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Ties that Bind - 3.5 Forgotten Realms Gestalt


First Post
*Notice to all of Silverymoon*​
In the dark hours of the evening past, that most wonderous lady of ours, Alustriel of Silverymoon, departed from this world. Long may her grace live on in this realm, born of her courage and love, and may she find eternal rest in her sleep.​


Three months later in a meeting of the League of Silver Marches the council argues over how to go about replacing the High Lady Alustriel...

Harbromm(in a raised voice): ...three months is long enough to morn her. The High Lady is gone and this council needs to name a new leader! We can't sit by discussing worthless politics while orcs and giants ready themselves in the hills. Action! We need action!

Breunor Battlehammer: Calm yourself Harbromm, we are not wasting our time with idle politics here. The decision of who should take the title of High Lord is one that needs time and consideration. Every lad in the north knows that you think yourself best fit for the job, but you can't just have it cause of yer own opinion.

Harbromm: Aye, I've minced no words on that topic. I'm the most fit to lead this confederation. We need a strong leader who can hold this realm together with a mighty axe, and I'll be the best one for that job. With this Harbromm grabs the hilt of his waraxe and swings the weapon down on the table, smashing the sharp edge deep into the wood. The out of place look of confidence on his face makes it seem as though he expects an affirmation from his audience. Seeing only placid, unimpressed looks instead, he grabs the axe from the table and dons his heavy fur cloak. Citadel Adbar has wasted enough of our time on this foolish endeavor. When you've thought a bit more about the decision and you realize I'm best suited to govern this council, you can come find me in the Citadel. With that, the dwarven king storms from the room, leaving the others to consider where they stand...


This game is Full

This is the official recruiting thread for the game I announced here. People who expressed interest in that thread (before this point) will be given slight priority over other submissions, but all are welcome to post characters if interested.

About the game
This game will be for 3-4 Gestalt characters, starting at 12th level, and it will be set in the Forgotten Realms (specifically in the Silver Marches to start). Knowledge of the setting is not required, and for those of you who know the Realms very well, you will notice that I tend to 'interpret' the world as I see fit and bend it to my wishes, so the game won't be in the Forgotten Realms as much as it will be in my Forgotten Realms. :) After all, the game will start shortly after the death of Lady Alustriel, so you can't expect a carbon copy of the standard FR.

This game will have quite a bit of combat, but at the same time it will be very plot driven. Don't shy away from making a very social character, because I will shape encouters in order to be sure that everyone is staying involved in the game. While I won't choose certain character archetypes over others, I will look for a party that can cover all the bases, so keep that in mind as you make your character (and keep an eye on the trends of over people submitting characters). Ties that Bind is made for heroic type characters and while I don't want a group of goody-two-shoes Paladins, it will be hard to convince me to allow an evil character in the group (although it can be done ;)).

I will do my best to keep this game moving along quickly and I will post multiple times each day if the players are keeping up the pace on their end. I will expect at least one post per day on weekdays and I prefer people who can post on weekends as well.

Character Creation
  • 12th Level Gestalt (see Gestalt Rules below). Characters will start with 72,000 XP, putting them half way to the next level. This XP can be used to craft items if the character has the proper feats.
  • Use 84 point buy (starting at 0, 1:1) to generate ability scores, before level increases. This will give pretty powerful stats, but I've found that some of the more interesting Gestalt combos can get stat intensive.
  • 125,000 gp starting wealth
  • You can make or buy custom items for your character, but any such item requires approval from the DM.
  • Most races or monsters with printed LA from the allowed sources are fine (see the submission rules), but keep in mind the Gestalt rules for LA (below). Just as a side note, I prefer standard races, and while I won't exclude submissions that are based on a monstrous race, I can assure you that no more than one such character will be allowed.

Allowed Material
  • Core
  • Forgotten Realms Material
  • Complete Series
  • Races Series
  • BoED and BoVD
  • Draconomicon
  • Libris Mortis
  • Miniatures Handbook
  • XPH
  • Frostburn
  • Unearthed Arcana
    • Gestalt
    • Partial BAB and saves
    • Varient Character classes
    • Bloodlines
    • Traits/Flaws (maximum of two)
  • Most stuff from the WotC website (ask)
  • Other material will be allowed on a case by case basis and if I'm missing the book, I will need a write up (This includes some FR books that I don't own).

Gestalt Rules

The mechanics for Gestalt Rules can be found in the Unearthed Arcana, these are just some clarifications or house rules I will be using.
  • No Multiclass penalties will be used
  • No classes that progress multiple class abilities will be allowed (MT, Arcane Trickster, Arcane Hierophant, etc.)
  • Unlike normal gestalt rules, characters can advance two prestige classes at the same time.
  • LA will count normally on one side of the character build, but all LA from races and or templates will be increased by 1.5 (rounded down)

What I need from you
  1. Say a bit about yourself. How long have you played (online and off)? What settings? What style of game do you prefer? How often can you post? Do you mind beer at the table (oh...wait, this is a PbP...)? Anything else you'd like to say can go here too.
  2. You should post a build that includes race, class and prestige class levels, and templates if applicable. Please list all of your source in case I'm not familiar with something. Don't worry about stats yet.
    • Wait for me to give you the nod on your build. I'm just doing this sequentially cause I may not allow certain things and I don't want people to stat out an entire character just to find I won't allow it. For your own sake, wait till I give you a thumbs up!
  3. After I've given you the go ahead, it's up to you if you want to fully stat out your character, or just submit a back story. Either way I do require a detailed description of your character and a back story that should end with your character in Silverymoon (or at least traveling there) Also, it would be nice if you could include at least one plot hook in your character background.

