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Star Wars Legacy: Scattered


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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…

The Galactic Republic and the newly-reborn Galactic Empire are at war, and with new planets abandoning the Republic every day, and the Empire drawing on the might of their allies, The Sith, things are not looking good for the Republic. The Jedi have largely stayed out of the conflict, though most have managed to support the Republic in small ways. The Imperial Knights have largely avoided fighting in the conflict as well, held back by their leader, the Emperor, Roan Fel.

Jedi Master Todlo Kaas has gone behind enemy lines with his apprentice, Tycho Taelunn, to Manaan, a neutral planet occupied by The Empire, that provides kolto, a bacta substitute, to the war effort. They come seeking a powerful presence in the Force that Master Kaas believes will make a significant difference in the war-torn future he has forseen. Little does Kaas’s apprentice know that a familiar face is waiting for him on Manaan…

Tycho: [sblock]After three days of investigating locals in Ahto City with near-legendary “special skills,” you are beginning to wonder if maybe, just this once, Master Kaas’s visions through the force have failed him.

“I sense your discouragement Tycho…but we must keep looking. Perhaps in this Tapcafe we’ll find a lead that will reveal this presence in the Force to us. If not, I suspect we will at least find some of the best Coffiene on Manaan, in addition to some very excellent local cuisine.”
The two of you walk into the establishment. There is a Selkath behind a counter, taing orders. On a small stage near the wall window is a Bith, playing soothing music on a key-board instrument. Only one table has any occupants: a lone Selkath in workman’s cover-alls, drinking a steaming cup of dark black liquid and eating what appears to be some kind of fruit wrapped in sea-weed. He looks up at you as you enter, but quickly averts his eyes, focusing on his food and drink.

A Vidscreen on the wall behind the counter is showing a news flash: “Galactic Republic Fleet surrenders to Grand Moff Veed. “The War is as good as over.” Says Imperial representatives.

Master Kaas gestures to the vidscreen and asks you, “What do you make of that, my apprentice?”[/sblock]

Ikari: [sblock]Sitting in the office of your meager quarters aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer Tarkin, you hear your holo-comm buzzer go off. As you move across the room to it, you notice the call is coming from the dedicated line Emperor Fel uses to contact his knights. You push the answer button and the Image of Roan Fel, flanked by three of his Imperial Knights appears to you. You salute him as his holo-image appears.

“Greetings Lt. Taelunn. I have just received word that the bulk of the Galactic Republic fleet has surrendered to Morlish Veed’s forces. I have requested that the Jedi all be able to leave the Academy on Corescant and retire to the Praxeum on Ossus. The Jedi representatives I have spoken to have given me a list of all Jedi that have operating in Imperial space so that they can be told of the haven we are offering them on Ossus. A Jedi Master by the name of Todlo Kaas and his apprentice are currently on Manaan, following a vision from the Force that Master Kaas has apparently been very secretive about. I would like for you to find Master Kaas and his apprentice and tell them that it is in their best interest to get to Ossus as soon as possible. Help them wrap up their business on Manaan if need be. Do you have any questions Lieutenant?”[/sblock]

Wyallt: [sblock]You, Ughti, and a Selkath mechanic who works for Garlin Sun named Krootho have just finished unloading a considerable shipment of illicit Kolto out of Sun’s water-craft, up the long tunnel connecting the water-dock and the space-dock. After clamping down the secret floor panel of the space-dock and putting in the lock-code, Krootho says, “I sure could use a bit of refreshment. May I buy you two a cup of coffiene and some weed-wraps down at the Tapcafe? I know you have to finish checking on the Starkiller’s Revenge, but once it’s prepped, meet me there, okay?”

The Selath man leaves the hanger, leaving you to finish prepping the smuggling ship for passengers, ensuring all of the cargo is sealed, shielded, and out of sight-the work of maybe 10 minutes[/sblock]

Ughtilaw: [sblock] You, Wyallt, and a Selkath mechanic who works for Garlin Sun named Krootho have just finished unloading a considerable shipment of illicit Kolto out of Sun’s water-craft, up the long tunnel connecting the water-dock and the space-dock. After you power down the water-craft and start loading the Kolto onto the smuggling ship, Starkiller’s Revenge, Krootho says, “I sure could use a bit of refreshment. May I buy you two a cup of coffiene and some weed-wraps down at the Tapcafe? I know you have to finish checking on the Starkiller’s Revenge, but once it’s prepped, meet me there, okay?”
The Selath man leaves the hanger, leaving you to finish prepping the smuggling ship for passengers, ensuring all of the cargo is sealed, shielded, and out of sight-the work of maybe 10 minutes [/sblock]

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Brother Allard

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[SBLOCK=VJ]His mind reeling with the shock of the news, Tycho closes his mouth and gulps hard. Fighting down a wave of nausea, he turns to Master Kaas. "Can it be true? Have they really surrendered?" His faith in his mentor's vision is near absolute.

