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  1. T

    Getting into the industry

    I really have no idea where such a topic could go, but I believe this is where Morrus suggested I take it. I've had a lot of trouble with job-hunting and various other things as I became a young adult(I'm a high-functioning autistic who was diagnosed late and thus lack some coping strategies...
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    Where would this topic belong?

    Hi, I've been absent from Enworld for a long time, but recent therapy sessions have me exploring new perspectives and things, and I was wondering if there was a place on this forum where it would be appropriate for me to inquire about what sorts of qualifications are necessary to get into...
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    Class levels and CR.

    This may very well be my ineffective ability to find relevant passages and my newness to DMing, but if I understand it correctly, an NPC with two class levels would be CR 2, and thus supposedly a challenge for a party of 4 level 1 characters? That... doesn't seem right at all. Am I missing...
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    Multiple poisons?

    If a base creature has a natural poison, and then by some means acquires a second natural poison via feats/templates etc... if it hits with an attack that would deliver each poison, does it deliver both poisons simultaneous? Does it deliver one or the other? Does it lose one of the poisons?
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    Do allies grant enemies cover?

    So, earlier I asked about an Ankheg in regards to a party of level 1 PCs. I decided to try it out and am running the encounter now. I was wondering if, with the two PC's in a row, if the lead PC granted cover to the Ankheg from the PC in the rear. Not sure how important it will be given the...
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    Warlord question

    I haven't researched it a ton, but is it possible for a warlord to entirely focus on granting M&RBA's, such that their strength score is irrelevant?
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    ToB query: HD and Initiator level

    Do race-based Hit dice count towards the initiator like class levels? Yanno, 1 IL for every 2 HD? I didn't see it spelled out in the book, so I thought I'd ask.
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    Enworld Subscription question

    So, I have a bit of money, and I wanted to support the site that has become roughly 95% of my entertainment source in the past several months. However, I do not have nor do I want a paypal account. Is there any other way I can go about paying Morrus for a subscribers account?
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    How effective is grappling?

    As the OP. I've read mentioned of it, but it doesn't seem like it's a very good PC tactic for the most part, since you leave yourself extremely open. Am I mistaken? I realize this isn't much to go on, but I'm literally out the door.
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    Designing party encounters

    So, I'm looking at things, and I am wondering. According to the d20 encounter calculator, a CR3 creature and a Cr1 creature are a "Very Difficult" battle for 4 level 1 PC's, but if I used something like an Ankheg who can drag it's victim underground when hit... doesn't that become relatively...
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    Summon Monster and reserve feats?

    Quick Question: Many reserve feats in Complete Mage refer to preparing or having a slot available to cast a specific level of spell with things such as "the Fire type" or the like. If I had such a feat and had access to Summon Monster (Insert appropriate level here) where I could summon a...
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    The Torian Arena

    A massive stadium stood packed in the middle of the day, crowds bustling with excitement upon the outer walls, looking down to the flat, sandy ground in the center. It was empty for now, but two sets of massive iron doors indicate that this would soon change. The air in the stadium was intense...
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    Graft questions

    Which source originally introduced grafts and explains the basic rules for grafts? I am seeing mentions of an HP penalty but haven't found it yet. Additionally, what do people think of grafts from a optimization and flavor standpoint? Are they good/bad/neither? Some of the ideas look pretty...
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    Summoner questions

    I'm almost afraid to ask given the lashing out last time someone had asked about a summoner powerwise, but my question isn't directly related to errata and the like. I was looking at the Summoner as seen in Summoner - Pathfinder_OGC and was wondering: Is it viable to base the majority of your...
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    Non-essential Assassin; Opinions?

    Since I'd heard about the assassin class and it not requiring evil alignment and all, I was pretty excited. Then I finally got the resources, but now I am hearing a great deal of talk to the effect of Assassins being subpar strikers etc... etc... Is this objective fact or subjective, and HOW...
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    Whirling Slayer barbarian build advice

    Okay, so in the game I mentioned in the swordmage thread, someone else expressed interest in a defender so I decided to try out the whirling slayer from Primal Power as it looked pretty cool. For RP lulz since I found only the Half-Orc with optimal stat lineups, I chose a Warforged(High con...
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    Looking for characterbuilding advice

    Going to be playing an extremely low magic game where the DM has strongly encouraged players to use the Tome of Battle: Book of Nine Swords. Basically, anything overtly magical would not be workable, but everything else is fair game. In my guesstimation that just eliminates a Swordsage. My...
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    DMG & DMG2; need both?

    I recently recieved a copy of the DMG2 as a gift, though I don't have the DMG itself. Can I learn to DM 4E using just the DMG2(And statblocks, etc... from other places)?
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    The Torian Empire [Recruiting]

    Thokel sat on a bench in the dark, the very walls and ceiling rumbling as he contemplated, praying to his gods that he would prove victorious and win over the crowds this day, the man's pale green skin covered in links of chain enmeshed with scraps of hide, a shoddy shortsword in a sheath at his...
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    Which issue of Dragon...

    had that really cool article on gladiatorial combat and how to run such things? I could have sworn it was one of the newer ones, but I'm not sure which it was.