House rules/Stuff I don't allow/Whatever else I decide to put here
After some of the character concepts and other stuff has been turned down throughout the thread, I decided to make this list so people won't have to read through to see what I'm house ruling.
  • Rapidstrike feats are frowned upon
  • Any supernatural ability that mimics a spell that would normally cost XP still has the XP cost.
  • The Incantrix's Metamagic Effect ability can only be used if the resulting spell level of the effect is no higher than spells she can cast. If this doesn't make sense ask me.
  • Nightsticks from LM are allowed, but only one can be used at a time (although owning many is fine).
  • The Initiate of Mystra feat does not allow casting in an AMF, although it still allows casting in a dead magic zone.
  • High CHA characters are fun. Just keeping you on your toes here.
  • Just to save myself time, If it's broke then don't post it. If it's only kinda broke then ask me.

Submissions are no longer being accepted for this game. The new deadly to have your character ready for selection is Wednesday the 12th at 5:00 pm (Pacific Time). Remember that even when character selection comes around I don't require your submission to be totally done stat wise, but the more you give me the better I will understand your character.

OK! With that stuff out of the way, I'm looking forward to some interesting characters from all of you. Oh ya, I'm now making the disclaimer that I've probably forgotten something and I have the right to totally change this post to suite my evil DM wishes.
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I aim to misbehave
I've got some interest. Probably a psion/rogue blend with appropriate prestige classes and the like. Race and templates will have to wait for a bit to blend with the others - nothing extravagant.

Aseir Mostana,
Calishite Windwalker

Character Progression:
1st: Psion / Rogue
2nd: Psion / Rogue
3rd: Psion / Rogue
4th: Psion / Rogue
5th: Psion / Fighter
6th: Fighter / Elocator
7th: Psion / Elocator
8th: Rogue / Elocator
9th: Rogue / Elocator
10th: Psion / Elocator
11th: Rogue / Elocator
12th: Rogue / Elocator [Psion 7 / Rogue 8 / Fighter 2 / Elocator 7]
13th: Psion / Elocator
14th: Rogue / Elocator
15th: Rogue / Elocator
16th: Rogue / Shadowmind
17th: Psion / Shadowmind
18th: Rogue / Shadowmind
19th: Rogue / Shadowmind
20th: Psion / Shadowmind

Final Tally:
Psion 10 / Rogue 13 / Fighter 2 / Elocator 10 / Shadowmind 5

Appearance: Aseir was once a handsome powerful man . . . that has changed. One would be surprised that Aseir stands 6’1” as he often travels slightly hunched over with shoulders slumped. He wears a tan, hooded traveling cloak that covers much of his body and is several thin layers of cloth. If one were able to see beneath the hood, one would see a scarred face, as from great burns, with only a goatee and eyebrows for hair. A single band of bronze circles at his forehead, his third eye blinking beneath. Clothes of tans and browns are frequent and sandaled feet. A bronze falchion hangs on his belt and a bow and quiver are slung over his shoulder.

Personality: See below.

Background: Powerful of mind and spirit, Aseir Mostana quickly rose up the ranks of the Windwalkers in Memnon, a city in Calimshan. The Windwalkers were a specialized group of warriors, trained in the ways of the mind and body. His rise brought him notice of those in power (both good and bad) as well as a family and good holdings. He accepted the love of his family and the worldly possessions as a man of his station should, though internally he felt as though he had deserved them. His intellect served him well in developing strategies for dealing with monsters of the waste, and when that failed, the power of his will was sufficient to eliminate almost any threat. Confidence, pride and ego began to take hold over Aseir, damaging his family relationship, the respect of those beneath him, and darkening his mind.

Enjoying the fruits of his success one evening, Aseir ignored the calls for his service from his superiors. The messenger spoke of a cabal of dark incarnates near the city of Memnon. Aseir, certain that he would have heard of any powerful cabal long before it got close to the city, assumed it was a minor threat and sent several subordinates to deal with it. Unfortunately, the threat was much greater than Aseir anticipated. The cabal of dark fire was laying in wait, hoping to lure defenders of Memnon, the Windwalkers in particular to them to destroy them – and that was exactly what Aseir had done. Lives were lost . . . and Aseir insisted that it was incompetence on the part of those he sent. To prove his point, Aseir assured his superiors that he deal with the threat alone. This was not the wishes of his superiors, but again, Aseir did as Aseir wanted.

The next morning Aseir set out alone into the wastes to deal with the cabal and return those that were lost. Unknown to Aseir, he had company - his three young sons. Eager to be part of an adventure, especially one that Aseir had claimed would be so easy to deal with, the boys followed their father at a discrete distance. Before the first day was finished, Aseir met the cabal, seven strong members who were enjoying the company of the last living subordinate that Aseir had sent to their doom. A battle royale took place, Aseir magnificent as always, though the cabal held their own after the initial strike.

The simplest of powers can sometimes bring a man to his knees, and it was no different in this instance. A Brain Lock froze Aseir in place, helpless to only watch as the cabal killed their prisoner, discovered his sons, and began killing them as well . . . slowly. Praying for guidance and aid, Aseir went helplessly mad for a time. With his last moment of consciousness, Aseir remembered the heat of the sun and felt his body burst.

