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1001 Mournland Horrors


Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
Originally posted by zombiegleemax:

329) Globes of light roam the Mournland, moving at tremendous speed. When they pass, you can hear a child giggling.

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Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
Originally posted by timespike:

330) Rain that falls UP instead of down.

331) Mushroom patches with screaming faces patterned into the brown spots on the mushroom caps.

332) Armor that obviously used to belong to a paladin, inscribed with holy symbols and celestial writings, curled on the ground in a fetal position, completely empty.

333) The silhouette of an adult racing to shield the silhouette of a child, burned onto a wall.

334) All food the PCs have, from anywhere, screams in agony and begs for mercy in the voice of a terrified child when eaten. New screams issue forth with each successive chew, and the pleadings grow ever more desperate as the food item dwindles from consumption.

335) A wall made of little skulls, all of them too small to have been adults and with the wrong skeletal traits to have been a halfling or gnome...

336) A warforged, with its limbs burned down to stumps and its face cloven off, writhing on the ground in the middle of a small crater, completely oblivious to any outside stimuli. Anyone trying to establish telepathic contact is subjected to a phantasmal killer spell, CL 15

337) A single, perfect flower growing in the middle of a field of total devastation. Looking at the flower reveals a skull pattern on all of its petals and what appear to be the finger-bones of sentient creatures incorporated into its stem.

338) An enormous (Gargantuan-sized) humanoid shaped indentation in the ground with an inch of fresh blood inside. No footprints of any sort are visible around it.

339) The ground suddenly develops footprints and gets churned up as though an army of thousands were marching over it.

340) Water that the PCs brought with them bursts into flame when poured on the ground.


Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
Originally posted by missekat:

I saw the movie "war of the worlds" and the one image that really terrified me was the burning train crossing in front of the main character.
The thought of being trapped inside a burning train, with no way to get off, just driving on on the rails, never stopping, always burning. *Shudders*

The characters comes to a lightning rail trail, (conductor stones and all) and as they make to pass through they hear the warning bell sound. A few seconds later they hear other sounds as the train nears: Screaming can be heard and the roaring of flames. As the characters watch, the burning train drives by with flames trailing from the windows and the screaming, burning forms of the passengers clawing at the windows. The shocked characters stand awhile looking after the train as it rushes on in the predetermined path, with the ringing everyday sound of the warning bell in their ears.

If the characters tries to stop the train or find the end station, they discover that the train simply stops when it reaches the border and starts driving the opposite way in its trails. The doors are stuck, melted shut.


Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
Originally posted by zombiegleemax:

Felton Glimmergrimms was a true bookworm. Once a member of the Korranberg Library, he was driven out by Gnome politics and resettled in Cyre in 975 YK, where he constructed a seaside tower using warforged Labor. Prestidigitations and unseen servants kept the books dry, despite the weather, and his warforged guards kept everyone from tax collector's to Darguun marauders out. He had hoped to live out his life studying the books he loved and plotting the downfall of the Korranberg Library. Unfortunately for him, the Mourning had other things in mind...

342) removing a book from its place on a shelf causes the others to fly forth and pelt the offender
343) the ghost of Felton, a hideous, giant earthworm with a gnome face haunts the upper tower
344) merely touching a book does 1d6 of fire damage as the flesh instantly loses all moisture and becomes cracked and leathery
345) Looking over the tower balcony on the top floor reveals several corpses lying at the base; suddenly the character feels a shove forward...
346) A pen writes in a book all by its own; no hand guides it. It's writing pleas for help...
347) ALTERNATE: the pen in 346 is describing a grisly murder
348) Dire Maggots infest the earth beneath the tower and attack any who tread near...


Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
Originally posted by zombiegleemax:

:evillaugh Warning, this post will make the weak of stomach puke!

