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Search results

  1. Foundry of Decay

    Pathfinder 1E A question about Pathfinder's casters.

    This is just a quick question. I tend to play 4e for the most part, but was actually intrigued about Pathfinder after seeing the fighter preview. I saw a few things that were quite improved in the preview from raw 3.x system rules, however I'm curious most of all about the magic system. Does...
  2. Foundry of Decay

    FOD miniatures (Updated April 8 - Kenku Sneak)

    I finally was able to find a digital camera that could take decen images of miniatures, and thought I'd post a few here to see what folks thought. The first will be a series featuring an elf cleric of the sun (Chainmail Elf miniature), against undead (GW Skeletons), and a half-fiendish gnoll...
  3. Foundry of Decay

    Oh.... Canada? (E-Tools problem)

    I've been more and more interested in E-Tools from some things I've read on Codemonkey's website. So I finally decided I'd take the plunge, and purchase the program. ..I got all the way to the 'make payment' page and was dismayed at seeing that they take only PayPal in payment. So I have a...
  4. Foundry of Decay

    Abbreviated Statblocks

    For my 100th post (ham and lords! I'm so behind everyone else!) I figured I would actually post and ask a question. If this sort of thing has been asked already, I apologize, but lately I've been trying to cut down on a lot of the time that it takes me to write for the campaigns I'm running...
  5. Foundry of Decay

    Urr.. Wowwer!

    So there I was, back from an excursion of futility (Job hunt) when I decided to shake the digital cables of my favorite sites to see what fell out. When I hit the front page, it took a few moments for it to click that there were three images featured which I had drawn sitting right there in...
  6. Foundry of Decay

    [gallery related] A minor warning to artists.

    I made a rather bad mistake setting up a gallery on ENWorld. If you do create an album, make SURE that you do not post pictures to it until you set yourself having sole permissions on it. Like a dofus I posted art, and couldn't figrue out how to get my name added to the 'permissions' list, as...
  7. Foundry of Decay

    Walls for dungeons

    Greetings all. I haven't been around in what is likely a dog's age now, but I've been lurking for quite some time. I've been creating walls and flooring as a cheap substitute for the Dwarven forge style dungeons. I tend to create them for a homebrew that I'm running, and realized that there...
  8. Foundry of Decay

    Players that make you go 'Whoa!'

    No, this isn't a thread about some bizarre frog creature of a player who's mere presence makes you stagger a few feet back and go 'whoa'. I'm just curious if anyone else out there lucks out on players who truly play characters as if they themselves had souls. In our last session, the group was...
  9. Foundry of Decay

    [Art] Vile abuse of papery goodness..

    Seeing that I'm once again out of work in the illustration field (Or at least I think I am.. Is it normal for a publisher to take 4 months to get back to you? ;) ). I decided to pull up an old sketch of one of the NPC's in my campaign named Pallayne Gallowe and do a quick color job on him...
  10. Foundry of Decay

    Ready to toss it in.

    Another disenchantment thread ;) Well, I'm not disenchanted with D&D, or with the D20 system itself, but I've been finding lately that I just cannot find a solid group to game with around these parts. While I am very used to having one player at a time, since It's how I grew up playing the...
  11. Foundry of Decay

    In shades they revel

    An image I did of some rather upset undead-types that I'm working into my campaigns. Known simply as "Autopsies" or "Morgue sweepers", they tend to be the souls of victims of botched autopsies that were done when they were still alive. They wear the sheet (though blackened now) that they were...
  12. Foundry of Decay

    Female Elf quick-pic

    I need to pay closer attention I think. I didn't even notice there was an art gallery forum. So, I'll post a quick image I did for one of the NPC's in my alt campaign. Illemneshiel, an Elf priestess of the sea god (hence the green hair). Adeus.