Sometime later Aseir awoke next to the remains of a smoldering crate, less than a mile from place of his dismal defeat. Pain from his head and back were intense, the smell was horrible. Aseir barely made it back to town. No one had an explanation for what happened (though theories persist that Aseir had Fiery Discorporated [5th lvl psion], though he had no knowledge of the power – either before or after the incident).

His sons had died, his family abandoned him, and his possessions were seized in payment for those lost. His position within the Windwalkers was removed as well. The wounds from the fiery blast would not heal. Aseir was banished from Memnon for a time, a broken, but wiser man. Aseir wandered for several months, leaving the area of Memnon . . . even the country of Calimshan. He traveled north through Tethyr, north through Amn, north past Balder’s Gate, north through Waterdeep, finally ending his travels in the Silver Marches.

The journey took many years, time was spent in each location, though either visions of his past, people that may have known him, or even the call of the north drove him ever farther from his home. He finally (or currently) is settled in a small village only a few miles from Silverymoon. Years of contemplation, humility, and service returned some of the strength to his limbs and will.

Though even today, more than ten years after his greatest defeat, Aseir was a shadow of the man he once was. He carefully guarded against pride and ego today . . . a quiet, scarred man trying to repent for past transgressions by doing his duty and following the spirits, even so far from home.

Why Aseir is so kick butt
First, Aseir doesn't think he is kick butt, that would be prideful and he's had enough of that for a lifetime. Aseir didn't really notice an increase in abilities until his spiritual journey north. When he reflected on it, Aseir has determined that something happened to him when he was disincorporated. His despair after that point regressed his skills and abilities. When they returned on his journey north, he was . . . something more.

Personal Gaming History, etc.
I've been playing on line for a little while (note post count), and run a couple of games here as well. I mostly play D&D, M&M and my current favorite setting is Rokugan (though with D20 3.5 rules).

I've read a number of FR books, I have plenty of the early (pre- 3.0) FR stuff, and some of the newer stuff (but less of it).

As far as being online - I can post a couple of times every weekday and typically once or so on the weekends (family time interferes with that at times).

('cause I miss Jibril !)
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First Post
Less Filling, Tastes Great!


Here is my submission (some changes made to Ranger and Horizon Walker levels)

Name: Corund
Classes: UA Planar Ranger 3/Shadow Creature 3/Horizon Walker 6 – UA Variant Illusionist 5/ Shadowcraft Mage 5/Shadow Adept 2
Race: Shadow Creature Human (Extraplanar) (LA +2 x 1.5 = LA+3 as Shadow Creature Monster Class DR#322p45 and MotP); (native of Silverymoon)
Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Alignment: Neutral
Deity: Shar

Level 1 (Rgr1/Ill1)- Extraordinary Concentration*(Flaw), Improved Initiative(Flaw), Scribe Scroll (Wiz1), Shadow Weave Magic (Human)*, Track (Rgr1), Spell Focus (illusion)(Lvl1),
Level 2 (Rgr2/Ill2)-
Level 3 (Rgr3/Ill3)- Earth Sense* (Lvl3), Endurance (Rgr3)
Level 4 (ShC1/Ill4)-
Level 5 (ShC2/Ill5)- Signature Spell* (Wiz5)
Level 6 (ShC3/ScM1)- Heighten Spell (Lvl6)
Level 7 (HW1/ScM2)-
Level 8 (HW2/ScM3-

Level 9 (HW3/ScM4)- Enhanced Shadow Reality* (Lvl9)
Level 10(HW4/ScM5)-
Level 11(HW5/SA1)- Insidious Magic* (SA1), Pernicious Magic* (SA1), Tenacious Magic* (SA1)
Level 12(HW6/SA2)- Earth Spell*(lvl12)
Level 13(Rgr4/SA3)-
Level 14(Rgr5/SA4)-
Level 15(Rgr6/SA5)- Easy Metamagic* (heighten spell)(Dr#325) *(Lvl15)
Level 16(Rgr7/SA6)-
Level 17(Rgr8/SA7)-
Level 18(Rgr9/SA8)- Extraordinary Spell Aim*(Lvl18)
Level 19(Rgr10/SA9)-
Level 20(Rgr11/SA10)-

Class Abbreviations:
Rgr = Planer Ranger Variant (Unearthed Arcana), Ill = Unearthed Arcana Illusionist Variant, ShC = Shadow Creature Monster Class (Manual of the Planes & Dragon 322,p.45), ScM = Shadowcraft Mage(Races of Stone), HW = Horizon Walker (DMG), SA = Shadow Adept (Player’s Guide to Faerun)

* Feats described further in Feats section.
Str: 12 +1 (12) Level: 12 XP: 72,000
Dex: 20 +5 (16) BAB: +12/+7/+2 HP: 86 (12d8+12)
Con: 13 +1 (13) Grapple: +13 Dmg Red: 5/magic
Int: 26 +8 (18) Speed: 45' Spell Res: -
Wis: 15 +2 (15) Init: +9 Spell Save: -
Cha: 10 +0 (10) ACP: +0 Spell Fail: -

AC: 28 (10 +6*armor +4**shield +5 Dex +1 natural +2 deflection )
Touch: 27 Flatfooted: 24
*Shadow Emulated Greater Mage Armor
**If Shield spell active

Fort +11 (+8 base +1 Con +2 resistance)
Ref +13 (+6 base +5 Dex +2 resistance)
Will +14 (+8 base +2 Will +2 resistance)

