(his table, my blog about it); We don't get to use it for every game, but when we do it is fun!
  3. G

    Minecraft to craft dugeons??

    Yes, it can, and has been done already. Don't have any links right now but if you google minecraft dungeons you should find some that have been created. My son and I were working on one last year but had to stop due to he had to catch up with his school work. I'm designing the adventure and he's...
  4. G

    ThinkGeek dice set discount with d3 d5 d14 d16 and d24, great for Dungeon Crawl Classics ends today

    These are GameScience Dice. While I like ThinkGeek's website, you don't have to rely on them to get these dice. IIRC you can also purchase them from Amazon or other websites.
  5. G

    Can the GM cheat?

    It's all about communication. At the beginning of a campaign the players and GM really need to understand the GM's style and intent for the game. People tend to think "Medieval Fantasy RPG" so therefore every one is the same style but MFRPGs differ in style and tone by a wide margin. From the...
  6. G

    Help! - Need a replacement for D&D (criteria below)

    I'd say HackMaster! Not an exact fit but I think you'll find it close Six stats - random roll preferably Str, Int, Wis, Dex, Con & Char (notice the 1st edition influence) HackMaster has the classic Six plus Looks, so 7 stats and Randomly rolled! Non linear experience tables - the idea of...
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    I played a crappy character...and it was great!

    I like Random Character Generation. What I do is to have 4 or 5 general character concepts ready and then roll the dice. Then I match the stats that I roll with one of the character ideas that I have. Also, for the power level of a character the design philosphy of HackMaster as written about in...
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    D&D 5E Jonathan Tweet & Rob Heinsoo: Making their own 5th Edition?

    Which version of HackMaster are you talking about? However, neither version uses the OGL. Allow me to elaborate; HackMaster 4th Edition(published in 2001) uses the game mechanics from 1st and 2nd Edition, plus a bunch of new rules written by the K&Co staff. No OGL Stuff involved. It's really...
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    Will Next be able to do HackMaster?

    What I don't understand is why anyone would want to "Do HackMaster" by playing another system... HackMaster is a perfectly excellent game. HM4 has plenty of awards and it has lots of fans who play it the way it was written and they actually have FUN doing it! :) And the new version of...
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    HackMaster for Newbies on Google+

    Ever wanted to give HackMaster a try? I'm going to start GMing a HackMaster game on Google+ on Tues nights, 7pm-10pm EST(GMT-5). This game is for new players of HackMaster who want to learn how to play. If you are interested communication about the game will take place at the Kenzer&Co forums in...
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    Will Next be able to do HackMaster?

    Incorrect, it's the HackMaster GM's job to intimidate and challenge the players. Punish them if they are stupid. Smart players get rewarded...
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    5e HackMaster Player's Guide by Kenzer & Company

    HM PHB Forward: Foreword HM PHB Introduction: Introduction
  13. G

    Thieves Cant, modern English and a revival

    Actually, many years ago at college I did some research on it and found out that there was a book about Thieves Cant in England published in the mid-17th century. I'll have to see if I can find it again...
  14. G

    5e HackMaster Player's Guide by Kenzer & Company

    Here are some links to some sample pages: Illustrated Combat Example featuring the characters from KODT(PDF): Will post other sample pages once they have been released...
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    Levels Of Simulationism In Different Modules

    I don't know. I could see it as an addon to HackMaster, especially at High Level when Characters get to form a guild, get a Tower/Keep or Church... Look at AD&D's Birthright for one way to do it. I really liked Birthright back when I played AD&D...
  16. G

    [Hackmaster] To anyone who's ever been slightly interested in trying this game out...

    Well, actually I don't agree. I've been playing with this system for over 3 years now and really love it. It works very well. IME, combat in HMb is faster than any other game system that I've played in over 30 years.
  17. G

    [Hackmaster] To anyone who's ever been slightly interested in trying this game out...

    You don't worry about Shield Damage/DR for every hit. The only time you worry about that is if the Attack Roll is a "Miss" but misses by 10 or less. If you hit the Defender, the attack has gotten past the Defender's Shield and you ignore it. If the Attacker misses by more than 10 then you also...
  18. G

    [Hackmaster] To anyone who's ever been slightly interested in trying this game out...

    Those who claim that Shields are too good, think about this. In history, up until gunpowder weapons became common the heavily armed, and armored fighter with a shield was The Master of Combat. Shields were used simply because they were super effective. IMO, any RPG that is meant to simulate...
  19. G

    I'm new to all of this

    Sounds like you agree with Dave Kenzer, one of the team that writes HackMaster. The following is from the new HackMaster Player's Handbook; You can find a copy of the full Forward in my Google Docs here(PDF):
  20. G

    I'm an unreliable player, HELP!

    Long time ago in an AD&D game we had a guy like this. He only wanted to show up every once in a while. Our solution was that he made up a straight Fighter who was effectively a NPC. The player would show up and he played his character and when he wasn't there, the Fighter just tagged along and...