Have the players hear a terrible scream coming form a large and mostly intact house. If they go to investigate they hear the scream again followed by the giggle of a small girl. When they arrive in the kitchen, they see a 5 year old girl (actually a ghost) with a bloody white dress and on the table is a corpse that has been ripped to pieces and has been blood-eagled (had its rib cage split and its lungs wrapped over them) and is of indeterminable gender due to massive grafts and shredding. On the stove is a pot that has red steam floating over it. In the pot are eyes, fingers, and any other body part that the girl could fit in, all of which are being boiled on the blood of the corpse on the table. When the girl sees the party have her say "Oooh, more play-mates! Let's play hide and seek." and then disappear. The door's and windows to the place lock and the party hears giggling at random moments and find mutilated corpses all over the house, some appear to have bite marks in them.


Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
Originally posted by zombiegleemax:

350. There is a intact house in the middle of the waste. The mortar smells fresh, the flower-beds are just planted and the paint on the window-shutters is still wet. It has been this way from the day of Mourning, as proven by the ever fresh corpses of a young man and a pregnant young woman. There's some fruit in the garden and the fields outside have just been planted. Somehow their home survives

351. A massive sword, still bloody and battered from an apparently recent battle lies in the ground next to a corpse of an ogre. The sword cries softly lamenting the deaths it has caused. It calls out the names of it's victims between sobs.


Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
Originally posted by count_nerindil_...:

I have not read all of this thread yet so sorry if there is something out there that resembles these.

352) The PC's enter a small town that looks to be unaffected by the cataclysm. However the people that live there all have knives protruding from gaping wounds all over their bodies. They all have a knife sticking out of each eye. They seem to see the party and attempt to greet them cheerfully. They approach them smiling but as they open their mouths to greet them all that comes out is the shriek of a dying rabbit (or some other animal. But that is one of the most disturbing sounds I can think of.) If the PC enter the city hall they find the mayors office. Inside they find a creature that resembles a drider except that the upper body is human and it seems to have the affliction as the rest of the town. His arms and his eight legs, however, are long shards of black glass.

353) As the PC's cross a barren stretch of land they see an infant in the middle of the flat field, playing with some toys. It seems to be oblivious to the party. If any of the PC's attempt to touch it or pick it up, it lets loose a scream of pure anguish. Its flesh melts away and its toys burst into flame. It's tiny skeleton sprouts wings and flies away.


Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
Originally posted by zombiegleemax:

Note: This is a guide for GM's who want to make a scary story out of a mere traveling trip through Mournwood, but it's fun to read anyway...

354.) As the PC's enter a swamp, they hear an earthquake-like sound coming from the ground beneath them. As soon as the party looks down, a group of
disgusting, squirming, bloody tentacles (2 ft. diameter) rip out from the ground below! They push, crush, and finally impale the entire party within an elapsed time of 15 seconds...

Suddenly, the entire party awakens, without a big hole through their chests (from the impaling) and notices one of the tentacles lying on the ground next to each PC. Suddenly, 1 PC feels a nausea and vomits out a small, black ball which shapes into...

Level 1-5: Shadow
Level 5-10: 3 ghouls
Level 10-15: 10 owlbear skeletons
Level 20-30: Nightwalker
30+: Your choice (Must be undead, and over 150 HP overall)

355.) There is a mysterious area in a dark, cold part of Mournwood where a small, wooden log lies. If your party enters this area for some reason, they will HAVE to stop by this house for some reason. As the party enters through the door, the PC's see a random humanoid of small or less size, crouched in a corner of the first floor of the house, holding either a crossbow or spear. In front of this humanoid is an icy-white girl about 10 years old. She is wearing a black robe, and is floating in the air, staring at the small creature curled up in the corner, who is paralyzed with fear.

Suddenly, the girl lifts up her hand, pointing it at the poor little thing in the corner of the cabin. Immediately, the creature squints it's eyes, then opens them. The creatures' eyes are instantly turned black, it's as if the creature's whole eye has become a pupil. The creature jumps up onto a table, either shooting itself in the face, or stabbing itself with a spear (depends which weapon you gave the thing.) A greenish-blue specter rises from the now-dead being and floats, disappearing into the floating ghost girl. She suddenly turns around.

The PC's can see her eyes, red, with a white pupil. She instantly screams and flies toward the party. List of possible actions and results...