+1 Swordbow (Falchion) (+14/+9/+4 melee, 2d4+2 damage, Crit.18-20/x2)
+1 Str 18 Swordbow(M.C.S.Bow) (+18/+13/+8 ranged, 1d8+2 damage, Crit.20/x3)
Adamantine Kukri (+13/+8/+3 melee, 1d4+1 damage, Crit 18-20/x2)

Languages: Common, Abyssal, Celestial, Chondathan, Infernal, Terran

Shadow Human(extraplanar) Racial Abilities: (+3 LA)
Bonus Feat
Extra 4 skill points at first level, +1 skill point at each level thereafter.
Favored Class: Any
Cold Resistance 17
Low-Light Vision
Move Silently Racial Bonus +6
Shadow Blend: has full concealment in any lighting conditions less than full daylight. Full daylight, a Daylight spell or Darkvision will negate this concealment. Concealment allows him to hide without having anything to hide behind, and a 50% miss chance on all attacks. Opponents cannot make attacks of opportunity on this character.
Darkvision 60 feet.
Speed Increase: Base land speed increases by 50%.
Damage Reduction 5/magic
Evasion as the Rogue class feature
Fast Healing 2
UA Variant Illusionist (Unearthed Arcana, p.63)
Chains of Disbelief (Ex): Even if a viewer disbelieves an illusion created by an Corund and communicates the details of the illusion to other creatures, those other creatures do not receive the normal +4 bonus on their saves to disbelieve. Further, even when presented with incontrovertible proof that the illusion is not real, the creature must still succeed on a Will saving throw to see objects or creatures that the illusion obscures, although they get a +10 bonus on their saving throw. Corund permanently gives up the ability to obtain a familiar.
Illusion Mastery (Ex): Corund receives two illusion spells to his spellbook everytime he gains a level that grants access to a new spell level. Furthermore, all illusions are treated as mastered with the Spell Mastery feat. Corund does not gain additional spells per day for being an illusionist.

Shadowcraft Mage (Races of Stone, p121)
Cloak of Shadow(Su): Corund can cloak his form in shifting shadows, providing himself with concealment. The miss chance is 15%+5% per Shadowcraft Mage class level (Total 40% miss chance). Darkvision and low-light vision offer no help in piercing the cloak of shadow, although any creature that can see in magical darkness can ignore the miss chance, as can any creature with true seeing. Corund can dismiss or resume this effect as a free acton. While active, Corund can make Hide checks as if he had concealment. It does not function in daylight, and is considered a 3rd level darkness effect for purpose of interacting with light spells.
Silent Illusion(Ex): All spells from the illusion scholl that he casts no longer require a verbal component. The levels and casting times do not change.
Shadow Illusion(Su): Can turn silent image, minor image, major image, persistent image, and programmed image from figments to shadow subschool spells. The altered spell can mimic any sorcerer or wizard conjuration (summoning), conjuration (creation), or evocation spell of at least one level lower than the illusion. The altered spell functions identically to shadow conjuration or shadow evocation, except that the spell strength equals 10% per level of spell of the figment spell used.
Extend Illusion(Ex): The duration of any illusion spell Corund casts, or any spell-like ability he uses of the illusion school, is doubled. The levels and casting times do not change. This ability stacks with the use of the Extend Spell feat.
Powerful Shadow Magic(Su): The strength of Corund’s effects created by shadow conjuration, shadow evocation, greater shadow conjuration, greater shadow evocation, and shades increases by 20%. That is, these spells are 20% more likely to affect disbelieving creatures, and deal 20% more damage. This bonus also applies to figment spells transformed into shadow spells via the shadow illusion power.

Shadow Adept (Player’s Guide to Faerun, p.72)
Shadow Feats: Corund gains Insidious Magic, Pernicious Magic, and Tenacious Magic as bonus feats.

UA Planar Ranger (Unearthed Arcana, p.55)
Class Skills: Eliminate Knowledge (nature) and Knowledge (dungeoneering) from the ranger’s class skill list. Add Knowledge (the planes) and Speak Language (Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Ignan, Infernal, and Terran) to the class skill list.
Wild Empathy: Corund takes no wild empathy penalty on checks made to influence magical beasts with the celestial and fiendish templates. He does take a –4 penalty when using this ability against animals. His wild empathy check is 1d20+ranger level + Cha bonus (1d20+6).
Animal Companion: Corund will eventually have a fiendish version of a normal animal as his animal companion.
Spellcasting: Any ranger spell that normally affects animals also affects celestial or fiendish versions of animals when cast by Corund.
Favored Enemies: Human +2
Combat Style: Corund is treated as having the feat Rapid Shot as long as he wears light or no armor.