He presses a hand into his lurching stomach. "By the Force," he mutters. "It is true, isn't it? What will this mean for the Order?"[/SBLOCK]


First Post
Wyallt's Actions

[sblock]Wyallt stands alongside the wall of the ship, taking the brief respite from working as leisurely as he can. The characteristic armor that his kind wears is not on him today, but rather locked up in his quarters. Despite this, a blaster pistol is firmly holstered in his belt.

"Gedet'ye" he replies to Krootho's offer for refreshment, nodding his head so that the Selkath knows that he has accepted the offer. As the aquatic coworker turns to leave, Wyallt attempts to strike up a small conversation with the Ithorian.

"Thankfully, that part of the work is over," he sighs, rubbing his long, suckered fingers across the spines on his head. He then proceeds to begin the preparations.[/sblock]


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Ught: Ithorian Mobster Pilot

VJ and Possum
[sblock]Ught shrugs in response to Krootho and watches the Selkath leaves. He looks about and his sight seems to get lost in the moment as he searches out using the force (Force Perception) to see if anyone is observing who shouldn't be.

He responds to Wyalt "Yes, hopefully Garlin will be able in a better mood and allow me to take the transport up - NOT." He shakes his head in frustration and nods to the Rodian "If you will excuse me I have to finish up the loading and prepwork. Maybe I will see you at the cafe." Ughti shivers at the mention of the cafe a he goes about his business.

The Ithorian quickly and yet carefully takes care of shutting down and securing the water craft, and then prepping the Starkiller’s Revenge for its next flight. He will also monitor the loading of the Kolto to the starship. Once the Kolto is secured and the starship is ready to take on passengers he makes way off the ship and secures it appropriately.

As Ught makes his way to the cafe he shakes his head in amazement that Krootho cannot remember that he really does not like coffiene - at all. It is something that is quite unpalatable for Ithorians, and well most every other sentient creature as far as he could imagine.

The wraps there are all right, but all of the Tapcafe leaves much to be desired. He pauses for a moment to think about Krootho's offer by searching through the force to (Search His Feelings) to see how his trip to the cafe will fare, and then, assuming nothing is amiss, he will nonchalantly make his way there.[/sblock]
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Ughti and Wyallt:[sblock]I should have said this earlier, if you know you are in the same location as another PC, please read their actions so you can respond to them. If there is something you want only the DM to see, just mark it DM only. if you didn't read each other's posts, do so now please. Again, my bad.[/sblock]

Ughti-only:[sblock] Everything seems secure in the hanger with no unwanted eyes or ears. When you consider your hunches over weather or not to go to the Tapcafe, you feel that, despite your dislike for it's food and beverage, it would be in your immediate best interest to visit.[/sblock]

Brother Allard said:
"By the Force, It is true, isn't it? What will this mean for the Order?"

Master Kaas looks somewhat clam, despite the very bad news. He smiles.

"It will mean we must adapt and be more in tune with the will of the living Force to survive the dark days ahead. The Empire destroyed the Jedi once before...we will not be so quick to let them do it again."[/sblock]

Brother Allard

First Post
[SBLOCK=DM]Not much comforted by Master Kaas's reassurances, Tycho decides nevertheless not to pester him with his concerns. His expression, however, betrays his lack of calm. He keeps his eyes open, and - for the moment - keeps his own council.[/SBLOCK]


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
VJ and Possum

[sblock]Satisfied that all is well, Ughti makes begrudgingly makes his way to the cafe.

[OOC: I added a response to Wyalt to my previous post - Possum go ahead and take look. :)

Plus I switched out the Gamorean Language for Binary.
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GM and FX

[sblock]Wyallt laughs at the Ithorian's joke about not being able to pilot the craft. "I'm not much a pilot, myself, but I can imagine that not being able to be behind the controls can be pretty frustrating."

He finishes up with his work about a minute or two before Ughti does and heads to the tapcaf alone.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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