Run: Nearest to ghost will be victim
Stab the ghost: The sword will instantly turn back on the owner, stabbing the PC's head, killing it instantly, regardless of HP.
Shoot the ghost: Arrow will stop, turn back, and kill the PC who shot it.
Cast magic on the ghost: Magic will be negated
Attempting negotiation: Oh, you know...
Trying to be a hero, and jumping towards the ghost: The "hero" will fly towards a pillar and is stabbed , instantly dying
Trying to distract the ghost: LOL : The "distractor" will meet me "hero" shown above
Holding up a lantern or torch (lit): The ghost will scream and disappear
Holding up a lantern of torch (unlit): Eek:

The victim of the ghost will have to make a will save (DC 35) or instantly kill itself. The idiot who tried to distract the ghost and the people who died will instantly remove the sword or arrow from their head and be recovered to full health after their bodies are dragged at least 100 ft. away from the house, or after the ghost disappears. The idiot who killed itself will have temp. Constitution penalty until the PC rests for at least 10 hours. If you checked carefully, where the ghost disappeared will be a memo stating...

She's dying, our precious Kirsty is dying. She is dying because of a disease in some meat, because of those chefs! Why? Why did it have to be our precious baby!? I hope, in death, this memo will explain to her why she died. So that she may not haunt this place, killing everything! Oh, why? I wish I could stop this from happening, but I can't. Oh, I pray that in death, she will live a peaceful afterlife. And I hope, IF she does haunt this place, someone can bring light to this place and send her to a happy afterlife. Please, someone help us. Help...

I'm going to have nightmares for weeks now!
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Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
Originally posted by zombiegleemax:

356) The PCs find a tall disfigured skeleton that seems to be charred thoroughly. If touched it will groan and its fleshless rib cage will begin slowly moving up and down as if breathing but will not attack.

357) 2 copper pieces are lying on the ground. If one is removed below it there is a glowing eye and a hand will reach up out of the ground and grab the offenders (the person who took the copper piece) neck and they will hear in a hoarse voice "Give it back! I need that to pay the ferry man!" If they do not give it back they PCs will be haunted with horrible nightmares and the next time they come to a river or stream there will be a tall, ragged looking humanoid with sunken eyes and cuts on her body. She will attack the PC who took the copper and try to drown them screeching that she is trapped on "this side forever without the ferryman". If they replace the copper with a more valuable piece the PC will be visited in a dream by a beautiful woman who gives them 3 uses of the speak with dead spell free.
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Frumious Flumph (Your Grace/Your Eminence)
Originally posted by jelmore:

These are great... I've only read up to about 100, but I'm going to throw in my own ideas. (Apologies if I accidentally swipe someone else's ideas.)

Aurual environment:
357) The players enter an area where all sound bleeds away to dead silence, except for the voice of one of the party members; each player hears a different party member.
358) The players enter an area where all sound is time-shifted; they can see peoples' mouths moving and watch their movements, but voices and the sounds of armor clanking, weapons creaking, etc. don't reach them for 30 seconds.
359) As the players walk through a wooded area, they occasionally hear murmured voices from 20-30 feet away, in all directions. Investigating the sounds turns up nothing. Cyran players may hear familiar voices.
360) The players enter an area where words in spoken conversation are occasionally replaced with random words.
361) A gentle rain falls on the players, yet where it meets uncovered metal armor or unsheathed metal weapons, drops hit with the sound of a hammer falling.

Visual effects:
362) The players enter an area where all color washes out of the light. Everything appears in shades of grey.
363) The players enter a misty vale that seems to refract light oddly; everything seems to be 5 feet away from where it actually is. Players bump into trees, trip over rocks, collide with each other, etc.
364) For Cyran players: every once in a while, one of the other players looks like a friend or family member you lost in the Mournland out of the corner of your eye.
365) Looking at the color red causes' players eyes to sting and burn.

Tactile effects:
366) The hilt of your weapon, staff, or bow occasionally seems to squirm or wriggle in your grasp.
367) A gentle breeze blows past the party; every once in a while, it feels like the caress of a hand on the player's cheek.

Voidrunner's Codex

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