Horizon Walker (DMG)
Desert Mastery (immune to fatigue, +1 attack/damage versus desert creatures)
Forest Mastery (+4 competence bonus to Hide, +1 attack/damage versus forest creatures)
Hills Mastery (+4 competence bonus to Listen, +1 attack/damage versus Hills creatures)
Plains Mastery (+4 compentence bonus to Spot, +1 attack/damage versus plains creatures)
Shifting Mastery (Corund has the spell-like ability to use dimension door every 1d4 rounds as a spell cast at his character level. He also gains a +1 insight bonus on attack/damage versus outsiders and elementals native to a shifting plane, such as Shadow or Limbo)
Underground Mastery (increases Darkvision to 120 feet)

Earth Sense(Lvl3)(RoS,p.138):As long as Corund is touching the ground, he can take a move action to sense the number of creatures within 20 feet that are also touching the ground, and the direction to each one. He cannot pinpoint the location of any creature with this feat.
Earth Spell(Lvl12)(RoS,p.138): As long as Corund is standing on stone or unworked earth (including normal soil), he can cast Heighten Spell to added effect. If he casts a spell using a spell slot higher than the spell’s actual level, the caster level is increased by the same increase, and the spell is treated as a spell one level higher than the slot used. For example, if Corund casts Silent Image, a first level spell, Heightened using a fourth level spell slot, it is treated as three caster levels higher, and is treated as a fifth level spell. He cannot benefit from this feat when casting a spell with the air, fire, or water descriptor.
Enhanced Shadow Reality(Lvl9)(Dragon 325,p.77): Corund’s illusion(shadow) spells do 20% more real damage if disbelieved.
Extraordinary Concentration(Flaw)(Complete Adventurer,p.109): When concentrating to maintain a spell, you can make a Concentration check (DC 25 + spell level) to maintain concentration with just a move action. If Corund beats the DC by 10 or more, he can maintain concentration as a swift action. Using this ability is a free action, but if he fails the Concentration check, he loses concentration on the maintained spell, and the effect ends. This feat does not give him the ability to maintain concentration on more than one spell at a time.
Heighten Spell(Lvl6)
Improved Initiative(Flaw)
Insidious Magic (SA1)(PGtF,p.40): Any Weave user who employs a divination spell (such as detect magic), spell-like ability, or magic item that could detect the magical aura of one of your spells must make a successful level check (DC 11+ your caster level) to succeed. Similarly, a Weave user attempting to reveal the effects of one of your spells via a divination spell (such as see invisibility) must make a caster level check to succeed. The Weave user may only check one for each divination spell used, no mater how many of your spell effects are operating in that area. All creatures are considered Weave users unless they have the Shadow Weave Magic feat. This benefit does not extend to evocation and transmutation spells.
Pernicious Magic (SA1)(PGtF,p.42): You gain a +4 bonus on caster level checks made to defeat a Weave user’s spell resistance. All creatures are considered Weave users unless they have the Shadow Weave Magic feat. This benefit does not extend to evocation and transmutation spells.
Rapid Shot(Rgr2)
Scribe Scroll(Wiz1)
Shadow Weave Magic(Human)(PGtF,.p43): Corund taps the Shadow Weave instead of the Weave. He can activate Shadow Weave items without taking damage. The saving throw for every spell he casts from enchantment, illusion, and necromancy increases by +1. He gets a +1 bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance with spells from these schools. His effective caster level for evocation or transmutation spells (except those with the darkness descriptor) is reduced by one. He may no longer cast spells with the light descriptor, or magical items with the light descriptor that are spell completion or spell trigger items. Any magic item he creates is a Shadow Weave item.
Signature Spell(silent image)(Wiz5)(PGtF,p.43): Corund may convert prepared silent images of first level or higher into your signature spell, just as a good cleric can spontaneously cast prepared spells as cure spells.
Spell Focus (illusion)(Lvl1)
Tenacious Magic (SA1)(PGtF,p.45):Your spells resist dispelling attempts by Weave users. When a Weave user makes a dispel attempt to dispel one of your spells, including using dispel magic to counterspell a spell you are casting, the DC is 15 plus your caster level. All creatures are considered Weave users unless they have the Shadow Weave Magic feat. This benefit does not extend to evocation and transmutation spells.
Foe Specialist(Dragon 329,p.95): Corund suffers a –1 penalty on attack rolls, Bluff, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks made against creatures of any kind that isn’t one of your favored enemies.
Terrain Specialist (Forest)(Dragon 329,p.329): In any terrain other than forests Corund suffers a –2 penalty on all wild empathy checks, as well on Search or Survival checks made to track. He may only use camouflage and hide in plain sight abilities from Ranger levels in forest terrain.
Skill Points:
Max Ranks: 15/7.5

+ 8 Appraise (Int)
+ 5 Balance (Dex)
+ 5 Bluff (Cha) (5) +0 Cha
+ 1 Climb (Str)
+16 Concentration (Con) (15) +1 Con
+12 Craft(alchemy) (Int) (4) +8 Int
Decipher Script (Int)*
+2 Diplomacy (Cha) +0 Cha +2 synergy
Disable Device (Int)*
+6 Disguise (Cha) (4) +0 Cha +2 synergy
+5 Escape Artist (Dex)
+8 Forgery (Int)
+0 Gather Information (Cha)
+1 Handle Animal (Cha)* (1) +0 Cha
+2 Heal (Wis)
+23 Hide (Dex) (14) +5 Dex +4 competence
+0 Intimidate (Cha)
+1 Jump (Str)
+22 Knowledge (arcana) (Int)* (14) +8 Int
+9 Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int)* (1) +8 Int
+16 Knowledge (geography) (Int)* (8) +8 Int
+9 Knowledge (nature) (Int)* (1) +8 Int
+14 Knowledge (the planes) (Int)* (6) +8 Int
+9 Knowledge (religion) (Int)* (1) +8 Int
+18 Listen (Wis) (12) +2 Wis +4 competence
+29 Move Silently (Dex) (13) +5 Dex +6 racial +5 competence
Open Lock (Dex)*
Performance (Cha)*
Profession (Wis)*
+5 Ride (Dex) +5 Dex
+16 Search (Int) (8) +8 Int
+2 Sense Motive (Wis) +2 Wis
Sleight of Hand (Dex)*
+25 Spellcraft (Int)* (15) +8 Int +2 synergy
+18 Spot (Wis) (12) +2 Wis +4 competence
+15 Survival (Wis) (13) +2 Wis
+1 Swim (Str)
Tumble (Dex) *
Use Magic Device (Cha)*
+5 Use Rope (Dex)
Save DC: 18 + spell level, +1 for enchantment(*) and necromancy(*) spells, +2 for illusion(**) spells.
Resist Dispelling: Dispell DC 27 (15+ caster level) for Abjuration, Divination, Enchantement, Illusion, and Necromancy spells.
Caster level: 12, 11 for transmutation spells.
Detecting Corund's Magic: Requires a caster level check to detect his magical auras, or use divination against one of his spell effects.
Penetrate SR: +4 caster level checks to defeat Weave user, +5 if the spell is enchantment, illusion, or necrmancy.

Corund casts all of his illusion spells as Extended and Silenced with no level adjustment.

Spells per day: 4/6/6/6/5/3/2

Corund’s Spellbook: Typically Prepared Spells Are Underlined

0-(4) Arcane Mark, Daze*, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead*, Ghost Sound**, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, No Light (BoVD), Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue*

1-(6) Charm Person*, Color Spray**, Disguise Self**, Feather Fall, Kauper’s Skittish Nerves(PGtF), Know Protections(PGtF), Nystul’s Magic Aura**, Protection from Evil, Ray of Enfeeblement*, Shield, Silent Image**, Spirit Worm(PGtF)*, True Strike, Ventriloquism**

2-(6) Alter Self, Blindsight(PGtF), Darkness, Detect Thoughts, Listening Lorecall(CV), Locate Object, Mirror Image**, Misdirection**, Phantasmal Assailants(CA)**, Rope Trick, Spectral hand*, Tasha’s Hideous Laughter*, Touch of Idiocy*

3-(6) Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Curse of the Putrid Husk(BoVD)**, Dispel Magic, Displacement**, Fly, Greater Magic Weapon, Haste, Lesser Shadow Tentacle(PGtF), Major Image**, Protection from Energy, Slow

4-(5) Charm Monster*, Dimensional Anchor, Enervation*, Greater Invisibility**, Lesser Globe of Invulnerability, Phantasmal Killer**, Polymorph, Scrying, Shadow Conjuration**

5-(3) Dominate Person*, Draconic Polymorph(Drc), Magic Jar*, Mind Fog*, Mirage Arcana**, Mordenkainen’s Private Sanctum, Prying Eyes, Shadow Evocation**, Telekinesis

6-(2) Circle of Death*, Fleshshiver(PGtF)*, Globe of Invulnerability, Greater Dispel Magic, Mislead**, Permanent Image**, Shadow Walk**, Stone Body(PGtF), True Seeing, Undeath to Death*, Veil**

Long-Term, Ongoing Spell Effects:
Nystul's Magic Aura...........................................1st lvl slot...duration 24 days
Targets all of his magic items, taking two days to do so, 5 slots each day.
Shadow Emulated Contingency............................6th lvl slot...duration 24 days.
Discharge: If grappled, Shadow Emulated Summon Monster VI Large Earth Elemental.

Each day he casts the following spells just before going to sleep:
Shadow Emulated Greater Mage Armor (CA)...........3rd lvl slot...duration 24 hours.

Below is a list of creatures commonly summoned by Corund using a Shadow Illusion spell (not finalized. The theme involves the key words "earth, cold, darkness, dreams, hunters, nightmares, shadows"):

Shadow Emulated Summon Monster I
Badger, Fiendish (MM).
Corollax, Fiendish (MM2, p.50)
Monstrous Centipede, Medium, Fiendish(MM)

Shadow Emulated Summon Monster II
Ether Scarab (MM2)
Kaorti (FF)
Shadow Asp (FF152)

Shadow Emulated Summon Monster III
Cranium Rat Swarm, Lesser (FF)
Elemental, Small (MM)
Hell Hound (MM)

Shadow Emulated Summon Monster IV
Aoa Droplet (FF15)
Howler (MM)
Yeth Hound (MM)

Shadow Emulated Summon Monster V
Chaos Beast (MM)
Earth Elemental, Large (MM)
Spriggan, Shadow (FF162)

Shadow Emulated Summon Monster VI
Dao Genie (MotP172)
Chraal (MM3,p.28)
Shadow Dread Blossum Swarm (MM3,p.45)

Item: Cost
+1 Great Swordbow* (Str 18)..........................8,300 Races of the Wild,p.171 (in quiver)
Adamantine, Kukri..........................................3,310 in Wrist Sheath
Arrows, Dragonbreath* (20).................................50 (in quiver)
Arrows, Magebane (5).......................................600 (in quiver)
Arrows, Alchemical Silver (20)................................2 (in quiver)
Arrows, Adamantine (5).......................................60 (in quiver)
Arrows, Cold Iron (10).........................................10 (in quiver)
1st lvl scrollx4..................................................100 copied into spellbook
2nd lvl scrollx6.................................................900 copied into spellbook
3rd lvl scrollx4...............................................1,125 copied into spellbook
4th lvl scrollx4...............................................2,800 copied into spellbook
5th lvl scrollx4...............................................4,500 copied into spellbook
6th lvl scrollx4...............................................9,900 copied into spellbook
Amulet of Natural Armor+1...............................2,000 +1 enhancement bonus to nat.AC
Belt of Hidden Pouches*..................................5,000 Races of the Wild,p.173
Blessed Book................................................12,500 In Belt
Boots of Elven Kind.........................................2,500 +5 competence bonus to MS
Cloak of Resistance +2...................................16,000 +2 resistance bonus to all saves
Gloves of Dexterity +4....................................16,000 +4 enhancement bonus to Dex
Headband of Intellect +5................................25,000 +5 enhancement bonus to Int
Quiver of Ehlonna...........................................1,800 Holds arrows and swordbow
Ring of Protection+2.......................................8,000 +2 deflection bonus to AC
Spell Component Pouches(2)................................10 One in Belt, another hidden on self.
Wrist Sheath.....................................................20 Holds kukri
Special Equipment (in Belt):
Acid (flask)(2).................................................20
Acid, Stonebreaker (flask)(1).............................20 A&E Guide p.34
Alechemist's Fire (flask)(2)................................40
Antitoxin (vial) (2)..........................................100
Rations, Dehydrated (20)...................................40 A&E Guide p.33
Water Skin........................................................1
Gold: 4,415 In Belt

All of the magical equipment carried by Corund is from Balefire, and each is considered a Shadow Weave magical item.

Great Swordbow: This weapon can transform from a sword to a bow upon a mere thought by the wielder (a free action). A wielder can even interchange bow and sword attacks as part of the same full action. In sword form, the weapon features a bowlike grip and a pommel that resembles the curving tip of a bow. In bow form, the weapon is made of metal, and each half of the bow's arc resembles a sword blade.
In either form, a swordbow has the same enhancement bonus, and the bonuses can be improved as if improving two separate weapons.
Belt of Hidden Pouches: This item is a wide belt made of black silk. Hidden within the belt are ten small pockets, each of which seems big enough to hold only a few coins. Each pocket actually functions as a bag of holding that can hold up to 1/2 a cubic foot or 5 pounds of nonliving material. Anything placed in the pocket weighs only 1/10 of the normal weight.
In addition, two secret pockets lie behind each visible one, for a total of thirty pockets in all. The hidden pockets can only be accessed through a command word. A true seeing will reveal the presence of the hidden pockets, but not the command word needed to open them.
Even when a pocket is full, it never bulges, so a belt stuffed with 150 pounds of items looks like an ordinary belt.
Accessing any pocket (including the hidden ones) is a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. To place any object in the belt, the wearer merely presses the object into the belt. Doing so while speaking the command word places the object in one of the hidden pockets, if any are empty. Naming a stored object and speaking a second command word draws the named object out of the belt and places it in the wearer's hand.
Simply frisking the wearer won't reveal any objects placed in the belt, and searching the visible pockets cannot reveal anything stored in the hidden pockets.
Dragonbreath Arrows: Targets hit by the arrows must make a DC 15 Reflex save or catch fire. Do 1d6 base damage.
BACKGROUND (Can be changed to suit)
Corund fell through a gap in the world. Or more accurately, he fell through shadows into Shadow. One minute a part of the banal existence in everyday Silverymoon, he ended up in an umbral realm of nightmares, utterly lost and helpless, until his rescue by a patrol from a fantastic city of shadows, balanced between the fragile lamps that dotted it’s lanes and the utter darkness of the crack in the foundations of the world along which it tottered. The city was named Balefire*, and was ruled, for the most part, by a cabal of arcanists called the Shadowcrafters. Adopting the city as his new home, he joined the Shadowcrafter’s Guild, and helped defend Balefire on countless occasions and patrols, especially along the deadly Night’s Rift Canyon. He honed skill in blade and spell fighting every deadly denizen that called the Shadow home.

His return to Faerun is caused by his worry about the dangers caused by the return of the Shades, the increasing frequency of Shadow Storms, and the apparent disappearance of Tilverton into the Deep Umbra. He thinks this activity may be the cause of the weakening of reality between the Prime and Shadow, or perhaps the effect of some larger, more profound event. Besides, he does remain fond of Silverymoon. If there is one thing he understands, it is protecting the city you love from forces bent on destroying it.

His magic draws upon the forces of creation, which are tied to the Shadow itself. He respects Shar, but does not see her as important, since the Shadow Plane itself is the source of his power. He literally creates his own reality from the primal clay of Shadow itself, much as the first gods created Faerun in the darkness before time. After all, does not darkness contain all possibilities, realized in each particular instance of observation, revealed by the arrival of light? His own magics are recreations of those events, so he is a modern demiurge, who awaits a final epiphany before the true secrets of power make themselves known to him.

He is tainted by the essence of Shadow, a being drawn in shades of gray, with white eyes that have no iris, or pupil. He prefers to remain cloaked in the shadows he loves so much, the darkness of possibility, desire, and dreams. He is loath of absolutism and rigid thinking, when he knows that too many possibilities exist, each moment pregnant with opportunities ripe for exploitation by those with the ability and will. It is too much to shut oneself off from so many choices, whether for ideological reasons, or smallness of mind. Greatness is achieved by the one who contemplates and accepts all potentialities.

* Balefire, City of Lanterns is detailed in Dragon 322. Ask me for more details if you like!
With Shadow Illusion, Heighten Spell, Earth Spell, and Signature spell, Corund can spontaneously cast Silent Image as a full round action. This lets him spontaneously convert any spell of level 1 or higher into a Shadow Evocation or Shadow Conjuration of any equivalent level. He will never lack for an evocation or conjuration spell (except calling or teleport type spells).

As an Illusionist his extreme flexibility can allow other party members to do their job better. He will be able to distract the enemies, forcing them to fight Shadow opponents, letting the fighters get in their beating. He can make Shadow Conjurations to control the battlefield, allowing others to bullrush opponents into Shadow Evard’s Black Tentacles. No one who faces him can deny the reality of his creations. He is also more interesting to have around than a mage who simply drops fireballs. In addition, his wide education allows him to be a bank of knowledge for the party.

As a Ranger, he is a fantastic scout. He is never too far for back up to arrive, in the form of Shadow Summoned creations, or unable to return to deliver news, via Dimension Door (Horizon Walker). He can take care of himself quite well, unlike the standard helpless wizard. In short, he makes a good party member because of his versatility and extreme party friendliness. He makes for a good character because I can write about him with a large degree of (shadowy) flavor and strongly accented world-view.
Required Sources:
Book of Vile Darkness
Dragon Magazine #325 & 329 (Enhanced Shadow Reality feat, Flaws)
Manual of the Planes/DR#325 (Shadow Creature Levels)
Player’s Guide to Faerun
Races of Stone

I can provide all sources to DM upon request.

About Me:
1. I have played DND since the original three booklets came out, way back when! I have been involved in online games since 1998, where the longest game was a two-year Amber Diceless Roleplaying Game campaign. Other online games have included DND, Feng Shui, and Everway. FtF I play DND (in all of it's forms), Shadowrun, Exalted, Call of Cthulhu, and the occasional GURPS game.
2. I can post every day, sometimes more than once, almost always in the late afternoon through the evening.

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Rystil Arden

First Post
This looks interesting to me too. Not sure exactly on character yet, but I'm thinking something with a cleric would be fun this time around, perhaps a Telepath/Cleric, although I think that may require too many feat chains to sustain, so I may try something else.

As for me, I've played PbP for a little while now (mostly GMing), a few months, but it is responsible for over 50% of my postcount, so you can't trust that I'm not going to disappear. I try to post enough that no one is ever waiting on me too long.

I have all the books you named specifically with me and lots of FR stuff, though not everything is with me up here in Cambridge, but I notably didn't buy Player's Guide to Faerun because I found it to be incredibly overpowered. That said, I know someone who owns it, so if you do allow it, I can get access to it too :)


First Post
@keia-psion/rogue sounds fun and it reminds me that I left off my list of allowed material WotC website. I'll have to fix that. The reason I thought of it is because of the Psychic Rogue which you can check out here. I think it's cool, but it may not be to your liking.

@Erudite-Glad you're still interested. I like the concept too. Your submission reminds me that I need to instruct people to list all of their sources.

@Rystil-I've read some of your games a little and I wouldn't be too worried about your posting frequency if you got a spot in this game. :)

Rystil Arden

First Post
gabrion said:
@keia-psion/rogue sounds fun and it reminds me that I left off my list of allowed material WotC website. I'll have to fix that. The reason I thought of it is because of the Psychic Rogue which you can check out here. I think it's cool, but it may not be to your liking.

@Erudite-Glad you're still interested. I like the concept too. Your submission reminds me that I need to instruct people to list all of their sources.

@Rystil-I've read some of your games a little and I wouldn't be too worried about your posting frequency if you got a spot in this game. :)
Wow, I didn't know anybody reads my games much except my players. Cool :)


First Post
Rystil Arden said:
Wow, I didn't know anybody reads my games much except my players. Cool :)

I was intrigued by the high post counts so I took a gander. I especially like the idea of single character threads and under the right circumstances they may pop up in this game..

On an unrelated note and directed at all who are interested, you will notice that I added a bit to the starting level section. Characters will be 12th level, but they will have enough XP to be halfway to 13th. I don't want to discourage item creation specialists.

Rystil Arden

First Post
I was intrigued by the high post counts so I took a gander. I especially like the idea of single character threads and under the right circumstances they may pop up in this game..
Cool! :) I'll give you a friendly warning that they can become a lot of work, though.

On an unrelated note and directed at all who are interested, you will notice that I added a bit to the starting level section. Characters will be 12th level, but they will have enough XP to be halfway to 13th. I don't want to discourage item creation specialists.

Neat, I always do that too.


Ok, about me, I´ve been playing third edition since I was 8, and been playing third edition since it came out, managing to finish a rather long campaing. Most of my postcount comes from posting in the Playing the game forum. Playing in a friend´s campaing and an online Living FR campaing, I have a passing knowledge of the Realms, but not too much. And English is not my mother tongue, so you can expect the occasional oddity now and then -actually I started playing in pbp games to improve it-.

In pbps I discovered that long dungeons, very complicated mysteries and generally long sequences that extend too much in real-time don´t work, so I prefer to divide the action in shorter episodes that can be solved in 2-3 months of real time. That means a short investigation, roleplaying or exploration that leads to one or two big fights.

About the character concept, that would be a half-elf fighter/ranger/tempest from one side, sorcerer or wizard from the other. (Actually I´d like to try a psionic character, but I think too many people are going for that already, and the character background doesn´t allow that)

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